"Who! Who is talking!"

Even the golden princess who is extremely deep in the city is inevitably the same as ordinary people.

The whispers that suddenly sounded in my ears echoed in my mind all the time, like a curse that made people panic.

"Your Royal Highness? What can you do?"

The night maid yelled softly through the door.

"It's okay, don't disturb me."

"Okay, Your Highness."

A layer of fine sweat appeared on Princess Lana's tender forehead. With the help of moonlight, Princess Lana opened the handwritten note again and muttered: "Who are you?"

"Accept it and you will realize all your wishes!"

Princess Lana suddenly understood the meaning of the hieroglyphs in the notebook for some reason.

"God will only make you pay, the church will only accumulate money, and the atonement talisman is only a psychological comfort. But for the devil, everything you have can be used as an equivalent exchange."

The original text is very long, mixed with other words in the middle, and the handwriting is scribbled. It can be seen that the notebook owner must be in a wrong state of mind when he is writing.

Lana still looks down a little bit, all kinds of formations, all kinds of demons, how to deal with demons.

The word "equivalent swap" has always been deeply remembered in Princess Lana's heart.

The golden princess in the kingdom seemed to be possessed by a demon, immersed in this mysterious handwritten note all night.

But the strange thing is that early the next morning, Princess Lana's face was radiant. It didn't seem like she hadn't slept all night, but she seemed to be successful

Lana recruited adventurers from the Cang Rose Adventure Group and asked them to help collect some monster blood. The adventure group naturally agreed.

The news that the golden princess collected a small amount of the blood of beasts immediately passed to her brother, the second prince, and some other nobles.

No one could figure out what Lana wanted to do.

Within a few days, the Cang Qiangwei Adventure Group collected the blood of dozens of monsters and placed them in potions.


After the princess Lana finished bathing, she ordered the maid not to disturb, locked the door behind her, and opened the black note.

However, she didn't notice that the demon nature of the demon in the notebook had already penetrated into her body. This demon nature was like a poppy flower, which made people addicted to it and couldn't stop it.

As long as Princess Lana does not see the book of the devil for a day, she will be uneasy.

Princess Lana first finds a rather complicated formation, which is the projection of a demon lord's summoning consciousness.

It is a pity that with her strength, it is not possible to know the real name of the demon lord.

However, there is a record of the code name in the Book of Devil.

"Hates, the former ruler."

The Golden Princess would never have thought that this name was actually written by Kuang San casually. Behind the devil lord’s pseudonym, there are even strange names such as "Pipi Shrimp" and "Buddha Jumping over the Wall".

Today, Lord Lana summons the projection of Hatters, the former ruler. In the records of the Book of Demons, this great king once turned into the sun of hell, and his strength is one of the best in hell.

All kinds of crazy things made up by Kuang San, Princess Lana believed the truth, her extremely deep scheming was placed in the charm, and she was vulnerable.

The effect of the charm has long fallen into this former golden princess.

Lana used the various props collected in recent days, stained with the blood of monsters, to draw a strange formation on the ground.

After taking the blood of other monsters as a sacrifice, Lana held a notebook in her hand and read a long and strange spell from it.

Lana squinted her eyes, opened her small mouth slightly, and spoke wonderful characters in wonderful language. Although she didn't understand the meaning of the above characters, she could read it smoothly:

"Shi Shishi, a poet from Shishi, is addicted to lions, and swears to eat ten lions. Shi Shi always considers lions to try to explain things."

Princess Lana riveted enough, but the curse was too long, and the accent was extremely weird. The golden princess, who has always been intellectually explosive, also stuttered extremely.

Stopped in the middle of the reading, and then read it silently in my heart a few times, and then mastered the rules and mystery, and said it smoothly in one breath.

The array painted with the blood of monsters exudes lavender light, Princess Lana trembled all over, and she didn't know if she saw the weird light or the mysterious spell just now.

The purple light skyrocketed in an instant, exposing the room to white. In a short time, Princess Lana's eyes were invaded by white, and her pretty face slipped two rows of tears unconsciously.

The light came and went fast, and disappeared almost instantly. Occasionally a few people saw it and thought it was a problem with their vision in the middle of the night.

Even though Princess Lana had her big beautiful eyes open, she still couldn't see anything in her sight, it was still white.

But she knew that the demon lord, the projection of Hatters, the former ruler, had descended on the capital.

When the line of sight was restored and the objects were still overlapping, the weird tone was recalled in my mind.

Princess Lana immediately understood the meaning.

"Devil contract, equivalent swap."

Princess Lana calmed her mind carefully and agreed to sign a contract with the demon lord.

As a princess of the kingdom, she has the right to sacrifice everything to ordinary creatures in the kingdom.

Life, soul, health, seven emotions and six desires, etc.

"If Clem is with me forever, what price will I have to pay?"

The strange tone came again, and this time, the expression on Princess Lana's face became uncertain.

"Sacrifice the entire king capital?" Princess Lana bit her lip and didn't speak.

A blonde man wearing a nightdress walked to the French window ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and looked up.

In the sky, there is an indescribable thing that is thousands of meters long.

Princess Lana didn't know how to describe the projection of the demon lord, anyway, only she could see the projection.

But as soon as I looked up, I saw a large pile of weird things above my head, and even Lana couldn't bear this kind of psychological pressure.

"Dear Lord Hatters, can you transform into a human form?"


"Sacrifice the souls of ten people? I agree."

The demon contract in the illusion seemed to light up, and ten people in different parts of the kingdom died at the same time inexplicably.

The indescribable objects that only Princess Lana could see in the sky began to change, and gradually transformed into a human form while being twisted.

The transfigured human form became more and more familiar, and when Lana was wondering, the human form gathered together.

It is Clem!

Princess Lana frowned, "Can you change the look?"

No sound came out of his mind, and "Clem"'s body was twisted again, becoming a girl with an extremely outstanding appearance.

The tiny mole under the corner of the girl's eyes, like a dragon's eye, made Lana unable to look away.

Black long dress, girly appearance.

Except for the deep burgundy pupils and her charming appearance, Princess Lana could no longer find the shadow of the demon she had in her impression.


"Call me again if necessary."

After these words came to mind, the black dress girl closed her eyes and disappeared.

Princess Lana shuddered, and Clem's face in her mind was gradually covered by the demon lord.

His expression gradually collapsed.

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