Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 48: Nightmare II


Kuang San moved his body, Liu frowned slightly, "It feels a little tight."

The red queen opened her eyes, and her three convex and concave figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Seeing Kuangsan who was pulling his combat uniform with his fingers, a black line appeared on the top of the red queen's head, "Master, maybe you are used to wearing pajamas. It will be fine after a while."

"Is that so?" Kuang San was a little uncertain.

"of course!"

After doing some exercises, I found that wearing this suit of combat uniform, no matter what action is not blocked, the flexibility is amazing!

"Okay, what should I do next? Just sit inside?"

"Uh...that's right."


Kuangsan climbed into the "cockpit" and sat down on it, "It always feels good, isn't it all unfolding in an instant?"

The Red Queen floated to the'Nightmare' and said helplessly: "I don't know what the physical constants of the world are, but it will never be used in the Marvel Universe or even other universes. If the master is proficient in the future, the instant area Sexual development is not difficult."

"Oh?" Hearing what the Red Queen said, Kuangsan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to say: "Can I put the'Nightmare' into the space? I really didn't expect the [Beta] level civilization and the space folding technology to be so mature. "

"...Red Queen? Why are you not talking anymore?"

"I'm afraid what I will say next, you will beat me to death with a punch, Master."

The eyebrows were raised unnaturally, "You won't let me put the'Nightmare' into the space backpack, will you?"

"Hehe...Master, you are so smart."

"Smart you big-headed ghost! I'm still looking forward to it because of a loss."

"That's something that can't be helped~" The Red Queen pouted her mouth, sat on the left armor of the Nightmare, dangling her calf, "Although we have studied space folding, even if there are successful cases, it belongs to Top secret, a probe ship intelligence brain like me has no authority to get information at all."

"And...even if you can get the information, do you think it can be made with [Alpha] civilization materials and technology?"

Kuangsan rolled his eyes and said, "Well, everything you say is your reason. Don't you still have to use mental power to communicate?"

"No!" Hong Empress widened her eyes and flew in front of Kuangsan, "Master, I have developed a mental device to communicate the'Nightmare'. When that happens, only your heart will be moved, and the mecha will be loaded on you."

"Like the bracelet or other things in is?"

"Uh..." Red Queen stretched out her finger and scratched her little face. "On the surface, it looks like it's not much different, but the internal structure should be very different. After all, a similar space fold, one is Spiritual traction. Of course, from a technical point of view, space folding is indeed more powerful..."

"Stop talking about this, tell me what to do next?" Kuangsan touched left and looked at right, but he didn't find the device to activate the'Nightmare'.

The red queen blinked and said embarrassedly: "Because I haven't entered yet."

On the handsome and flawless face, those beautiful burgundy eyes are almost turning into dead fish eyes, "Then what are you waiting for?"


"Di~The certification is successful, and the'Nightmare' starts to start. It is estimated that 13 seconds, please prepare the pilot."

"Bah Bah Bah -"

A series of light curtains popped out in front of Kuangsan, Kuangsan stretched out his hand and shook it at will, and the nerve traction device on the combat uniform was turned on.

The "right hand" of the "Nightmare" in front of him also learned the movements of Kuangsan, reaching out and holding it at will.

Flick back!


There was a burst of air, and the airflow caused was blocked at the periphery of Kuangsan.

"This is what kind of protective cover, right?"

On the front screen, the face after the red was projected, "It is indeed an energy mask made of high-level purebred energy compression."

When Kuangsan heard this term, his face was faintly pale, "Are you sure this thing will not explode if it is stressed enough?"

"Master, please rest assured, 30% of the global computing power can provide you with services at any time, which can greatly reduce energy consumption, and the ‘shield’ will only make necessary defenses, and it is usually in a weak state."

Her face was still pale, Kuang San thought of the technological world where she was performing missions before, and the energy shield has long been a shadow of her life!

"Listening to you, I feel even more panicked...and...what the **** is that ‘weak state’?"

"Woo~" The red queen on the screen rolled her eyes, always giving people a feeling of unkindness, "Master, the weak state is just a defense against the high wind speed during flight."

"Really just like this?" Kuangsan's eyes showed obvious distrust.

"Of course." The Red Queen said with her small chest straightened: "Master, do you want to try the second form first?"

"...You don't tell me, how do I know how to start it? It won't be like in anime...what kind of life and death crisis of **** drama can be used to start, right?"

"How is it possible! Master, you only need to increase the energy supply rate."

"So simple?"

The Red Queen shrugged, "It's that simple."

The burgundy eyes stared at the red queen, for a long time, "Well, I hope the'Nightmare' won't let me With a thought, it is clear that the spiritual power in the body is still in an "inactive" state, but there is This special power is blessed on Kuang San.

It's just pure violence!

But it's strong enough! With just a light wave, you can blow up your breath. If this punch is made on Stark's "Mark"... it is estimated that the opponent will fly to the sky in a purely physical way, right?


Just like the sound of gears turning, the "Nightmare" continued to unfold, and the black and red streamers flowed along the characteristic thread, and the whole if it came alive!


Kuang San was driving this machine for the first time, and his body was obviously a little uncomfortable. He just wanted to lean back when the "Nightmare" stood up.

Slightly grasping both hands forward, but under the guidance of the nerve traction device, the "Nightmare" also made corresponding actions.

This kind of action by the huge body... is indeed a bit comical.

Looking at the projection screen, the red queen smiled, Kuangsan narrowed his eyes.

As if to say again, as long as you are smiling, I will blow your head with one punch!

"Cough cough~" The Red Queen coughed slightly to cover up the embarrassing smile, "Master, next increase the energy output power and break through to the second form of'Nightmare' in one fell swoop."

Manually draw the energy output bar to the top, and the body starts to tremble in an instant!

The metal in the lines melted into liquid, and it revolved around the whole body rapidly. Kuangsan didn't feel much.

If I have to say it, I feel that the "Nightmare" has become more textured.


"Nightmare" takes a step forward, this kind of movement made by nerve traction, even if Kuangsan's balance is good, it is difficult to fully grasp it in an instant.

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