Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 149: : Wire Invasion

The Plant Mage couldn't help it, he was just an ordinary Sun Soul inheritor, and he had studied creatures before the seeing such a strange species, I had a vague premonition in my heart.

But the head of the group had to say so, and he could only do so. Called a fire mage who was also not taken seriously, and the two surrounded the strange species.

As for the others, they have already gone to clean up the poisonous corpses. How can there be time to take care of them? Are they really important people?

In the black group, the silk thread turned upside down, twisted back and forth, and there was some mucus on it, I don't know what it was. There was a surge in Fire Master's stomach, and the nausea of ​​this thing was no worse than that of carrion limbs!

"Just burn it?" he asked.

"Just burn it."

The fire mage grinned, gathered his mental power, closed his eyes and was not looking at the disgusting creature, a flame ignited in his palm and sprayed towards the black group.


There seemed to be a lot of water in the black group, and only steam blew up after burning for a long time, and the black group... was not harmed at all.

The fire mage shook his head. Excessive release of mental power caused a little dizziness. He said helplessly, "What should I do? I can't burn it completely."

"Huh!" The plant mage on the side raised his mental power, communicated with the vines, and entangled towards the black group. An unbelievable scene appeared! The silk thread separated by the black group actually entangled the vines!

The blunt head was easily inserted into the vine meridian! Then... the plant mage lost control of it.

"Damn it!" He spit, and spit on the ground. The gunshots in the distance became less and less, indicating that the army has almost cleaned up the poisonous corpses. And their two Yang Soul inheritors were still trapped here by a small black thread.

"Get some dry wood, I'm urging the flames to try." The fire mage muttered for a moment, so he said.

There was no way for the two of them, the bullets hit it had no effect, and only sparks burst for a while. He slashed with a cold weapon, and knocked that great sword!

The supernatural ability has no effect on this thing. The ghosts know whether it is invaded by water and fire, or if they are not capable of themselves.

Originally, Squad No. 16 had already begun to turn back. With the help of the ghostly assassin, the army quickly pushed across the entire town.

The investigation of the ‘Assassin’ also made Captain Li forget the black masses behind his head.

"Oh, Master Chen, you haven't solved that stuff? What is it that the famous inheritors can't solve it?"

The plant mage surnamed Chen did not answer, but went to the surrounding area to find dry firewood. The recruit who had just been recruited laughed at him again: "I said Master Chen, we just need to arrange this work for us. You are a'noble'. Inheritor, don't dirty your white and beautiful women's hands!"


Half of the entire squad was laughing. The leader was a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes. At this time, his brows were frowning. These recruits had just been recruited from Xijiang City.

Special circumstances are treated specially, but these little rascals are more difficult to take with each other! From their flattened hair, it can be seen that each of them is a chaotic character.

"All tm give labor and management quiet!"

With a violent shout, several people seemed to be pinched by their throats with big hands. The laughter just now seemed to be just an illusion. Their xinxing is just like this, and it can't be changed in a day or two.

But what the squad leader said, they had to listen, how **** they were, they still respected the "big brother" who had saved his life.

The man smiled a little embarrassedly at the master surnamed Chen, and walked back to the town with the team.

It wasn't until the figure disappeared completely that the Fire Mage snorted coldly!

"Hey! What the **** are they? Dare to say this to the ‘Tyrannosaurus’! Why is it useless? The wood they burn every day is still mine."

"Oh~ okay, let’s just say a few words. Do you think that the temperament of'Tyrannosaurus' has never quarreled with the army? If it weren't for the stability of'King Kong orangutan', coupled with his power, I am afraid that the conflict would have broken out long ago ."

"I can go to tm! What kind of stuff are they? If there are no inheritors fighting in front of the battlefield, can they give them a chance to shoot? You wait and see, they must be tents when they are divided up. Won't let us sleep in the house."

After he finished cursing, he put the dry firewood collected in his arms next to the black group, "We'll forget it. After all, there is not much effort, but all the combatants have no room allocation. You said that you are not annoying or not? Look down on our inheritors!"

"Leader Li is an ordinary person, and he must be very defensive against us, but at this's really sad."

The master surnamed Chen was not answering, Gan Chai had already surrounded the black group in a circle, and even buried it tightly from above.

The fire mage murmured a few more times. He didn't hear what he was talking about. He saw flames spurted out of his palm again, and the dry wood immediately burned.

The orange-red flames under the night sky reflected bright light on the sides of the two of them. The black line in the flame turned faster and faster. Although there was no roar, the two of them could still feel that it was hurt...

Kuang San's figure was hidden in the dark, even if he didn't deliberately hide his breath, it was not detectable by ordinary inheritors. The burgundy eyes firmly locked onto the creature in the She always felt... where did she see that thing.

Obviously with her current strength, it should be a very simple thing to remember previous memories, but apart from recent times, some memories in the main **** space can only be roughly vaguely remembered.

What can she do? There is no opportunity to resist, and it is the best choice to follow the trend.

He shook his little head and looked over there again, and found that the black ball of silk thread had not moved. When he shook his body, he disappeared...When he reappeared, he was already in his tent.

As for the two wizards, there was no movement when they saw the black line, and there was a faint smell of burnt on their noses, and the two of them walked and talked, and walked back to the town.

At this time, the survivors in Xijiang City had surrounded the entire town, with too many people. Even the outskirts of the town are occupied by all kinds of tents.

Not to mention that in the town, you have to fight to get a place. Next to the fire was a dung pond, and the taste was by no means good. Someone found a shovel, shoveled the fire, and put it in his camp.

As for why there is a fire here? Regardless of it, maybe that group of inheritors was too bored to rise up.

The night is so cold, in the small town, I am not afraid of fire attracting insects. I pierced the tent one by one, for fear that I would not be able to burn the fire.

On the first day of migration, many people in modern times did not exercise... which also caused body pain everywhere, and fell asleep early when tired.

Around the early hours of the morning, the fire became smaller and the dry wood burned out. A cold wind blew and finally went out...

The black thread slowly stretched out and arched into the tent in all directions.

Thank you "Emperor of Dark Stars" for rewarding 1000 starting coins; "Book friends 20170916112618728, wind and snow, drunk" each rewarded 100 starting coins.

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