Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 11: Sea monster

Because the border between the Elven Kingdom and the Slian Kingdom was blocked by a vine wall that was hundreds of miles long, the caravan could only choose another way out.

The first is to start from the waterway and land in the Slian State near the Holy Kingdom.

The second is to make a big circle from the desert peninsula, and then cross the river to the Kingdom of Slian.

The merchant who took care of the caravan chose the first one. Even if the water route is more expensive, there is no alternative. Pulled too many carriages of the Elf Country's specialties, and couldn't walk in the sand at all.

Looking toward the border line from a position close to the Slian Church, a "green line" that penetrates east and west appeared in front of everyone.

The fat businessman sighed again. This wall completely separated the Elf Kingdom from the Slian Kingdom. The other borders were guarded by the army. The waterway was the most cost-effective choice.

But even so, the cost of the caravan has also increased a lot. The next time the merchant does not plan to come to the Elf Country to do business, except for the upcoming war, it will be the annoying green wall.

Not only wasted time, but also spent a lot of money. This time around, maybe I would have to lose some money to get in.

Along the way, the caravan was unimpeded and was only stopped by soldiers when it arrived at the dock. However, after seeing the merchant showing a document given by a certain nobleman, he just checked randomly to make sure that there were no elf slaves in the car and let him go.

The fat businessman packed a search for the ship, transported all the goods on the wagon, and carried them up by the merchant's family soldiers.

The job is full of enthusiasm, and the other hired adventurers have no intention to come forward to help.

Let the adventurer help move the goods, add money!

"You don't know how pretty the girl in the carriage in the middle is~"

The adventurer with the tender grass roots in his mouth boasted to his companions: "The fat man took me to meet the girl that day. What a big posture! I was personally escorted by a team of elite soldiers. I really admire their excellent weapons."

The bearded, uncle-like adventurer folded his hands on his chest, leaned against the unloaded cargo at the dock, and asked in doubt: "Aren't you talking about that girl?"

"Tsk. No matter how beautiful that girl is, it is not something we can enjoy, but those fine babes..."

The uncle rolled his eyes and looked at the carriage in the middle intentionally or unintentionally.

"What's wrong." The adventurer spit out the tender grass roots in his mouth, "I tell you, that girl is absolutely beautiful, even more beautiful than the golden princess of the kingdom!"

"It's as if you have seen the Golden Princess."

"I've seen it!"

"Well, you've seen it, you've seen it."

"Huh?! Don't believe it."

"Hush—that girl is coming out."

The goods unloaded from the carriage were almost transported. The fat businessman changed his fierce face and came to the carriage with a smile.

"Miss Tokisaki? Tokisaki? We will change to a boat right away. How about going to the bedroom on the boat now?"

"Good." A voice came from the carriage.

The businessman couldn't wait to open the car door and stretched out his fat hand. The bright smile on his fat face was like a bunch of chrysanthemums.

The small hands are light, and the gentle touch makes the businessman sublimate a lot.

"sorry to bother you."

The girl got out of the carriage.

"No trouble, no trouble." The fat man watched the girl's tender white hand move away, and the fat hand followed closely, looking forward, like an iron block attracted by a magnet.

"Bah, that fat guy is disgusting." The adventurer whispered, "How about it, is it more beautiful than the Golden Princess?"

"This..." his beard and mouth were hard, "it's getting dark, it's not really clear, it's indeed much more beautiful than the average noble lady."

"Hey, just pretend."

With that, the adventurer stretched, turned and walked towards the boat.


It is quite rich than usual.

Xu is full of supplies on board, and Xu is a beautiful woman by his side.

Family soldiers and adventurers would not think so much. Eating and drinking is the kingly way. Even if the port here is very close to the Silian State, it will take a day to travel.

The businessman did not expect that the girl would not give him face at all. After frequent toasting, the other party did not respond except for politely nodding.

In the end, he asked the servant to take a few dishes to the bedroom at will.

The businessman drank the wine in a muffled voice. Normally, this sleek fat man would just laugh and pass by, but...

The inexplicable Bailivine Wall that appeared in the elves this time caused him to lose a lot of time and money. This back and forth, plus the commission paid to the adventurer, he hardly earned.

Anyway, he is not going to go to the elves next time, it's better...

Getting drunk, he obviously dismissed the idea on the carriage before, this time taking advantage of his drunkenness, he wanted to do a big wave!

The businessman pushed aside the cabin in a daze, and the cold sea breeze in the night suddenly awakened a lot.

No, you have to wait until these adventurers get out!

The businessman made up his mind and staggered back to the bedroom.


"Master, that fat guy seems to be unkind to you."

"Don't worry about him, it's just a clown."

"Hehehe." Xiaohonghou flew two circles around Kuangsan, "It's not because of your charm, the master~ If the master is really a weak woman..."

Kuangsan rolled his eyes: "Then I must be eaten by them without even scum, and being weak is the original sin."

"Hehe." Xiao Honghou smirked twice, and then said: "A lot of resources have been found in this sea area. I will record them first, and I will send someone to dig them later."

"Leave it to you." Kuang San waved his hand not caring about this matter.

"Master~Should we stay in the kingdom of Sri Lanka this time, or go to the kingdom and the empire?"

"Where do you think the flying squirrel will be?" Kuangsan asked back.

"Well... it's possible anywhere, maybe it's possible even in the vicinity of the Silian Church, one justice and one evil, just to make up a pot of porridge."

"Huh?" Xiao Hong, who was analyzing, looked outside, "There are sea monsters in this inland sea."

"Sea monster?" Kuang San was curious, "What does it look like?"

Xiao Honghou shrugged, "Like a big squid, it seems to be coming towards us."

"It wouldn't be a coincidence?" Kuang San just finished speaking, and when he wanted to release his soul power for detection, a huge force was exerted on the hull!

There was a loud "clam", and under the surging of the water, the Kuang Sanzheng who was sitting on the chair flew more than ten centimeters, and the towering ponytail on his chest was also playful.

There was a mess in the cabin, and even the drunk businessman was shocked.

Adventurers, family soldiers, and merchants all ran out of the cabin, wanting to see what happened.


In the dark night, sturdy tentacles more than ten meters long stretched out from under the surface of the sea, and before the merchant could react, they fell to the hull of the ship at once!

The businessman who was still a little drunk had an unstable chassis, and he was thrown away directly with a large tonnage! A parabola was drawn in the air, which was not beautiful, accompanied by the fat man's screams of horror.

"Puff~" With a sound, he fell into the sea...

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