Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 10: Caravan

It's so beautiful. "

Taru said without hesitation.


The woman behind her seemed to be speaking in a nasal voice.

Taru was startled, his obsessive eyes cleared the fog, and clear light reappeared, his body was like a spring pulled to its limit.

Taru twisted his waist in an extraordinary posture, which looked similar to a snake. A big hand swept across his waist, and the crisp bottle was squeezed immediately. From another angle, Taru seemed to be holding a gray and black mist in his hand, constantly flowing out of his fingers.

The elf that can appear behind him silently is definitely much better than him. When Taru turned around, he saw the woman's stunningly pretty face, but Taru did not hesitate, the gray and black mist in his palm was fast. Sprinkle it in front of the woman!

The whole process took less than a second, and the knee of one of Taru's legs had been bent to the limit, and the calf muscles were also tight to the limit. With gentle force, the body could transform itself like a spring to send itself out of this area.

As long as he leaped into the giant trees, Taru believed that he could escape the enemy's pursuit.

However, the scattered gray and black mist was not as Taru wanted. The mist stayed in front of the woman, firmly fixed in that area, and Taru's calf muscles, which were tightened to the limit, could no longer exert their strength.

There is no wind in the street, because the dense giant trees weaken the air flow, and the green light on the branches of the mother tree of life is getting faster and faster, faintly forming a big face of unknown meaning, as if mocking Taru.

The sky was still so dark, especially under the cover of the giant tree leaves, the moonlight was almost invisible, only the weird green light made the atmosphere in front of us even more weird.

Only the eyeballs of Taru can move around, sweat oozes from the pores on his face, and he slowly blurs that layer of elf makeup, making it look more and more funny.

He could finally see the woman's appearance carefully.

The beauty is breathtaking.

And those cute little nuns in the teaching country are not on the same level at all.

However, Taru knows that in nature, the more beautiful things are more dangerous.

Tharu didn't dare to look at the woman's intoxicating face again. The other party's long silver hair with a straight willow waist, long ears on the side, and beautiful appearance all show the woman's race.

What's more terrifying is... the woman wears a green crown diagonally on top of her head...

"Isn't the Elf King a man?"

Taru thought before going into a coma.

The cherry-colored lips beaked slightly, Kuang San blew a breath from his mouth, and the gray mist fixed in the air began to move slowly, gradually being absorbed by the Mother Tree of Life.

On the branches, the green light that transmits energy flickered more cheerfully.


Tharu had a splitting headache, and opened his eyes as hard as he could. After the confused brain received the memory, he remembered that he was caught by a beautiful woman.

Taru seemed to recall that there are other elf kings with crowns in the elf country? Or...that woman is the princess of the Elf King?

After Tharu threw the chaotic memory out of his mind, he found himself locked up with other colleagues.

Of the four people who invaded the Elf King’s capital, none of them were quite a few, and they were all imprisoned here.

"Boom bang~"

Someone kicked the iron fence twice, the sound stimulated the hearing, and the other three [Shuiming Sacred Code] intelligence personnel were sober.

The elf took out four sheets of paper and four pens, and threw them in through the cracks in the iron bars of the prison.

"Write an impression of no less than two thousand words." The elf paused, as if thinking about something, "About the elf king."


The four people in [Shuiming Sacred Code] looked dumbfounded and asked them to write about some things about the country. They still understand, but... the two thousand words of the Elf King take a one-day trip..... .What the **** is it?

"What will happen if you don't write?" a colleague asked boldly.

"Become the fertilizer for the mother tree of life." The male elf replied faintly, and walked out of the prison.

The four people began to try to escape from the prison, but they were too busy for a long time and did not confirm their escape plan.

The things on the body were searched completely, and the power and magic were sealed again...


The arrest of the religious personnel who spy on intelligence is just a frenzy of Trinity. Now the entire Elf King City is full of "new elves," the intelligence personnel of the [Water Ming Sacred Code] are mixed in, and the degree of conspicuousness is no less than that of white flour A mouse **** mixed in.

It's too boring to stay in the Elven King City all day.

This is not a modern earth, and Kuangsan couldn't live there at all.

It is useless to practice here, and the Elf Country is firmly grasped by her, and Xiao Honghou will manage everything for her.

Kuang San has used his GM account to visit the nine worlds of the World Tree. He is famous for his love to abuse children. The other world is a completely independent world. Kuangsan hasn't played it yet. It's good to collect some messy ore materials while playing.

As a result, after Kuangsan threw everything in the Elf Country to Xiao Hong, he withdrew from the account of the "Elf King".

With his own appearance, wearing a black dress and small leather boots, he embarked on an adventure in another world happily.

First, they contacted a human caravan through the great nobles around the capital, and they carried Kuangsan out of the elven country.

The owner of the caravan is a fat man with blond curly hair and small eyes. He sells goods in the kingdom of the elves, the kingdom of Sri Lanka, and the kingdom, and occasionally goes to the empire.

The overall size of the caravan is not small. In addition to the guards organized by the merchants themselves, they even hired a few adventurous adventurers.

I heard that the nobleman was looking for him, and the businessman attended the banquet and assured the nobleman again and again to ensure the safety of the mad the businessman was so dizzy that he would wake up the next day. When I came, the sky was already bright.

Kuang San was escorted to the caravan by a small group of soldiers wearing well-armed armor, and the fat businessman hurried to greet him.

"Yes, yes, please let the adults rest assured, I will definitely send Miss Tokisaki safely to the country...Yes, yes, yes...Next time, please take care of the adults... .."

The businessman said a few words to the captain of the guard, respectfully asking the girl in black dress to get into the carriage.

Even if the girl in the black dress covered a third of her face with her long hair, the businessman was shocked by the woman's appearance.

Until Kuangsan walked into the carriage, the businessman did not dare to look up.

This is a guest of the great nobleman, and he doesn't want any accidents in the middle.

Merchants have traveled north and south for so many years, and they have seen countless handsome people, but that distinguished guest...even the most delicate elven maid could not compare.

The businessman directs the caravan forward, and he is afraid that he will be enchanted if he thinks a few more times.

"The noble guests of the great nobles in the Elf Kingdom are not personal pets, right?"

The businessman thought maliciously, the Elven Kingdom is now at war with the Slian Church, and it seems that the situation is getting worse. If the war is uncertain, he will not necessarily come to the Elven Kingdom to do business next time.

That beauty's face was like a soft feather, and his heart was itchy.

How much does it cost to sell her to the great nobles in the kingdom?

No, no, she is a guest of the nobles of the Elf Country!

Who knows...

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