Today Should Be Preferred

Vol 2 Chapter 20: :coincide

Because the girl's appearance is so eye-catching. Although she has short hair and simple clothes, it is definitely not a neutral style. Instead, she is full of femininity. Lu Yaoyao saw her at a glance.

The girl also happened to look over, and she seemed a little surprised to see her, but she just raised her eyebrows, then smiled at her, picked up the teacup on the stone table, and asked her if she wanted to go over for a drink with her eyes.

It is quite leisurely, drinking tea in the bamboo forest.

Lu Yaoyao has always been very cowardly, and intends to turn a blind eye with the mentality that more things are worse than less things, but on second thought, this can't be a coincidence, people are obviously coming after her, including the last time I drove the car so fast that it almost hit her. to her.

"What's wrong?" Sister Hao, who was next to her, hurriedly asked when she saw that she had stopped, and followed her gaze to the stone table in the bamboo forest. Sister Hao had never seen Baosang, and assistant Shanshan only saw one in the crew that day. back.

"I'll go over there." Lu Yaoyao stepped up and wanted to go there. She is cowardly and will not take the initiative to cause trouble. But she's not a person who is really afraid of things. Others have come to her to provoke her. How can she turn a blind eye?

"Yaoyao, don't worry about it." Sister Hao grabbed her. Although she was secretly protected by someone beside her, in the temple on the top of the mountain, she didn't know the details of the other party, so it was better to be careful.

Lu Yaoyao was forcibly held by Sister Hao and Shanshan to go to the Marriage Temple, not letting her get half a step closer to the girl. Lu Yaoyao was so angry that when he turned back to look at the bamboo forest in the interval, there was still a shadow of a person, and he was very elusive.

At the Marriage Temple, when Shanshan went to offer incense and prayed, she stood beside Sister Hao angrily. After a while, she calmed down, and her mind was also very calm:

"Do you really think that the other party was sent by a competitor to scare me?".

She has also been in the entertainment industry for several years. Although she may have offended her peers without knowing it, in today's society, if your peers want to trick you, they will never do this. It takes time and effort to achieve no effect.

Sister Hao admitted: "It's not like that."

She had completely believed in the results of Young Master Gu's investigation before, so she didn't think deeply about it. Lin Zhida has all kinds of birds. Until just now, she also realized that this is not in line with Young Master Gu's style of doing things.

If it was really sent by a competitor to scare Lu Yaoyao, after the first brake failure, it would be impossible for the other party to appear a second time, let alone a third time.

Sister Hao is well-informed and has a bad premonition in her heart. She looked at Lu Yaoyao, who was arrogant and squeamish next to her, and then thought about the girl just now. Could it be Gu Ruandong's woman outside?

Only Xiaosan dared to provoke the main room so blatantly, and only Xiaosan and Gu Ruandong could let it go.

Sister Hao had already made up a big dog blood drama in her mind, and then nudged Lu Yaoyao:

"Come on, you also have a prayer."

Lu Yaoyao: "I don't need it."

Sister Hao: "Why not, do you still want to live with your brother for a long time?"

"We could have lived for a long time." Lu Yaoyao had 100% trust in Gu Ruandong and her marriage, just like just now, she would pray for a happy marriage between Lu Kuo and Ruan Ruan, but she did not ask for herself. This, because it is not needed.

"Then bless your marriage again." Sister Hao couldn't help but drag her over.


There was no other way. Sister Hao knelt side by side with Shanshan like a human head, learned Shanshan's words, and drew a scoop like a gourd: a faithful girl, Lu Yaoyao....

In this way, she forgot about the girl just now, but she didn't know that Sister Hao had a lump in her heart because of that guess. She was very worried. Seeing that they had finished worshiping, she also hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down and made a sincere wish.

For that silly girl, I pray that she will be cared for in her whole life, so that she will not be shocked or hurt.

When she got up, the silly girl asked heartlessly, "Sister Hao is so serious, is she asking for a second spring? I want to sue my brother-in-law."

"Go, go, just as you wish."

At the top of the mountain, after making all the wishes, it was already afternoon. They took the cable car down the mountain and arrived at the parking lot. The driver who came down together asked them to wait for a while before getting on the car. He needed to check the car again. This car is still the one that Gu Ruandong let him drive before. Since the brake failure incident, the driver now has to check all functions every time he gets in the car.

While the driver was checking, Lu Yaoyao and Sister Hao stood by and chatted.

About a few meters away from their car, five or six identical black cars were parked, very eye-catching, because they were all from a certain license plate, worth more than 8 digits, and the license plates of these cars were all AXXXXX, the number behind them. The digits are the same number. If Lu Yaoyao remembers correctly, there is also a car parked in her garage. Gu Ruandong occasionally drives it once. The license plate is Sen A88888, which is surprisingly consistent with these cars.

Just when he was curious, those cars started at the same time and passed the road in front of them. One of the cars had their windows down. Lu Yaoyao saw the girl again. She was sitting in the back row next to them. , and the girl sitting next to a friend of Gu Ruandong's, although it was only a flash, but Lu Yaoyao met her once at a banquet a while ago, and the other party called her sister-in-law warmly, so she was impressed, but there were a lot of people that day. , she didn't remember a name.

So, does this girl know friends around Gu Ruandong? Looking at the cars and license plates coming out from behind, she immediately understood that it must have been bought and processed in the same batch as Gu Ruandong's.

Sister Hao also saw the girl, and of course noticed these license plates. She remembered that Gu Ruandong also had one, because he had driven this car to pick up Lu Yaoyao, and the license plate was very easy to remember.

It seemed to confirm her guess on the top of the mountain just now, and she was even more worried.

"Miss Lu, the car inspection is over, get in the car." The driver opened the car door and respectfully invited her to get in the car.

Here, a few luxury cars just left the parking lot, and a few people inside are having a voice conversation:

"Is that eldest lady in the parking lot just now? Am I dazzled?"

"No dazzling, it's her."

"It's a **** coincidence, can this also happen?"

"Bao Sang, have you just been seen by her?"

Baosang: "We already met at the top of the mountain."

In the voice system, it was suddenly deadly quiet.

In the end, it was Jin Haoyu who proposed first: "Which of you, while Gu Shao didn't find out, take the initiative to report the situation first. Today is purely a coincidence."

Baosang: "No need."

Chen Xinmin: "Although it's a **** coincidence, but can Young Master Gu believe it? He must think that you are here to find trouble again. When you look back and get angry, none of us will have a better life."

Baosang: "If he just thinks about it, he will be angry."

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