Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 190: Deep friendship is...

At best, they can only be regarded as Lin League Master's subordinates, and even the Yang Soul inheritors are two or three big cats and kittens. I really don't know where the courage came from to be so overbearing.

Thanks to the frightening reputation of Xijiang University, the man who whispered the news did not dare to tell the leader Lin. After all, there are so many masters of terror in Xijiang University, Lin will not offend each other for the sake of them.

Finally? Of course it is him who is unlucky! Because he is the only one who is alive! I definitely can't escape, whether it's a happy death or something else... it depends on Li Jiayu's mood.

Instead of this, he was cruel and didn't pass the words Li Jiayu asked him to bring to League Master Lin. Instead, they struggled with more than a dozen **** who were not taken seriously in the camp, and some of them were Yang Soul inheritors. Although unbearable, the three words "inheritor" alone are enough to make people feel at ease.

Rather than being called by someone, it is better to take the initiative to attack, take a reason first, and not dare to expect compensation, but as long as you can save your own life, you will earn it!

As for the hypnotist, he didn't know anything. When the time comes, it will be a big deal to pay some benefits and let these "brothers" help him lie.

Things have changed, but the leader has no idea. He only has Kuangsan in his eyes. If Kuangsan let him die, he won't hesitate!

But in the group of "brothers", everything became unusual.

"Grandson Dog! Did you trick us here? Want other people to kill us?"

"Did you join Xijiang University? Do you want to attack the Alliance? You have to think about it. The leader of Lin has been in close contact with several other forces for a long time, and he has military support! Xijiang University dare not move him easily!"

The violent mood swings caused them to lose their minds, and they also led to these miscellaneous fish? I believe they are not enough for Chu Xiang to move his muscles and bones alone!

Ran Hongxia bumped Kuangsan lightly with her shoulder, and asked curiously: "What's wrong with him?"

"What's wrong?" Kuangsan blinked his eyes, looking innocent.

"Then what are you stupefying? I thought it was you..."

"Eh!" Kuangsan said in surprise, then returned to normal, with a smile overflowing from the corner of his eyes, half-jokingly said: "I'm just thinking...what kind of posture is'deep intercourse'."

"What kind of body is deep sex... ooh!"

Ran Hongxia recalled what Kuangsan had said, and immediately her whole body was not good, and the smile of Kuangsan fell in her eyes, making her whole face flushed.

Li Jiayu is still on the sidelines and continues to "low pressure." The group said that he is a vicious woman, and he has reached the limit of his tolerance!

If they were described as vicious men, Li Jiayu would be happy, and let them die faster. But now, it can never be kind.

Not only them, but Li Jiayu wants to settle the hatred he formed with Lin Lin in his previous life! Or else, what is the purpose of letting go of a whistleblower?

Everyone is nervous, and has been surrounded by the inheritors of Xijiang University. Everyone on the other side is more or less contemptuous, as if they are like spicy chickens in the eyes of the other side!

Let these inheritors kill? It is estimated that they can't do it because they were still college students a few days ago and lived in a normal and orderly world. At best, they were helping Li Jiayu to teach the group.

Interrupting hands and feet or something continues, and it is estimated that few people dare to really start. After all, this is a human! It's the same kind, not those disgusting bugs!

But they can achieve this level, Li Jiayu is already very pleased. At least the real masters of Xijiang University did not hesitate to kill people.

This time, he is going to commit suicide to finish the group!

The dark octopus waved its tentacles, the blasting hammer dragon roared to the sky, and the ice wheel pill in Li Jiayu's hand was surrounded by ice mist.

Everywhere is full of killing intent! Aggressive killing intent!

There were two tremors, they didn't expect this beautiful and handsome girl to be so cruel, too late to reprimand the leader, and began to tensed up.

Everyone doesn't want to confront him, the other person knows that he is a powerful inheritor at a glance! Finding the escape from the slit is the last word.

Reporting the leader is inevitable. As for whether the two behemoths will confront each other, it is not for them to decide.

After all, they are just a bunch of insignificant people.

"What does Li Jiayu want to do?" Ran Hongxia frowned, with a vague premonition in her heart. From the bottom of her heart, she still felt a little disgusted with murder.

"Don't you already know it? He is going to kill the other party..."

When Kuangsan spit out the word "kill", the leader's eyes flashed with red light, and he drew out his portable dagger and stabbed the people around him in the heart!

The actions are like peers, but they are also fierce! The level of professionalism is no less than that of those well-trained killers!

When the people around him were still stunned, he had killed three people in a row! The dagger was held in his hand, although there was no light, but the victory was fast and real!

A kid with a knife!

His face was splashed with blood, but he did not change his mind at all, and continued to wield the "butcher knife," killing his former companions!

Even Li Jiayu was slightly stunned, that guy had already started killing the fifth person! The Yang Soul inheritor while cursing "traitor," while using his chicken rib skills to attack the opponent.

He was stabbed in the ribs, his face remained unchanged, and the dagger was still slashed upwards. The dagger cut through the man's throat. Before he died, he still had a rampant smile.

His clothes were soaked with blood, and he had already suffered more than a dozen knives. The group of people didn't know what this guy was supporting? It's like a vengeful demon returning from hell!

"Did he find that we have a leg with his wife? Oh my god, would you like to be so crazy?!"

The rest of the people were frightened. He was covered in blood and his movements had become stiff, but now no one could catch up! Everyone looked sharply, trying to find the impossible way of life.

The octopus beside Li Jiayu widened his eyes, and said unbelievably: "Lord...Master, he...Is this... a madman?"


Before Li Jiayu could answer, the man clenched the dagger and killed the last few Yang Soul inheritors!

The result was naturally that he died, and he was very peaceful when he died, as if he had accomplished some important mission.

Several chicken rib Yang soul inheritors were also panting at this time, their eyes filled with despair. I didn't expect them to be killed by this lunatic before the handsome white-haired girl could do anything!

Even if the trouble is solved, there is still more trouble waiting for them.

Ran Hongxia looked at Kuangsan beside her, with a smile on the corner of the other party's mouth. Thinking of her guess, her body shuddered.

Kuangsan glanced over, Ran Hongxia stared at the beautiful burgundy eyes, and found nothing unusual. It seemed that what happened just now... was just an accident?

Among the inheritors of Xijiang University, some have already smelled the tricks, but when they think of that stunning person, they panic.

Thank you "Xiao Tsuji" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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