Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 191: Helpless

Binglunmaru's blade was surrounded by cold mist, but it did not see blood this time. Those Yang soul inheritors had been electrocuted by the dark octopus!

There was only one person left, half of his arm was broken at this time, there was great fear on his face, and his body trembled while sitting on the ground.

It was obvious that the octopus put too much pressure on him, and the few remaining companions were scorched by electricity! Now he can smell the meat faintly! It seems to think of something, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, I don't know if it is scared or... .hunger.

The weather is fickle, it rains again, the blood on the ground is slowly washed away, and the corpse is handled by those inheritors, but the **** smell in the air is still easy to smell.

Li Jiayu's face was stern, and she was talking about something with his sister-in-law Yan Zisu. You can clearly see the worry on the young woman's face, and Kuang San didn't pay much attention to her.

Ran Hongxia was holding a black umbrella and shrouded herself and Kuangsan under it to protect herself from rain.

"Li Jiayu... Is this going to the Lin leader?"

Kuang San glanced at her, "Are you coming?"

"Huh? Me? I won't go." Yan Hongxia looked strange, she felt that Li Jiayu's mind was touched by the beautiful man in front of him, just like the roundworm in his stomach.

In the end, Li Jiayu threatened the man and took them to the manor where the'Moon Eagle League' was stationed.

Ling Shaoping and Chu Xiang were among them, and there were some other personnel, and Kuang San also stepped forward.

This is not the original work. The backbone of the'Moon Eagle League' still exists. If only with these few people, Li Jiayu might really have to pay a heavy price to succeed.

Kuang San decided to follow, and by the way, go to sweep the "treasure house of what alliance." Although Chong Jing didn't need it herself, she could replace it with a reincarnation point!

She now wants to understand that if the main **** is not seriously injured, she will not be discovered by the world consciousness, and she will not be the only "experiment."

Instead of relying on the illusory escape, it is better to use existing resources to strengthen yourself.

Starting from the end of the black, Kuang San intentionally or unintentionally reduced his dependence on the main god, not even getting injured in exchange for potions.

Now... just leave it.

She also has the redemption authority for [Alpha] level weapons. Wouldn't it be a pity if she didn't use it?

Will that energy be the food for the Lord God to recover from his injuries? Kuang San doesn't want to discuss these issues now.

The main **** is hateful, but she is her only support now. Once the main **** chooses a new reincarnation and abandons her... I believe those consciousness bodies will not let go of this good opportunity.

More likely, in order to keep the "secret," abandoning her by the Lord God meant that she was completely killed, even the soul disappeared.

Now in other universes, it is hard to say whether the true spirit of Kuangsan will return to the embrace of the original universe.

So... Kuangsan's hand holding the umbrella handle faintly turned white, and followed Li Jiayu and the others step by step. She needs resources, a lot of resources.


Leader Lin just came back from the military party. Because of time constraints, he just left for a cutscene, but he was also awarded the rank of major.

Although it is not recognized by the military now, as long as someone in this army obeys it! Commander Li and several others intend to support him, wanting him to counterbalance the ‘Tyrannosaurus’.

Leader Lin shook the wine glass in his hand, and the red wine shook in it, "Huh, Tyrannosaurus is a monster. It is impossible for me to go up and fight him hard!"

"What's more, there is a King Kong orangutan behind the other party. That guy's combat power can hang me up and fight!" Leader Lin narrowed his eyes, took a sip of red wine, and muttered to himself by the window.


"what's happenin?"

"There are a few Yang Soul inheritors and a dozen ordinary thugs who haven't come back yet. I'm worried if they are..."

"Really?" Lin Leng put the cup on the phoebe wooden table, held the window with his hands, and looked out. "Almost dead outside."

The figure hesitated and said, "It's not certain yet, do you want to send someone out to find it?"

"Huh! Several Yang Souls also rely on our Moon Eagle Alliance to dare to dominate. It is normal to be killed by insects if they are weak. But if they are killed by other people, we must ask them for an explanation!"

"Yes." Sombra nodded, and was about to go out to make arrangements. Before he left the hall, he was stopped by Lin League Master.

"Why haven't you seen a hypnotist for a long time?"

The black shadow was taken aback, grinning tauntingly said: "You don't know his temperament, lord, you are probably looking for those women outside for fun."

The man sat on the chair and said, "I don't care what they do, but don't provoke relatives in the army, and...the group of Xijiang University."

"Don't worry about this lord, they still have a little brain."

The man did not speak, waved his hand, and the shadow walked downstairs.


In the darkness, a manor slowly came into view. Li Jiayu squinted her beautiful icy blue eyes, turned her head and asked the person who was about to be frightened: "Is this sure?"

"Yes, yes... here, you adults don’t remember the villain, so let’s forgive the villain this time... I have an eighty-year-old daughter-in-law, and a twenty-year-old mother who has never passed the door. It's all on my own to live!"

He stammered, and he didn't even notice a strange problem when he was nervous.

Li Jiayu glanced at the octopus, not going to see it. The octopus blinked its big copper bell-like eyes, as if he understood Li Jiayu's meaning, and directly stretched out his tentacles to restrain his neck.

With a "click" the man was not resting. The tentacles were taken away, and the corpse fell softly to the ground, making an inaudible sound.

The alloy dagger whirled in Ling Shaoping's right hand, the blade gleamed slightly under the gloomy moon, and he said in a deep voice, "Or I will assassinate the group of guards first?"

"Two or three big cats and kittens, these people's defensive consciousness is really bad."

"Ka." With a soft sound, Kuang San picked up Twilight Morning Star and looked into the manor. "There are six guards on the outer side, and there are more in the inner courtyard. They are divided into three teams, one team of four, patrolling back and forth."

Ling Shaoping held the dagger upside down, and said depressed: "What should I do? The periphery is fine, but the inner courtyard really can't help it."

"Oh? Ling Shaoping, first go to solve the weak chickens on the periphery, and attack the rest directly!"

Hearing what Kuangsan said, Ling Shaoping was taken aback, his voice was a little dry, and he looked around at the crowd, "I really want to do this?"

Li Jiayu frowned, "Just do it, I still don't believe there are third-tier masters in this alliance!"

"Furthermore, we are not afraid even if there is a third-order."

A group of people subconsciously looked at Kuang San who was holding a huge sniper, and suddenly relaxed. If it weren't for fear of too much movement, it is estimated that this big man has already sent the "Moon Eagle League" to the sky?

Ling Shaoping nodded at everyone, disappeared, and quickly ran towards the outskirts of the manor.

Kuang San watched Ling Shaoping, no action of the other party could escape her eyes, her lips lightly opened: "You can attack in thirty seconds."

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