Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 40: Master

The fortress city, the big forest outside Ye Lan Tier, had its bald head restored to its former denseness.

The army and adventurers who came to investigate the "Battlefield of Gods" were all amazed.

On the second day after the battle was over, many people came to check it out. The entire large forest was bare and turned into a desert, and only some trees in the outermost periphery of the forest were not affected.

Its barren appearance is even smoother than the head of a certain nobleman in the kingdom.

But now, I don’t know why, the whole forest is restored as new! Some people thought they just had a dream.

But the facts are placed in front of them, and they can't help but believe them.

Some people have speculated that there is a great possibility that there are secret treasures left by a strong man in the big forest. Otherwise, how can a deserted forest be restored to this appearance in a very short time?

The Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Flying Squirrel's expressionless face, I don't know if it is melancholy or helpless. If there is still something like cigarette, he wants to take a sip to relieve his psychological pressure.

He wanted to plant trees and reforest, and once again surrounded the tomb of Nazarick, hiding it more secretly.

But I didn't expect to hear that there was a magical tool here.

"There is a magical tool of Ge Laozi." Flying Squirrel sighed. If there was a magical tool, he would have recovered the treasure house of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Can he wait for them to explore?

There are more and more people looking for artifacts in the great forest. Even if the kingdom has sent some troops to station here, it still can't stop some people from wanting to make a fortune.

And Dimiugos, this brain supplement master made flying squirrel a headache, he didn't know what to do, he actually finished the brain supplement! Forget about brain supplements, and even say it! It doesn't matter if I say it, I even put the credit on him!

Little things that are bigger and bigger can be boasted by the other party as a great cause that has passed through the ages, which made Flying Squirrel have to accept Dimiugos's advice in order to maintain the image of "great supreme".

But then again, his suggestion is really good, but sometimes some details are not clear to yourself.

Whenever I think of this, the soul fire deep under the white bones of Flying Squirrel seems to become more melancholic.

Just as the Bone King Flying Squirrel was worried about the way out of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Clem, who accepted the task of the princess, came to the outskirts of the forest with the steel-grade adventure team "Cang Rose".

To be honest, Clem still respects everyone of Cang Qiangwei, because the other party is a strong supporter of the princess, and he should respect each other because of the princess.

Even if the woman in the team, Gegland, who is stronger than a man, she calls him a virgin every time she sees him.

They came here just to satisfy the curiosity of the princess, and then grabbed a few monsters and brought some blood back.

This is the rhetoric of Princess Lana. As for what the real mission is, I am afraid that only Princess Lana and the mysterious demon lord can know.

Lana exchanged equivalence, at the cost of hundreds of lives, in exchange for materials enough to open the gates of hell.

Seeing the partners' dedication, Kuangsan friendship sponsored a shadow ghost.

The shadow ghost, as the name suggests, it can hide in the shadows of creatures without being discovered.

With many materials, the shadow ghost hid in the shadow of Clem, the faithful warrior of Princess Lana.

When Clem and Cang Qiangwei were exploring the big forest, the shadow ghost had placed all kinds of materials and hid in the shadow of the trees.

Night falls.

The moon, which is almost the same satellite as the earth, rises and casts a silver light on the earth.

Unfortunately, in the dense trees, adventurers still need torches or magic props to help them see the road clearly.

The shadow ghost thinks the time has come.

The night is full of Yin Qi, and there are still many sacrifices, which fully meets the conditions for the arrival of the gate of hell.

The shadow ghost killed himself directly without saying a word. The soul and body fell beside a certain sacrifice material.

The humble stone emits green light, absorbing the corpse and soul of the shadow ghost.

For the shadow ghost, this is the most glorious time in its life. Being able to plunge into the arms of the great old ruler, the former lord of hell, and the **** black sun Hattus, is something that it never dared to dream of.

By the way, shadow ghosts can't dream.

However, even the shadow ghost did not expect that all this would be seen by others.

In the depths of Nazarick's grave, flying squirrel is still sitting in his relatively empty office.

The mirror projection on the desk is exactly the scene where the shadow ghost committed suicide.

"What does it want to do? Activate the magic circle and wipe out all the creatures in that forest?" The bones on the flying squirrel's face seemed to be tighter again. This was the expression he used to frown.

"There is an enemy in the forest? It is a level sixty. It is a piece of cake to hunt adventurers in the forest. Why is it so troublesome? Is it going to be detrimental to the tomb of Nazarick? Shouldn't it? Ah, it’s a long way from the big tomb, if"

Flying squirrel thought hard, and finally sighed:

"Master~ I can't see through, I can't see through."

While the flying squirrel was still hesitating, the green stone that sucked the shadow ghost completely aroused the sacrificial circle.

The whole forest seemed to glow with green for a moment.

A certain adventurous team.

The sudden flashing light made the team's nerves tense to the extreme.

"Captain, you are green!"

"What?" The bearded, sturdy man turned around with a suspicious expression on his face.

"You are green!"

"Green? You are green too!"


"Look on your head."

"I and everyone are green!"

Everyone's faces were so green that they couldn't be green, and even a green mist hovered over their heads, and even their hair was dyed into that natural and pollution-free color.

"This is, poisoned?"

"There is no poisoning reaction."

"Then why is everyone green?"

"how could I know."

"By the way, have you ever heard of a legend from Ye Lantil?" Before everyone responded, the man continued: "I heard about both husband and wife."


It's like the sound of a high-powered meat grinder's high-speed rotating blade cutting meat.

There were talking and laughing teammates one second before, and the next second they turned into a ball of blood, splashing everywhere!

On the trees, on the ground, on the adventurers

The closest girl, with a face full of doubts, touched the blood splattered on her face with her hands.


The high-decibel sound stopped abruptly.

The sound of "Bang" was another sound like killing pigs and sheep, smashing the bones to pieces.

This feeling is more like a large passenger plane suddenly starting the engine and engulfing a living person in a high-speed rotating fan blade.

In the blink of an eye, everyone’s faces were covered with a thick layer of mud

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