Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 42: Invasion (complement)

The team of more than a hundred people continued to march.

The wind outside the forest is even more noisy. The soldiers on duty at night are complaining that the wooden armor on their bodies is not cold-proof, and the nobles have deducted their military pay.

"The sound is very much like funeral music in my old home."

A night soldier complained.

"Who said no? Gloomy, old-fashioned."

While the flying squirrel was determining the combat strategy ABCDEFG plan, the evil spirit turned into a forest quietly closed its big mouth, and the hard shell covered the **** flesh in its mouth.

Outside the forest, there seemed to be a **** who heard the soldiers' complaints, and the wind, which seemed to be a cry of mourning, also quietly disappeared.

The night soldier replaced the spear in his other hand, and the wind was gone, and his body became much warmer.

The young soldier showed a sincere smile, turned his head and said to the brother who was watching the night together: "This is really good."

The center of the big forest, the gathering place of monsters in the past.

The chief warrior of the kingdom, Ge Gefu, is not afraid of monsters. If possible, he even wants to challenge the "Forest Sage" who dominates this area.

It was a pity that "Forest Sage" was taken as a mount by a powerful adventurer.

The shadow ghost sat on the thick branch of the big tree, covering his mouth tightly with his hands, for fear that the simulated saliva from inside would fall onto the soldier's head below.

"It's time to close the net."


Gu Gefu drew his sword, and the blade pointed in the direction where the shadow ghost was speaking.


After resting for half an hour, the bald head put on a helmet and pulled up the rope of the chainsaw. With the help of diesel, the chainsaw gained sufficient power.

The sharp blade driven by the chain easily strangled Gu Geoff into the minced meat that would only be chopped up when eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

The armor made of stainless steel did not leave the kingdom warrior commander with a chance.

Even the wide and long sword was ground into iron powder, mixed with flesh and blood, like a lover, you and me, regardless of each other.


"Who the **** is it!"

The chief warrior of the kingdom, Ge Gefu, suddenly burst into a ball of meat sauce, something that no one had thought of.

The scene immediately turned into a pot of porridge.

The sound is high and low, one after another, the sound of the chainsaw turning is more cheerful.

Bald Qiang was thinking about this month's bonus, and the shadow ghost was thinking about the big piece of fat outside the forest.

It didn't take long.

In situ.

It finally became a pot of congee with meat sauce. Even if you step on it with your shoes, it is estimated that you will have to sink a few feet, which is not much better than the quicksand in the desert. Just the hot and sour **** smell can drive the flesh-eating monsters crazy.

The strange thing is that the pot of porridge on the ground is slowly being absorbed by the ground.

In a hidden place in the forest, from time to time there is a small stone and grass, which shines with a green light.

The shadow ghost threw what was in his hand with a grin.

A firecracker-style aid signal.


Soaring into the sky.


A tiny spark ignited the dead weed branches on the ground, and before the flames raged, they were extinguished by the eerie and **** meat sauce.

The young soldiers of the kingdom made their last contribution to fighting the forest fire.

"Hee hee hee."

The shadow ghost squatted on the branch, folded his arms around his knees, "It's fast, and the great **** will come when they come in. The demon lord from the distant stars will completely occupy this rich land."

"At that time, this will be my territory."

"Before this, I will offer the last bit of snack from the gate of hell."

Outside the big forest.

The nobleman who had slept like a dead pig was awakened by his subordinates, and the one with low blood sugar was like a stubborn mad donkey, constantly reprimanding him.

No one complained when the large troops gathered, and even the night soldiers who had joked before were serious.

The army led by Gejiefu, the strongest warrior leader of the kingdom, actually sent a signal for help?

Is there really a great horror in the big forest of the "battlefield of the gods" in front of you?

The large force assembled quickly, and the two nobles discussed matters in the tent.

"Don't you think that this is the best time to kill Geoff?"

This sentence immediately activated the minds of the two nobles.

As the chief warrior of the kingdom, Gu Gefu wears a treasure from the royal family, and has the courage to be a master. If he can be killed, the power of the royal power will be weakened again.

In the past, the aristocratic faction controlled most of the power of the kingdom, but since the Golden Princess deliberately or unintentionally regent, they have suffered heavy losses.

If Gu Geoff can be killed this time, it must be the biggest victory the nobles have won in the past few months!

In this way, the large group of troops dragged on for half an hour, and even the shadow ghost waited impatiently before entering the large forest.

On the other side, several World Tree players at full level stopped the shadow ghosts who were going to stop killing humans.

Funny to say, the alien with an average evil value of -400+ has chosen to help humans.

Flying squirrel and the guardians did not speak, and quietly looked at the strong men who blocked the door.

Outside the big forest.

The last piece of fat, and the most fat part, finally entered the mouth of the evil spirit. The saliva in the shadow ghost's mouth could no longer stand, dripping all over the floor.

Before the large troops arrived at the center of the forest, the cheerful sound of logging filled the forest.

The green light is more prosperous, skyrocketing, deep and black and purple.

The phantom of the gate of hell, nearly a hundred meters high, appeared in the middle of the big forest.

The gates of hell, supplied with flesh and blood energy, slowly condense into entities.

The distant scene reminds Flying Squirrel of a sandbox game that once swept the world a hundred years ago. It seems that the **** portal inside is magnified a hundred times, just like the thing in front of me.

Flying Squirrel's mood dropped to a freezing point. Fortunately, he thought that his lair had not been discovered. Before he could act, he was stopped by a few full-level players of the World Tree.

Who the **** is plotting against him?

If the big tomb is located next to the gate of hell, it should be considered normal, right?

Normal ghost!

Flying squirrel shouted in his heart, if it attracts the Space-Time Administration, they will all have to finish playing!

Today, either he demolished the gates of hell, or the day when the tomb of Nazarick moved!

The battle is on the verge of breaking out.

The players who came through the World Tree didn't seem to be in the mood for a fight. They lost some magic, and after hitting the Guardian a few punches, they wanted to escape.

The flying squirrel and the guardians hurried to the gate of hell.

At this time, thousands of little demons had already run out of the gate of hell, which was a hundred meters high, spreading in the large forest and whispering. The demons condensed magma ignited the forest, and a fire swept through the forest.

Just as the flying squirrel was preparing to put out the fire, two huge hands with several bone spurs protruded from the gate of hell, their palms turned over, grabbing both sides, as if they wanted to make the gate of **** bigger.

Flying squirrel's eyes jumped wildly.

After the tenth-level magic was thrown out, he began to prepare for the super-level magic.

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