Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 5: tan 90°

It looks like it should be a duel between elves and humans. Humans have light attributes. According to the judgment of another world, the opponent is very likely to belong to the XX sect. Xiao Honghou explained to the side.

"Like our Goddess of Light in another world?"

"If you want to, the master, you can log in to the account of the Holy Pope and re-create the cult of the Goddess of Light."

"It sounds very interesting." Kuangsan blinked her eyes, and she felt a lot of prying eyes, mostly from the army of both sides.

A huge wood forest suddenly twisted and grew on the flat lawn. It was hard not to be noticed, not to mention that the huge wood forest was not far from the battlefield.

"My current profession is the Elf King, right? Should I help the relatively weak elves?"

It didn't matter after Xiao Hong, she still flew around the tree layer, and she just took a look at the army, without paying attention to both sides at all.

"It's up to you, Master, you can help whoever pleases~"

In the distance, the armies of the two sides who were preparing to go to war stopped strangely. The elves did not cheer because they did not know who the elves were held up by the tall vines.

And... that elf doesn't look like a forest elf. The forest elf is generally shorter than humans, and the female **** are relatively barren.

And the other party...the convex and concave almost perfect figure, a bit similar to the dark elf, but the other party can manipulate the giant wood **** vine, the skin is like a high jade, and it is very different from the dark elf, and it is quite similar to the forest elf. .

Who is she?

Is it possible... it's a mixture of dark elves and forest elves...

Compared with the strange atmosphere of the elven troops, the atmosphere on the human knight side has become much quieter.

Not to mention other things, they can at least determine that the other party is an elf, and the powerful elf that they don't know is likely to come to help the elf army.

But even if the borders between the two countries continue to conflict, there has never been a big war. This it possible that the elves can't sit still?

"Seek help from within the church country." An old man dressed as a priest whispered to go down.


"By the way, after Xiaohong, why didn't you create some guilds in the first place? Wouldn't it make it easier for me to cross over?"

"Uh...Well, it is very troublesome to create a guild. I would rather come to another world to refine more puppets."

"Whatever you want." Kuangsan doesn't care, "Anyway, those materials are wasted in the ring, so let's control the so-called elves in the other world first."

Xiao Honghou shrugged and flew out behind her owner.

On the battlefield, the two sides waited in full battle. There were priests on the religious nation's army and began to chant magic, seeming to want to summon something extraordinary, while the elven army was relatively relaxed, but there were also some people preparing to prevent the religious nation's sneak attack.

Kuangsan looked at the "angels" summoned by the religious nation with interest. When she used to use her GM account to swim in the "World Tree", she had also seen angels with full level, but how did the big level 35 above the opponent's head return? thing?

Kuang San didn't say a word, beckoned gently, the grass below the battlefield copied the routine of the giant wood forest, crazily twisting his body, turning into strong and strong magic vines, and grabbed the "angel!"

The magic vine bound the "Angel"'s hands and head. The "Angel" seemed to want to resist, but the magic vine pulled off the "Angel"'s head and arms with a little force, and then hovered above the hostile army. "Angels," then turned into bursts of light powder and sprinkled on the ground.

I don't know if it is their illusion, the vines that have absorbed the light powder seem to be thicker.

Silence, deathly silence.

Even the elven army trembled and couldn't say a word.

"Ah!—" A knight wearing a steel helmet holding a sharp sword could no longer bear this depression, and the moment his nerves were tense to the extreme, a horrified roar came from the helmet, passing through the dull space and steel. Processing is even more terrifying.

The knight threw down the iron sword, and turned around and ran wildly in the same direction as he came and went, despite the vines that were still crazily twisting and growing beside him!

Like the fuse of igniting explosives, the entire religious nation's army disintegrated in an instant. Even if there is a sacrifice to urge the calming magic, it will not help.

Kuangsan did not stop, and let the religious nation's army run completely. Even if some diehards bombard the magic vine with magic and sharp swords, they were quickly strangled by the thick vines. The **** appearance is no less than ancient times. Divide the five horses. Soon, the flesh and blood that had fallen on the ground was swallowed up by the magic vine. Except for the bright silver helmet still there, even the scattered footprints of the soldiers who had fled on the ground just disappeared.

A vine stretched out its leaves and sent Kuangsan to the ground.

The elven army was silent.

Among the forest elves, even the strong adult men can only raise their heads to look up at the unknown female elves.

They saw that the female elves were invaded by silver on the top of their heads, wearing a green crown obliquely. Surprisingly, the crown was not affected by gravity, and even on the smooth silver hair, it would not move the slightest. The diagonally worn crown seems to increase the temperament of the female elves. If you have to put the crown upright, there will be an extremely uncoordinated feeling.

"My lord, you..."

A forest elf who was suspected of being a mage walked out, and Kuangsan glanced at him. The grass seemed to be telepathic and turned into fine vines and thorns, entwined from the ankles, and came to the mage in a flash. Bald head.

The spike pierced the scalp faintly, the green light lit up, and the mage stopped immediately.

This weirdness caused the soldiers in the front row to step back in fright.

"Hmm..." Kuang San packed the memory he had obtained from the mage and sent it to Xiao Hong.

"Woohoo~" With Xiaohong's calculation power, he accepted the poor man's memory in less than half a second.

"Let's call it the Elf Kingdom here. There is also an Elf King called the'tyrant' here."

Hearing what Xiao Hong said, Kuang San's complexion did not change much, but the soldiers turned pale in fright, and they wished to flee this place quickly.

Dare to say that the Elf King is a "tyrant," afraid that you want to die, right? !

"He doesn't know too much. Next to the Elf Kingdom is the Kingdom of Religion, which is a kingdom that believes in some **** gods. It is a bit similar to the Goddess of Light." Xiaohong went on to complain.

"I hope Li Jiayu won't bother you when he becomes the creator."

"Hey hey, don't I have a master to support you~" Xiao Honghou put his hands on his hips and straightened up her tan90° chest, looking like she could have broken her pen.

"Master, the elf king here is also a heterochromatic pupil. There are many children, of average strength, and the elf driven by the lower body. It is said that he has the ambition to dominate the world."

Kuang San was silent, dominating the world with his lower body? Isn't this a different world like little butter?

"Then kill it first."


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