Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 43: Nuclear Bomb VS Super Rank Magic

Flying squirrels have a habit.

In other words, World Tree players have this habit.

Before each battle, I can’t wait to buff myself for half an hour, and then bombard the enemy wildly.

Regardless of whether it is a magic chant or other professions, this fighting mode seems to be the truth-like choice when the levels are similar.

But now, it seems that I can't wait.

The guardians took action one after another, extinguishing the forest fires on a large scale, and at the same time slapped the little demons with magma on their bodies to death on the ground.

It's like a human being waved and patted a mosquito that stopped sucking blood.

With a "pop", the little demon was crushed to pieces, but the magma splashed around, causing secondary damage to the forest.

The spirit fire flashed back and forth in Flying Squirrel's eyes, and it seemed that they couldn't stay in this forest. Even if they defeated the devil, it is very likely to attract the Time and Space Administration.

After the last capture incident, the flying squirrel was quite afraid of the Space-Time Administration. If he wears meat, it's okay, but it happens to be soul wear again! In the mouth of the senior traverser, the soul wear is generally the end of the dead without burial!

But Senior Traverser told him not to trust anyone, is it possible that the other party is also lying to himself? Is it okay for the soul piercer?

Flying Squirrel didn't know, but he didn't want to experiment with himself.

Super-rank magic, as the name suggests, is a magic with more than ten ranks. In the setting of Sekaiju, super-level magic does not consume MP, but it can be used a limited number of times a day.

Each super-rank magic has a long time to activate, even after the super-rank magic is sent out, a very long cooling time in the middle is enough to make people desperate.

Some of the guardians put a buff on the flying squirrel, and some were dealing with the little devil running around, but no one dealt with the devil that was suspected to be much larger than the Devil's Gate.

Flying squirrel instantly casts tenth-order magic at a time, but it slightly blocked the opponent's step into this world.

Two big hands covered with spurs fell on both sides of the Devil's Gate, and the magma dropped from the cracks in the hands, hitting the ground from time to time, taking advantage of the situation to take away a few little demons for the guardians.

However, the guardians were not happy at all.

That demon is only the palm of the hand, it is half the size of the gate of the devil, if it is allowed to appear in this world

In the world tree, they have never experienced a demon invasion.


As if the gods were thundering, flying squirrel was surprised to find that the devil's gate, which looked so sturdy and unusual, had a tendency to be opened by the devil!

‘Is it not afraid to burst the Devil’s Gate? ! ’

The thoughts just wandered around in the mind, and the flying squirrel was not talking.

Because he saw the two giant hands transform into prehistoric behemoths, the magma squeezed out by the muscles smashed to the ground one by one, and the Devil's Gate was like a large cotton candy, which was picked into an oval shape in the hands of the giant demon.

Then, his hands suddenly disappeared in the devil's door.

There is a giant football-style goal left in place.

Flying squirrel always has a bad feeling in his heart.


A loud noise concealed the anxiety in the flying squirrel.

A purgatory-like sole stepped on the door, and the earth easily cracked, then collapsed. The cracks stretched for dozens of kilometers. The magma from **** was pouring in frantically through the gate of the devil!

The little demons who were being chased by the guardians all brightened up, turning into joyful babies, jumping into the cracked canyon, and taking a hot bath.


It was like the sound of a hot pool opening the gate to release water vapor, and a strange noise came from the Devil's Gate.

The giant hand that had disappeared before appeared again, this time, it propped up above the door of the Devil's Gate.

The guardians were puzzled, the demon's 100-meter-high body was revealed in front of everyone, and the most fragile abdomen was also revealed.

What gives it such great courage?

Just as the guardian wanted to test his hand, a large amount of magma flooded into the forest from both sides of the demon. Several **** dragons squeezed in along the sides of the demon, waved their bone wings, and raised their heads towards the sky. He issued a deafening dragon chant.

Hundred-level monster.

Night sky.

Looking down, there is a bright spot in the eye, and the red lava is like a butter stick pinched by a bear child, squeezing it to a halt.

Kuangsan sat on the clouds, resting his cheeks in his small hands, and his eyes were empty, making him a little bored for a while.

The origin point of the Ten Thousand Realm Origin System is also expected.

Moreover, the world consciousness did not resist too violently, nor kicked her back to the last black master universe.

The plan through the Golden Princess has been recognized by the world consciousness.

Below, the fighting between the two sides has officially entered a white-hot state. The flying squirrel’s lair is nearby. After various krypton gold props have joined the battlefield, the scale of victory gradually tilts toward the tomb of Nazarick.

Want to challenge the tomb of Nazalik in this kind of world with a level cap, how easy is it to capture the guardian of the full level?

Shangxuexialang or GM?

No matter what, he will definitely be kicked out by the angry world consciousness.

The following game-style confrontation scene is similar to a special effects blockbuster, you come here, let me do it. It depends on whose speed is fast.

Flying Squirrel’s familiarity with the World Tree is one of the best in the guild, and he has a high winning percentage in the player arena.

As for why, of course, flying squirrel uses the game mechanics of the World Tree.

After the first one is lost cleanly, the next match will be weakened. Use this mechanism

Magic confrontation, skillless power, apart from a visual feast, I haven't seen Saber fighting interesting yet.

When the dawn broke, the thunder was loud and the demon army with little rain was completely defeated by the Krypton players. Except for dozens of little demons who escaped from search and fled to other places, even the giant demon returned to **** to recover from his injuries.

Several dragons died tragically, the guardians were wounded on their own, and their magic power was nearly exhausted.

After flying squirrel and the others hastily dealt with the battlefield, they immediately withdrew to the tomb of Nazarick, flying squirrel did not choose to move.

That's too much trouble, and the goal is too big to be found easily.

He pretended to be the adventurer Momo again, and sneaked out with Nabei quietly, preparing to continue to explore the plague events that have occurred in the kingdom in recent days.

Sitting in the clouds, Kuang San was enjoying the rare sunrise, and his condensed skin seemed to gather the holy light in the sun.

Kuangsan is sure that the plot of this world has been drastically changed by her, and she has made a lot of oil and water. What else? After Xiao Hong, she discovered some secrets through the magic-modified Pan-Continent Alliance satellite she developed.

The earth, which is almost completely controlled by capital, and the bottom people are like pigs and dogs, seems to be marching here.

What interesting things will happen then?

Kinetic bullet vs fireball?


Nuclear bomb VS super-level magic?

The petite figure quietly disappeared into the clouds.

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