Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 169: : Lurking

The bright red circular formation directly locked the middle of the mutant iron nematode's body, causing it to float in the air, and its two ends swayed frantically in horror.

The circular array is continuously divided into small arrays, which are firmly reinforced every one meter or so, making this mutant iron nematode immobile.

Kuang San's white tender little hand turned slightly, and the bright red array suddenly turned into cyan! The fiery atmosphere that originally surrounded the surrounding instantly became cool, and there was a hint of sharpness in it!

Head Li and the others stood there blankly, their minds were blank. They never thought that this young lady was so powerful!

Before they could react, their straightened palms clenched into fists. The formations are activated one by one, this time, even ordinary people can feel the breeze like a knife!

In addition to the howling of the cold wind at night, it helps even more!

"Zheng Zheng Zheng--"

The "cold wind" that mutated iron nematode gathered directly was divided into small sections! If someone observes carefully at this time, they will be surprised to find...Each section is two centimeters, no more, no less.

The seven-meter-long bug was cut into three hundred and fifty segments, and each segment survived. This changed the expressions of everyone present!

Li Jiayu stood there and didn't move. He believed Kuangsan. Although he was confused about her dividing the insects into so many segments, it was obviously not the time to ask questions.

Before the mage inheritors rushed to release the high-temperature flames, Kuang San's straight right hand pressed down.

The cyan arrays merged together instantly, turning one hundred and eighty degrees vertically, becoming horizontal, parallel to the ground. The 350-segment mutant iron nematodes just wanted to escape, but they were too short. One insect was two centimeters long. No matter how hard they were struggling, they couldn't move much in this short meeting.

The circular cyan pattern with a radius of three meters turned into a red color in an instant, and the scorching heat on it made the head Li, who was ten meters away from here, feel the heat wave.

Press down fiercely! When the array hit the ground, it instantly collapsed into flames, like an illusion, and the flames disappeared completely in the next moment.

And the same disappeared...there were three hundred and fifty iron nematodes! The ground was scorched, and in some places it was even dry and cracked, making it incompatible with the surrounding dampness.

Head Li raised his eyebrows, "Is this solved?" The throat moved, but there was still no sound, and he turned to look at the'King Kong Orangutan' and the'Tyrannosaurus'.

Perhaps it was because this mutant iron nematode was completely wiped out, or it was because the parasitic man had run out of energy. Their condition is getting worse and worse, and they can no longer suppress the "two giants" of the army. Instead, each of them picks four!

Seeing this, Head Li felt much better. This pick four... Except for those two people in Xijiang University, no other inheritor can do it, right?

And that little girl from the Tokisaki Foundation, my God! He thought that the other party was just slightly better than ordinary people!

After all, this is what Master Tianyan reported to him, but that kind of ultra-high temperature flame..."Is she the female heir to the blue-eyed giant ant that hit the giant ant that day?"

The more Regiment Leader Li thought about it, the more likely it was. Although the two had different voices, one of them yelled out loudly. Except for familiar people, it is true that no one else can hear it.

How did the Eye Master do it this day? Head Li looked at the old man next to him with a faint look in his eyes, he couldn't even find out such important news, and said that the opponent's strength was not worth mentioning.

My day, you mmp, it is really messy! Maybe this old man is straight-hearted and directly tells the strength he sees...

They are all young people in their twenties, and being underestimated by others will definitely feel uncomfortable, so they don't even have a good impression of the army, so naturally they won't join.

Master Tianyan swallowed a few mouthfuls now, and he now relies on a pair of "sky eyes" to eat. Originally, this girl had a weak physique, even inferior to ordinary people. If it weren't for the extremely strong Yuan Yin Qi in the body, he wouldn't have said to Head Li.

This time, I really missed you! Let’s not say that the girl dealt with bugs and understatement, just because he didn't see the other side, it was enough to make him blind himself!

At this time, the old man is full of mental strength, and once again looks at Kuangsan through the "eye of the sky"...

An ordinary woman, the physique is restored to normal, except for the stunning beauty, the body of the body is like a lake, nothing else!

Master Tianyan was a little frightened for a while, "How could this be?! I can't even see anything!"

Under tension, the old man actually said what he was thinking directly! Head Li squinted his eyes slightly, as if thinking about something.

After the eldest lady discovered the bug, it seemed that apart from them, the group of people at Xijiang University had nothing to do except for a little weird.

With this, we can know that the inheritors of Xijiang University are quite confident in that eldest lady. But the celestial eye masters didn't see anything. There were many follow-up inheritors in the army. Those celestial eye masters had seen them, but they didn't say anything.

The prediction of the insect swarm is also so-so, but he really doesn't know? Or was it bought by those powerful and powerful?

Either way, it is not good news!

Kuang San didn't know at all, just because he killed a bug at will, he separated the army from the group of ‘Sky Eye Master’ more quickly.

She is immersed in the panel now, and the extra 350 makes Kuangsan very happy.

When I looked at the group of parasites again, a green light flashed like a hungry wolf in my eyes!

Why not cut it into one centimeter? Isn't that more? Because Kuangsan saw the surviving iron nematodes in the previous explosion, the shortest was only two centimeters.

They are not truly infinitely divided, or they are really terrifying anomalies!

As for why it can be dispersed into black lines in the human body, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling each other.

Kuang San said: "How do I know? What does it matter to me? I am not them."

The remaining seventeen parasites fell into the wind. Although they have not been wiped out yet, they are not too far away.

Some inheritors were injured and were sneaked into the body by tiny threads, but people didn't notice it.

However, Xiao Wanqing would have exhausted her mental energy. Naturally, it would be impossible to carefully investigate the body of each injured person, but simply restore the wound to normal.

Can the differentiated black thread evolve into mutant iron nematode? Will it still draw energy from the human body?

No one knows this, they are very honest, seemingly falling asleep, lying there motionless. None of the inheritors felt that something was wrong, because with their strength, they could not manage the whole body.

The parasite who was fighting against the "King Kong Orangutan" was thrown out by one of its punches! When it stood up, it suddenly roared!

The remaining sixteen parasites wanted to leave the battlefield quickly, but were stopped by two of the'King Kong Orangutan' and the'Tyrannosaurus'.

Fifteen parasites ran to the west quickly, Head Li's expression changed and he shouted: "Stop them!"

Thank you "Emperor of Dark Stars" for rewarding 500 starting coins; "Book Friends 20170916112618728, Bailu Yinchenshuang cp" rewarded 100 starting coins.

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