Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 12: Covet

Within a few seconds, the fat man was struggling to stick his head out of the sea again, his hands plopped indiscriminately, and the little drunkenness left completely turned into fear.

"Help... Gululu~Help me!"


After a few mouthfuls of the salty sea water, Fatty's whole person is not good, and the fear brought by the sea far exceeds everything.

The soldiers on the ship looked at me, and I looked at you, no one jumped down desperately, and some even looked at the adventurers.

Isn’t the purpose of hiring adventurers precisely to protect the chamber of commerce?

"Hey! You guys go and save people!" a soldier yelled at the adventurer.

His beard curled his mouth, and although the sea monster was nowhere to be seen under one blow, no one could tell what was going on underwater. The adventurer was an adventurer, and he couldn't help but take his own life seriously.



The fat head of the buoy disappeared instantly on the sea, as if something was dragging him in the sea.

"Sea monster! That sea monster hasn't left yet!"

"It's important to save people! You **** adventurers, don't you want to get a commission of a copper coin from your master! I swear! I will definitely go to the Adventurers' Guild to sue you!"

"You have the ability to jump down and save people!"


Since the businessman disappeared, the chaos outside has turned into a mess. Kuangsan shook his head, and suddenly found Xiao Hong, staring at him.

Dai frowned slightly, and Kuang San seriously said, "If I say that the sea monster was not brought by me, do you believe it?"

"Believe!" Xiao Hong broke off and nodded, but she was thinking,'Poor fat man, if you didn't move your mind, the master would have released the coercion and let the big octopus get out... Can you eat your octopus? The squid whiskers are quite delicious. Write it down and write it down. Later, I will let a few little guys of level 40 or 50 look for it. ’

Kuang San still stayed in the cabin and did not come out. The outside was a mess. After the sea monster attack, almost everyone lost the mind to sleep.

Before long, a housekeeper of the original merchant knocked on the door of the third cabin of the madness.

"Miss Tokisaki? Have you slept yet?"

...The door opened, and the family soldiers looked at Kuang three more times, pressed their thoughts, and comforted a few more words, explaining what had happened just now, and hurriedly left.

Xiao Hong floated around in the cabin, "Yes, another one with a guilty heart."

In the middle of the night.

After the family soldiers took care of everything, they lost their backbone. The merchant had great power and had only one confidant. When the sea monster struck, the man happened to be standing in the middle of the splint and was turned into meat sauce by the sea monster's whip!

Now there are a lot of red and black sauce on the splint embedded in the crevices of the plank, which looks particularly disgusting and unappetizing.

Merchants have no children or daughters, and they are considered small in the kingdom and the kingdom. There are maids to take care of everything. When doing business, they bring most of the family soldiers to guard the caravan.

But this time...

The merchant and his confidant are all dead. Isn’t that merchant’s goods and the foundations of other countries...

Someone moved his mind.

Including the two adventurers, but the two adventurers were afraid that the adventurers' guild would not be easy to explain, so they didn't start, but waited for changes.

As dawn approached, a strong man who seemed to have practiced two-handed posture found the cabins of two adventurers. The three had a long conversation. Apart from them, no one knew what the three had talked about.

The atmosphere on the boat is even stranger, and no one even makes breakfast.

Someone discovered that the captain and chief mate of the Chartering Chamber were dead, and the other sailors had two or three cats and kittens. Fortunately, some of the soldiers would sail the boat so that the channel would not be deviated.

Kuangsan walked out of the cabin and didn't care about the weird environment on the boat. After eating breakfast on his own, he admired the sea view from the edge of the guardrail.

The sea breeze is not too big, and the sea view is too much, which is actually the case, and it may even cause a sense of disgust.

The endless blue sea, except for the ripples, hardly changes in the eyes of ordinary people.

Voyagers also like this calm weather the most.

No one came up to talk.

But the gaze towards Kuangsan became more and more unscrupulous.

Except for the businessman and his confidant, only one other adventurer knew the "identity" of the girl, and the others only regarded the girl as an ordinary daughter.

As for why the noble daughter didn't bring a guard around, the ghost knew that these were not what they had to consider.

Seeing the beautiful figure wrapped in the black dress, every man is ready to move.

This is the sea, except for the people around, who knows what happened on the boat.

Kuangsan and Xiaohonghou explored the minerals in the ocean, like choosing commodities, discussing each other in their minds.

Xiaohonghou has given orders to the subsystem that controls the mother tree of life, requesting the creation of some special elves that can survive and fight in the ocean.

After they are manufactured, they should not be called Mori Elves. How about sea elves? However, Kuang San felt that the word Sea Elf was familiar, and once reminded Kuang San of the Haier brothers in Mo Xiao Zhenling's memory.

What are the Haier brothers? There was no answer in Mo Xiao's true spirit fragments, but when he thought of the sea, the Haier brothers emerged. Are they gods who can control the sea?

Crazy Sanbai was puzzled.

‘Here, here, and over there. There are so many minerals in the sea, but unfortunately it is also difficult to collect. ’

'It’s okay master, this kind of fantasy world is mostly set in the Middle Ages, such as mining and other rough jobs, those noble magicians and adventurers will not be able to do so it is like a kingdom, The empire, Sri Lanka and other places are absolutely rich in minerals. Their extraordinary people disdain to mine, but we are different! ’

Kuangsan thought for a while, and was speechless, Xiaohong Empress wanted to create a world full of elves?

Kuangsan stayed until lunch.

The situation at lunch was even more weird. I ate the leftover meal from yesterday. Many people disappeared. Most of them were in groups and huddled together, but the look in the eyes of Kuangsan was even stranger.

It's night again.

I don't know if it was because of the captain's inexplicable death. The ships that were supposed to go to the port of Slian were still drifting on the sea. This speed must not be slow.

For dinner, Kuang San did not go out. She found some books on the ship, which were the sailing log left by the dead captain and strange talks with the sea.

People in this world have never explored the ocean. Some people say that there are powerful sea monsters deep in the ocean, and passing ships will be swallowed by sea monsters!

There are banshees, and there are mermaids living on the bottom of the sea.

In short, these stories are much more interesting than the "One Thousand and One Nights" in Mo Xiao Zhenling's fragments.

If it weren't for Xia Yin to completely destroy the Elf King, there are no books, and Kuang San has not yet come out to play.

Just like before, she had read all of Beatrice's books before she began to play outside.


Instead of knocking on the door, the wooden hatch was violently knocked open.

Kuang San raised his head and glanced at the brawny man who was full of alcohol.


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