Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 39: Princess

Since the demon lord's help, the smile on Princess Lana's face seemed to be more sincere.

But she gradually began to adopt a stocking attitude towards her dear knight "Wang Jiang".

The golden princess is like a traverser in the future world, and one decree proposes to make the kingdom glow with strong vitality again.

Of course, many nobles were obstructed, but under the effect of the equivalent exchange of the demon contract, the obstruction of the great nobles obviously did not have much effect.

More and more civilians died in the kingdom. Before the change, dozens of civilians who died would not be noticed at all, but as the kingdom became more and more prosperous, more and more people died. Finally someone realized Something is wrong.

The royal family and other great nobles thought it was a plague, so they conducted a regional investigation through the Adventurer's Union.

Among them, the Cang Qiangwei team and the steel adventurer team named Momo and Nabe jointly explored the area with more deaths.

In the royal capital.

Some of the maids were talking in a low voice. Most of the maids who came to serve the princess were the daughters of the noble family. The news that the nobles received was mainly from the maids.

The golden princess' methods are getting more and more sophisticated, and even their maids who pass the news are frightened.

But is this golden princess too clever, causing problems in his mind?

They saw the princess speak to the air more than once, and the smile from the bottom of their hearts made the little maids terrified.

Your Royal Highness, is this evil?

Compared to the Kingdom's golden princess Lana, Kuang San, who was the shadow of the Demon Maharaja's former ruler Hatters, is obviously more painful.

She could clearly feel the attachment of Princess Lana, Jin Chehei, to her, and the vow she had made for "Wang Jiang" Clem had long been forgotten by her.

Kuang San didn't know whether it was the invasion of Lana by the devil's magic, or the interference of the law of the end of the black on Lana, or both?

Princess Lana is even willing to sacrifice the souls of more than ten people every day, just talk to her.

At the end of each time, the infatuation in the eyes of the golden princess will disappear, and it will be replaced by incomparable Qingming.

Often after this, she would put forward some policy suggestions to the old king, and those nobles who secretly obstructed the implementation of the policy were punished by the demon lord.

As time passed, the nobles could only watch their rights and wealth, being swallowed by the royal family little by little. And they can't come up with any good way to do it. They can vividly remember the appearance of the few nobles who died tragically in the past few days.

There are even more nobles who want to kick off the uprising. Often the plan has not been implemented, and the nobles’ family soldiers have been killed and wounded for various reasons.

They invited adventurers, magic chanters, but it didn't work at all.

The golden princess, a good name in the kingdom, has become a taboo word among the nobles of the kingdom!

Privately, the nobles are more willing to call each other "demon" or "devil".

To be honest, what Princess Lana did was even Kuang San couldn't understand.

The princess who was full of sperm cells all over her body, the ghost knew what was thinking in her mind.

Kuang San had performed mind-reading on Lana, but yesterday and today were totally two answers. Her love for slimes could not even be distinguished by herself.

Does she cling to the devil lord

It can be said that every cell in Princess Lana's body possesses an excellent physique. Even Xiao Hong's intelligent life analyzed it, but it couldn't analyze the reason.

Finally, Xiaohong made a conclusion: "She is a neurotic, abnormal, suspected schizophrenia, and a madman."

Kuang San didn't know what to say.

She regretted that she had drawn lots of this princess.

Princess Lana's breathing is getting heavier, her pretty face flushed, her eyes confused, and she is full of attachment and possessiveness.

Kuang San was unmoved. She had seen this kind of drama model dozens of times a long time ago, and even mind-reading couldn't infer what the drama princess was thinking at this time.

‘It’s all like this, why hasn’t she become a lunatic? This has been the topic of Kuangsan's research in the past two months.

The satellites of Empress Xiaohong have been successfully launched, and she hasn't figured out the psychology of the princess.

"If I want you, no." A trace of clarity flashed in Lana's eyes, "If I want your body, what price will I pay?"

"The whole kingdom."

"No, I don't think you have figured it out yet." Princess Lana, who only wore a tulle-style nightdress, took a few steps forward, and the two skirts faintly interacted with each other.

"I mean, this charming body is not a projection of you, the demon lord."

"The whole world, it's a pity that your authority is not enough."

Princess Lana was stunned for the first time.

The answer given by the Demon Lord seemed to exceed her expectations.

But soon, the blush on Lana's face deepened, and her body seemed to be squeezed together.

"This is in line with my psychological expectations of her. Yes! She is equivalent to the whole world!"

Crazy Three: "."

Kuang San couldn't even guess whether Princess Lana's panic appearance was acting.

Compared with the devil and the devil, the princess in front of her is even better.

If it is to play some equivalent exchange tricks, this princess seems to be the best "devil" ghost whole world~" Princess Lana closed her eyes and seemed to recollect.

"It can be equivalent to the treasure of the entire world." As she said, goose bumps rose on the skin under Lana's nightdress, her delicate body trembled slightly, as if she was enduring the aftermath that the body could not bear.

"To get her, I have to get the whole world. Before that, I have to control the kingdom, then develop, devour the religious kingdom and the empire, and then the holy kingdom, the elven kingdom, and the appraisal kingdom."

"The strong need to be nurtured, nurturing takes time, and time is lifespan, in other words I need lifespan"

Lana stood in the moonlight and murmured, "Give me a hundred years of life and keep me young until I die. What do I need to pay?"

"Open the gates of hell."

Princess Lana said nothing.

Kuang San once again used his mind-reading technique.

‘If you open the gates of hell, the world will belong to the devil, how can I make a deal? ’

"You can choose other worlds." Kuang San reminded.

Princess Lana's eyes lit up.

Without hesitation: "Then open the gate of **** first, what do I need to prepare?"

"A territory of a kingdom."

Princess Lana flashed across the kingdom map in her mind.

She thought of the difficult nobles in an instant, but then gave up.

It was too close to the royal capital, and she didn't want to live in an environment full of monsters.

Thinking about going, it seems that there is only one place that is more appropriate.

The place where the mysterious powerhouses fought before.

The fortress city, in the big forest outside Ye Lan Tier.

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