Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 148: : Weird Long Worm

A corner of the steel was smashed into the soil, and a lot of blue paint fell off, making the whole look dirty and vicissitudes of life.

It seems to be reflecting the ending of this city, except for Kuang San, no one would be interested in that stuff.

A lot of insect swarms were encountered along the way, and most of them chose to take detours under the detection of the celestial eye division. Although the time was greatly extended, there were almost no casualties.

The atmosphere of the whole team is depressed. If there is nothing to do, no one wants to say a word. It seems to be saving energy, even the usually naughty children are honestly following their parents at this time. Although this age does not understand what ‘death’ is, the threats given to them by the hideous giant bug are enough.

As soon as the tiny Martin boots stepped on a piece of land, I heard in my ears, "Ding~Main task ② has been completed, the rewards are posted below, please check by yourself."

"Ding~The main mission ③ is on: The Saint Armor Centipede King, kill or expel."

"Success: rewards are issued according to actual conditions, please work harder for reincarnations."

"Failure: Clear all rewards and reincarnation points."

When he heard the "Holy Armor Centipede King", Kuang San's heart contracted unconvincingly, and for a while, the palpitations slowly disappeared. Even Li Jiayu next to him felt that something was wrong, thinking she was sad to see Xijiang City become like this.

Blinking his eyes, waiting for the sourness to pass, the corners of his eyes are slightly moist.

Use your mind to master the attribute panel and find the rewards of the main task ②... "Reincarnation point: 783; purchase permission: none; equipment obtained: none. The overall evaluation is recorded, please check after completing all the main lines."

With a sigh of relief, it was not difficult to escape the quest of Xijiang, so these points were also expected. Last night, the Swarm attacked. Although she did a lot of effort, she did not encounter any danger.

The large forces are still advancing, and the consequences of frequent detours have not made much progress throughout the day.

The non-governmental forces around Xijiang University have consciously or unintentionally moved closer to them, as if this would make them feel more secure.

The whole day was spent on the road, but it only advanced about 20 kilometers, and there was still a distance from the small town ahead. The army planned to work harder to arrive at night so that the survivors could have a place to rest.

The vanguard has rushed away, and many inheritors are mixed in it. The team of 400,000 people dragged along like a long dragon, and sometimes the army had to slow down to wait for the wounded and sick.

As for lunch? It’s all solved in a hasty way on the road. How can there be time for you to solve the stomach problem with such an open space? If you are accidentally surrounded by a swarm of insects, who is to blame?

The sky darkened, and although the dark clouds had dispersed a lot, the gloomy sky remained unchanged. Coupled with the fact that the earth is slowly turning to the other side, the sun can only wave its afterglow.

This is only the next day...

The vanguard team seemed to have encountered some difficulties. When the large troops arrived, the monsters in the town still had not been cleaned up.

Especially the poisonous corpse, once again appeared in front of the survivors, if it weren't for the usual, I'm afraid it would have been scared!

Heat weapons come in handy at this time. Soldiers clean up the poisonous corpses one after another, and the inheritors will check it out at the back, turning the town upside down!

Ran Hongxia, a master who likes to "help others for fun," he plunged into the town to help clean up without saying a word. The poisonous corpse who died under the sharp sword aura is even more uncommon!

The appearance was remembered by the soldiers, and she also saved many people. Coupled with her outstanding appearance and temperament, she immediately won the respect of many people.

Kuang San was holding a bag of snacks in the team, while observing the town, while delivering food to his small mouth. The children on the side looked straight!

Drooling, begging his parents. In the end... of course the bear child was beaten.

Li Jiayu reached into the packaging bag very skillfully, learning how Kuang San did to judge the soldiers who were annihilating the enemy in the town.

Kuang San rolled his eyes helplessly, and directly stuffed the snacks into Li Jiayu's arms, his figure flashed, and he came to the town.

Every time the alloy dagger shines silver from the darkness, it will take away a poisonous corpse. I don’t know if it was lucky or unfortunate. The residents of the small town were not eaten by bugs, but were polluted by the surrounding waters and turned into poisonous corpses!

The whole town was lifeless, exuding a smell of carrion. If it hadn't been known that the poisonous corpse virus had no ability to spread from the air, Head Li would now order a retreat!

Even when cleaning up the town, the soldiers are not without casualties. Usually when they enter the residents' houses... they are pounced by the poisonous corpses hiding in the corner!

Even if the bullet has hit its body...but as long as it scratches you with that black and purple poisonous claw...or someone accidentally bites you...

Therefore, even the inheritors are unwilling to do this hard work. Although their physical resistance is very strong, there is a case in everything. If they want to become poisonous corpses, there is really no place to cry.

Fortunately, the girl Ran Hongxia is not afraid at all, a sword energy can split the poisonous corpse into two in an instant! But the soil culture house... has also become shaky, and Head Li can't help but twitch.

There were not many houses in the poor and several houses were demolished by Hongxia...Where did the powerful officers live this night?

However, Ran Hongxia is strong, and as the target of the army, Captain Li can only accompany the smiling face now, can't say something that is destructive, right?

But later, the mysterious assassin appeared, even the celestial eye master next to Captain Li could not see the details! This would not even know if it was a man or a woman!

This person is definitely not the inheritor in the army! Head Li wiped the sweat on his head, and there were so many civil masters beyond his expectation. Why doesn't the army have a strong man who can solve his problems?

...Sighed, he remembered Zhang Gan again.


A big soldier hurried over and stood not far from Regiment Commander Li, standing upright, offering a standard military salute.

The palm is like a knife, the same in return, "Say."

"Leader, Team No. 16 has found a group of unknown species!"

Head Li frowned, and it was enough to find that the species could not be eliminated directly. How could there be so much trouble?

Seeing the group leader’s doubts, the soldier said again: "The plant mage accompanying the team asked me to call the group leader, saying that the species is not simple."

Regiment Commander Li raised Yang's head and motioned to the soldiers to lead the way, and the Heavenly Eye division around him followed. Kuang San, hiding in the darkness, was a little curious, but saw the poisonous corpse swaying not far away, and solved it in a flash!

...On the edge of a farm-like manure pond, the "unidentified species" curled up into a black ball, and there seemed to be countless threads turning over, making people look nauseous.

The Plant Mage stood up and said: "Head, this creature..."

"Just burn it, it's not a good thing that can survive in Poisonous Corpse Town, besides, there is no time for you to study it now."

"This... okay."

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