Today Should Be Preferred

Vol 2 Chapter 19: : pray

Baosang drank the wine in one gulp, and the burning sensation stretched from his mouth to his stomach. Just now, his eyes were just a little wet. Hearing his words, he suddenly turned red, and poured another glass for himself and Gu Ruandong. , let him drink.

Gu Ruandong took the wine and didn't drink it. He didn't want to go home for a while and smelled of alcohol again, so he slowly poured the wine in front of Uncle Bao's tomb. After pouring it, he said:

"Baosang, look back. The current society is not what it used to be. If you continue to go down, your living space will only become smaller and smaller. Do you want to continue the days of walking on the muzzle of a knife every day?"

Gu Ruandong looked at the past friendship, the first and only time to persuade her sincerely. If she is willing to turn back and be a friend, he will do his best to help.

Gu's Group and Bao's family have never had real economic relations.

In the past, many industries of the Gu Group were only wandering on the fringes, and it was not illegal to examine them carefully. However, most of the industries under Baojia were packaged through legal coats, and in fact, they could not be carefully investigated.

Gu Ruandong and Uncle Bao are more like a relationship of mutual leverage. In the early years, Gu Ruandong needed Uncle Bao to settle things for him; later, Uncle Bao needed him to help stabilize the top, so that his industry could look like Legalize some.

The operation of the two companies can be completely unrelated, but various intricate interpersonal resources make them look like an economic community.

So this is the reason why Bao Sang does not allow him to unravel this community privately.

Baosang's eyes were red: "Do you think I can turn back? Let me watch Bao's family fall to this point? Let me bear the calamity of these years in prison in vain?"

"Gu Ruandong, this is the end of the matter. It's useless to talk about it. What did my dad leave me?"

Gu Ruandong: "The money that Uncle Bao left you, I will make an appointment with a lawyer and financial staff to hand over to you tomorrow."

"anything else?"

"The land and factory on the west side have always been under your name, and Uncle Bao hired someone to manage them. You can contact us directly. But Baosang, let me remind you one last time. Now it's different. If you continue to do this business, you will not only stop It's that easy to get in."

Gu Ruan Dongren had done his best, and after speaking, he turned around and walked straight down the mountain. At this time, it was completely dark, and the cemetery was dark, and only the stars overhead could barely see the route.

Baosang walked behind him, the figures one after the other, like two black shadows, were elongated by the moon.

When he got to his car, Baosang didn't even say hello, just opened the door, jumped into his car and sat down.


"Poly Club." After she got out of prison, she lived in the Baoli Club and didn't go home. She didn't want to go back. The house was not popular.

Gu Ruandong didn't say a word. After driving her directly to the door of the Baoli Club, he turned the car and left.


Lu Yaoyao almost got into a car accident twice in a row, and is now the key protection target of the crew. Every time there is her scene, the scene has to be checked over and over again, making it like a special agent scene.

Lu Yaoyao just remembered and asked, "What happened to the girl who drove the car that day?"

Sister Hao: "After investigation, it was one of the crew members who fell ill that day. He asked his cousin to replace him for one day, saying that his cousin also had experience with the crew."

Lu Yaoyao: "Do you believe this too?" The girl's look at her that day was not simple.

Sister Hao: "Of course I don't believe it. Didn't Gu Shao send someone to check it privately, saying that it was sent by a competitor to scare you, and he had already warned him. Didn't he tell you?"

"He's been busy lately, so he may have forgotten."

Lu Yaoyao thought about it for a while, as if he really didn't tell her about the two car accidents.

Sister Hao said, "You haven't been very lucky recently. There will be no drama for you tomorrow. Let's go to Huiyuan Temple to pray for a peace charm for you."


Gu Ruandong heard that she was going to Huiyuan Temple to pray for blessings, and said with a smile, "Does my Yaoyao still believe this?"

"Please comfort me."

It's not superstition, but recently, she always feels that her heart is hanging and ups and downs, so she went to pay her respects and hoped that her heart would be more stable.

"I go with you."

"No need, Sister Hao and Shanshan are both going, and there are other colleagues in the company. If you are here, they will not be able to adapt." People in her company are very afraid of him. This time to pray for good luck, Sister Hao is also from the company. Team building activities. So don't make everyone uncomfortable for her alone.

"Okay, I'll pick you up when you're done."

Huiyuan Temple is on Huishan Mountain in Senzhou. Along the way, Sister Hao introduced: "Yaoyao, this time, you not only ask for peace, but also ask for Guanyin to send your son. It is said that it is very effective."

Lu Yaoyao smiled: "Aren't you afraid that I'll delay work when I'm pregnant?"

Sister Hao: "Your life is the most important thing. Yaoyao, don't blame my sister for speaking badly. My sister sees a lot, so she is telling the truth. Just a man like your young master, you have a child. , is conducive to family stability.”

Lu Yaoyao: "If a family is to be maintained by children, is it necessary to exist?"

Sister Hao shut up, because she has a small pattern, and uses the way of ordinary families to measure them.

Shanshan on the side suddenly said, "I'm going to seek marriage, and I hope to succeed in getting rid of the order this year."

She made a guide on the Internet, saying that Huiyuan Temple asked for marriage, and it was very accurate.

A few carts of people went up the mountain mightily. Huiyuan Temple is a group of temples. There are different statues in the scattered temples. Because it is not a weekend, there are not many people and it is relatively quiet.

Everyone went to find the idol they wanted to worship.

Sister Hao and Shanshan were left by Lu Yaoyao's side.

First go to the main temple to pray for safety. After Lu Yaoyao knelt down and worshipped, she made a sincere wish. The first wish was not her own, but Gu Ruandong, hoping that he would go away safely. The second wish is that my grandfather is healthy, and the third wish is my own safety. Oh, there is a fourth wish, wishing Lu Kuo and Ruan Ruan family happiness.

After saying the four wishes, he bowed four times, raised his head to look at the majestic and solemn statue, stuck his tongue out quietly, and said to the **** in his heart: If you make four wishes, will you be too greedy? Please, be sure to bless us, I will do a lot of good deeds.

It is said that if you have a heart, you have a spirit, so she was very pious, and asked Sister Hao to put money into the merit box. She has no concept of money, and asked Sister Hao to put 100,000 in it.

Sister Hao: "Baby, I don't have that much cash with me, it's just fine when I feel it."

Sister Hao put 10,000 yuan in: "Next, let's go to the Guanyin Temple."

Arranged clearly.

"Let's accompany Shanshan to the Marriage Temple first." She was not in a hurry when it came to getting pregnant and having a child, she still followed the flow.


To go to the Marriage Temple, you have to pass through a small bamboo forest. There are several stone tables in the bamboo forest for tourists to rest. When the three of them passed through the bamboo forest, Lu Yaoyao, who was walking in the middle, suddenly stopped and saw the girl again. Next to one of the stone tables.

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