Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 170: : Dujiang

What's in the west? A river, a river connected to the previous town.

What's in the town? There are infected corpses, maybe the mutant iron worms came from there.

Head Li suddenly thought of a plant mage. Isn't that black thread similar to the current mutant iron nematode?

At that time, I only thought about arranging accommodation, cleaning up the poisonous corpses, and investigating the origin of the virus. He didn't take this matter to heart at all, now he regrets it, but it is too late to regret it.

At least it is time now, the death toll is very few, there should be no escaped bugs, and the rest are all parasitic in the bodies of those fifteen people.

As long as they are completely killed, the mutant iron nematodes in the body will naturally be solved by the inheritors of Xijiang University.

Therefore, even though Head Li was anxious, he believed that the parasites could not make any big storms, and it is estimated that these bad things will be completely resolved at dawn!

Poorly, he himself didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and he was middle-aged, and there was no inheritance support. Head Li was not as energetic as Xie Wenyuan. But there was no way, he died, many people died, and the number of people he could use was even reduced.

The river in the west should have been infested by the abyssal corpse. There is nothing to see on the surface, but there is an extremely terrible virus in it! They melt into the water completely, and the ghost knows whether a person will turn into a poisonous corpse after a drink!

It is estimated that the origins of the poisonous corpses in the town have no clear relationship with the river!

What about the mutant iron nematodes? It looks like an alien species, because they are big. However, the head of Li was not sure whether it was some reason on the earth that caused the species to mutate, thus forming the picture he saw.

He has ambitions, he wants to regain control of the army, if he can thoroughly study that kind of bug, and "inject" it into the human body. Once successful, he will have a second-order master of mass production!

Continuously, it can be used as a production line!

And if the group of "worms" escaped into the river to the west, no one knew what would happen. Head Li didn't want to do anything about the moths. He wanted to make a quick resolution, and the parasites in the province ran into the ordinary people and wreaked havoc!

There is also the corpse virus. If the parasite carries that thing on the body, it is definitely a troublesome thing.

Although the ‘King Kong’s Orangutan’ is weird why Head Li is so anxious, he, who has his vocation to obey orders, still reacts quickly. Before the poisonous corpse ran far, the "King Kong Orangutan" strode towards them!

The ‘Tyrannosaurus’ snorted coldly, and shot out two white air from his nose, which was very aggressive! Watching the big brother running towards the nasty parasites, without saying anything, he ran towards the other side with strides. He is still very angry with this parasite in his heart! In the past, when dealing with huge bugs, the powerful force that was always unfavorable could not be exerted here!

Every time I can’t hit, the speed is not enough, and the strong people have to stand there and stare! Fortunately, there are four people besieging, and the parasitic’s "physical strength" is also consumed rapidly, which makes the'Tyrannosaurus' gradually able to hit Parasites suppressed them.

If it's always like that, the ‘Tyrannosaurus’ thinks he can go crazy before he runs out of energy! This is a test of his patience! Is he patience? The answer is yes, but very few. If it hadn't been for the big brother "King Kong Orangutan" to press him down, "T. Rex" would have been better than the boss!

An ordinary person is still arrogant at him! Asking the phrase "dogbi" can draw out a lot of great truths, and many brothers in the army can't understand it.

If he can get rid of that guy, he would be in line with public opinion, right?

"Tyrannosaurus" was thinking about things in his mind, but his speed was not reduced at all. With its super explosive power, he chased behind the "King Kong Orangutan" in a while.

And that group of inheritors from Xijiang University is still far from the top masters in the army, and now only Ling Shaoping can hold on to the two of them in terms of speed alone!

Campanulaceae, Ran Hongxia and others did not take action. Instead, they guarded Xiao Wanqing's side. Now her mental energy was exhausted, and she was suffering from headaches and healed many inheritors. Xiao Wanqing was a little weak for a while.

It's not that she can't perform healing techniques on herself, but the mental power is there, and there must be some time to slowly recover.

Although Ran Hongxia was worried about the death of the group, she didn't care about the bugs. As long as it didn't parasitize the body of ordinary people, it was nothing.

Kuangsan can kill a whole article lightly, she dyes Hongxia seriously... can she kill it too?

In fact, for the six or seven-meter-long mutant iron nematode, Ran Hongxia can't kill the thing unless he uses all the "sword qi" in his body.

Kuangsan was divided into two centimeters, because that would ensure that they would survive 100%. As for the small point, she was not very clear.

The "sword qi" dyed with Hongxia is everywhere. Unless it is placed in a small room, she can easily eliminate the mutant iron nematode, but if it is placed in the endless wild, it will be very difficult.

Unless she can cut the bugs into powder in an instant! Can she do it? Maybe, I can definitely do it in the future, but definitely not now.

There is also platycodon, her arrow contains the power of "purification", and the mutant iron nematode reacts to that thing, indicating that it has some relationship with the poisonous corpse in that small town.

Then it can indirectly explain that the mutant iron nematode is related to the abyss corpse clan. The sharp arrows with "purification" should be able to kill them easily.

Kuang San circled his eyes, and his mental power plowed the ground. After confirming that there was no other bad "thing", his figure flashed and turned into a black light and shot towards the western river!

Head Li and Master Tianyan were all taken aback, it seemed... the strength of this young lady was more than their guesses!

Looking at each other, everyone can feel the shock of each other.

Li Jiayu stood where he was. Although he was interested in that thing, standing beside Kuangsan made him more comfortable. Now that Kuang San is leaving, Li Jiayu's eyes flashed brightly...

Compared to Kuangsan, he is still too young in terms of physical fitness. If he can summon the Dark Griffon now, would he still use him to drive on his own?

How can a summoner generally rely on himself? Group fighting is king!

So he decisively chose...not to go! What if the mutant parasites mutate again? He has confidence in Kuang Thirty, and the ultimate move is endless.

Not to mention killing some weird bugs, where do you use that stuff? Li Jiayu was surprised by the hand of magic just now. When did she learn it? This talent is simply jealous!

Moreover, she is proficient in manipulation. Although she does not feel the existence of ‘magic power’ in her body, she has just released it. What can you say?

He glanced at the scorched earth again, looking westward.

Kuang San quickly came to the riverside after speeding up. The fifteen parasites were also surrounded by the inheritors, and the other side... is the river.

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