Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 37: Do you want to know the meaning of life?

"your Highness."

Known as the golden princess, Lana is kind to others, her delicate face is full of smiles, and she doesn't seem to be false. I am afraid that only the Golden Princess herself knows how long she has practiced in front of the mirror in order to smile in a standardized way.


Nodding lightly is a response.

Old John did not dared to straighten his waist, his old face was piled up with a chrysanthemum, flattering: "Your Royal Highness, you"

"I'll come and take a look, you continue to work, don't worry about me."

Old John glanced at the maid behind the princess again and nodded hurriedly.

But even so, how can old John still have the mind to work? Focus all eyes on the princess, and if the other party has any needs, Old John can respond as soon as possible.

Royal family members usually check books on the first two floors. According to the hobbies of the royal family, old John put all their favorite books in the most accessible places.

Books like the old king’s favorites are generally placed on the first floor, while those of the Golden Princess and the Second Prince are placed on the second and third floors.

As for the prince

Apart from playing hide-and-seek games in the royal library when he was young, he has never been here since he grew up.

In the eyes of Old John, the eldest prince is a fool. If the country is handed over to the golden princess, the time when the kingdom of Riyestige will take off is just around the corner!

Unfortunately, this is the third princess, not the third prince.

If this continues, I am afraid that the second prince will take over the throne. As for the interests of the great nobles in the kingdom, who knows? It's none of his old John's business anyway.

The above thoughts are all summed up by his old John, just think about it for yourself, you must never say it to the outside world.

It is naturally impossible for Old John to stare at the princess. What is the difference between that and the old pervert? He could only work absent-mindedly, while occasionally scanning the princess who stepped on the third floor of the library.

Fortunately, there is a hollow design in the middle of the royal library. Old John, who works on the first floor, can easily watch the princess's movements.

As usual, the princess went to the third floor to read the books.

The maid moved to the chair, and the princess sat on the chair as a lady, with her slender jade hands flipping through the books she had read before.

Old John breathed a sigh of relief. In the past, His Royal Highness had to look up all kinds of remote materials. He had to go through inquiries before he knew where the books were. Fortunately, today, His Royal Highness was only reading books that he hadn't read before. It seems that he can relax today.

With this idea, Old John began to work seriously. The bookshelf made of fragrant wood was wiped and shiny, waxed for maintenance, and aromatherapy ignited. A series of actions were done with perfection.

When Old John finished repairing the first shelf of bookshelves, he suddenly discovered that His Royal Highness went to the top floor of the Royal Library!

The books on the third floor or above in the royal library are mostly books that are not long read, and almost no one has read the topmost books.

In other words, the topmost book is the most partial book, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the grocery store of the royal library.

He usually cleans the area on the top floor only once every ten and a half days.

Old John's face changed slightly, and he felt that he was going to suffer.

When Princess Lana stepped onto the top floor, the maid behind her frowned. Not only the bookshelves, but also the stairs and the handrails were covered with a fine dust.

The maid's eyes were bad, and she glanced condescendingly at Old John.

Old John felt bitter, but he could only laugh with him on his face.

Keep holding this head up, making him feel that his old bone is about to fall apart.

As a princess, Lana didn't care, and she didn't know why she came to the top.

Perhaps it is the top floor with great lighting. From the oval glass, you can look up at the entire sky. Not to mention other things, artistic conception alone is enough.

Princess Lana looked up, her beautiful eyes quickly swept across the side seal of the book, and finally her eyes gathered at the top, the edge.

The side seal is slightly dusty, but the text on the side of the book can still be clearly seen.

If Princess Lana did not admit the mistake, the writing on the side of the book belonged to ancient characters, and she had little research on it.

The rough meaning should be "how to cook higher monsters".

‘There is still such an interesting book? ’

Princess Lana thought, Limala, the maid who is good at observing words, opened the wooden ladder at the end of the stairs.

"I'll go up by myself." Princess Lana said.

The lady maid looked embarrassed, this place is at the top of the royal library, in case your Royal Highness slips on her feet

Before the maid's brain was finished, Princess Lana had slowly climbed up the wooden ladder.

The wooden ladder can sit diagonally, and Princess Lana just picked up the book and glanced at it.

Just as she was about to leave, there was a quaint black note beside the book "How to Cook Advanced Monsters".

Princess Lana's heart moved, her gaze seemed to be possessed by a demon, and the devil put the notebook in the book "How to Cook High-level Monsters".

Go down the ladder.

"Let's go back."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The maid hurriedly glanced at the book that the princess was holding, and found that she could not read the text on it.

After the old John and the young man bid farewell to the princess, the two hurried to the top floor to clean up.

Waxed with wax, incense with incense.

In the bedroom, Lana waved away the maid, leaving only herself indoors.

After carefully opening the "How to Cook Advanced Monsters" written in ancient characters, Lana's line of sight was not above.

The small hand took out the old notebook sandwiched in the book.

Mysterious symbols are portrayed on the black notebook, which has a peculiar magic power that can easily sink into it.

Just reading the book cover made Princess Lana indulge in her, her beautiful eyes radiating and she was confused.

It wasn't until a maid knocked on the door outside that she was ready for dinner, that Princess Lana realized that the sky was already dark.

Little hands trembled slightly, stuffed the black note into the book and placed it in a rather secret place in the bedroom, before Princess Lana went to eat.


After the bath, Princess Lana, who put on a nightdress, turned over and couldn't fall asleep. My mind is full of mysterious symbols on that notebook.

Turned over and got out of bed, fetched a book, and took out a black note from it.

The yellowed and worn paper confirms the time of this notebook. I am afraid that even the royal family does not know when this notebook was in the library.

Princess Lana made up her mind and opened her notes.

The old notes are full of things scribbled with a strange paint.

How does the experiment seem to be conducted?

Square text, and a series of text like an earthworm.

There are also various formations, I don't know if it is Princess Lana's illusion, she always feels that these formations are shining with weird and dim light.

The heartbeat speeds up and the blood surges.

Princess Lana wanted to cover the note, but a mysterious whisper echoed in her ear.

"Do you want to know the meaning of life? Do you want to really live?" (Boxingshi Academy https://)

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