Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Xuexia Wolf

Kuang San is not familiar with the profession of "Elven King". In fact, she has only played the GM account in the "World Tree" game. The feeling of stabbing people with that rusty iron sword is really good, especially the holographic game belt. The sense of reality is really not much different from reality.

Her current profession is "The Elf King," trained by Xiaohong's descendants, with bonuses of all kinds of **** costumes, reaching 100 levels.

Because of the "setting", in another world, the upper limit of all occupations can only be level 100. After you "cultivation" to the full level, no matter how diligent you are, your strength will not increase by the slightest.

In fact, Kuang San would only use this Elf King account to release tricks at will, but even so, the "Elf King" is much stronger than her body limited to the pinnacle of the legend.

Although the full-level Elf King is indeed better than the pinnacle of the legend, it is obvious that it can't beat the epic, and it is in a very embarrassing stage.

She got her goddess outfit through krypton gold, a "XXX of the goddess of life," in other words, the goddess of life suit.

Kuang San stretched out his small hand, as if he was inspiring something, and raised his fingertips slightly.


There was a violent noise from the earth, the ground cracked, and the grass crazily twisted its body, turning into ancient plants to take root here.

It takes only a few seconds for a big tree 100 meters high to germinate from the seed to cover the sky.

Soon, this flat grassland transformed into a giant forest. If you have to describe it, the giant forest looks a bit like the forest outside the walls of a giant world among the fragments of Mo Xiao Zhenling.

The grass under Kuangsan's feet changed into vines, holding Kuangsan rushing to the sky.

Through the layers of trees, the sunlight was sprinkled on it again. Unfortunately, apart from plants, no other creatures existed in this forest. It was full of vitality and lifelessness, and it looked very strange.

Kuang San felt it, creating this forest, the full-level "Elven King" profession only consumed a very small part of the blue.

"Very interesting."

"Master, see what I found!" Xiao Honghou sprang out of the dense layer of leaves and flew around Kuangsan.

Kuangsan followed Xiaohonghou's instructions and operated it at will, and found that...she can log out now.

"sign out."

A white light flashed on his body, and the "elf king" career disappeared, replaced by a black dress and a double pony tail tied Kuang San.

"Yeah..." Kuangsan groaned for a while, then held the projection screen to the rear and chose the "Holy Pope" career.

(Connecting to the server...)

The golden light flashed, and the platinum and gold intertwined pope's service attached to her body, and even her appearance had changed, similar to her deified state, but more gorgeous than the deified state of Kuang San.

There is no doubt that these gorgeous costumes are a set of magical costumes that Empress Xiaohong didn't know where to get.

"sign out."

Kuang San changed to "The Hunter in the Dark."

(Connecting to the server.......)

"sign out."

(Connecting to the server.......)

Kuangsan turned dozens of pages, but he didn't finish the career of Xiaohong's descendant.

She jumped directly to the last page, and there were many "scrap accounts" that Xiaohong didn't practice after reaching 30th to 40th, 50th and 60th.

Kuang San did not hesitate, and re-logged into the account of the "Elven King" profession. In the forest, the profession of the Elf King was obviously more comfortable.

"Xiaohong Empress, do you know where Flying Squirrel is now?"

"This..." Xiao Honghou scratched her cheek embarrassedly, "I really don't know this. In the experiment of the original high-level human plan, the specific location was not given, but the preliminary estimate is that the flying squirrel and him The forces should be in an area where humans are relatively dense."

Kuangsan nodded, "Can this world launch satellites?"

Xiao Honghou said without hesitation: "Yes, but it will take some time."

When Kuang San was on Earth, he had read information about another world, and there was no full-level existence in the other world at that stage. Level six or seventy, they are all absolute powerhouses in another world.

But now that time has accelerated for so long, even Kuang San is not sure whether a full-level monster has been born in another world. After the end black universe projection, the different world is no longer just the data in the server, but a real world.

When she is in the state of the "Elven King" profession, her soul power is not enough to cover the entire planet. When she logs out of the "Elven King" account and uses the body detection, it is easy to be detected by the full-level monster.

Anyway, I still don't know what choice flying squirrel will make, so Kuangsan is not in a hurry. She can't carry Xuexia wolf all the way to Flying Squirrel's house, and she has to stand up against each other, right?

Thinking of Xuexialang, Kuangsan's heart moved, and a silver spear appeared in his palm. With a light turn, the spear head separated, and the blade suddenly showed a little cold light.

I don't know if it was an illusion, when Xuexia Wolf appeared here, the world seemed "stiff" for a moment.

The shape is exactly the same as the Xuexia Wolf taken by the heroine Ji Tuan Xuecai in the blood raiding world, and even things like the magic array are all carved out of a template.

But the effects of the two have changed drastically.

After the source point bonus, although the "setting" of Xuexia Wolf has not been changed, it has been upgraded.

In the past, it could only "restore" the essence of the blood-devouring raid on the now it can restore the "essence" of the last black universe in the hands of Kuangsan.

The so-called essence is actually a state of no magic.

In the Last Black Universe, all the strange energies encountered by Xuexia Wolf could theoretically be restored by Xuexia Wolf.

But this is only theoretically, if the enemy is strong enough, it can destroy Xuexia Wolf, at least in the blood-devouring raid, Xuexia Wolf has been damaged more than once.

Since it can restore the strangeness in the Mohei Universe, Xuexia Wolf can be described as a lonely master and a rare rival to the different world in the subordinate world of the Mohei Universe.

No matter what the opponent's level, what magic, or what artifact, as long as Kuang San simulates the blood of the sword witch and chanting spells, he can easily drive Xuexia Wolf to completely wipe out all the attacks launched by the opponent from the source.

Kuangsan lowered his eyebrows and looked at the silver spear in his hand, because she was in the "Elven King" professional account, so when she saw Xuexia Wolf, she felt a sense of palpitations.

As long as Xuexia Lang stabbed her, the professional account of the "Elven King" would be completely abandoned.

He collected Xuexialang into the ring, and Kuangsan moved his heart. The giant vines under his feet, like the magic vine in a fairy tale, grew rapidly again, lifting Kuangsan to a height of thousands of meters.

Seas, deserts, forests...

Change direction again.

Kuang San narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to focus the light to see further away.

Humans and elves have drawn a line, and knights in silver steel armor line up...

"There seems to be a war over there."

. Wonderful book house

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