Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Spear


With the back thrust combined with the special gravity technology of the [Beta] civilization, the "Nightmare" successfully suspended in mid-air.

To be honest, there are six or seven light curtains in front of him, but Kuangsan can only understand two of them. How does she know what the others mean? !

Moreover, when flying, the spiritual power in Kuang San always couldn't be suppressed, as if it would come out through his body at any time.

It seems that if you don't adapt for a long time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to change.


There was a hole extending above the metal wall, frantically raised his brows, and compared his armor.

The shoulders shrugged, and the "Nightmare" also made corresponding actions, "It seems that you are well prepared."

"Hmm, of course."

Using the so-called "idea," to activate the nerve traction device, the "Nightmare" reacts in an instant!


The sound barrier was broken in an instant, and the result was that the sound knife squeezed by the air almost tore a hole in the metal wall!

The defense of the "weak state" almost became fragmented, although this degree of wind was harmless to Kuangsan.

But for the Red Queen, that is her negligence!

The energy shield kept thickening, and Kuang San didn't feel a trace of wind in it.

This kind of exposure to the air, all-round New York City night view, is indeed much more comfortable than Stark's projection light screen.


The sonic boom sounded and the "Nightmare" was suspended high in the sky. The abnormal noise in the sky made people look up, but the dark night sky did not make them see anything.

There was a young man standing on his balcony, his right hand holding a telescope was numb. With his mouth wide open, an incredible expression, until the mecha in the telescope disappeared again, the young man jumped up!

"Oh! My goodness! Why didn't I take a camera?! Oh! Damn it!"

"After the red, try the extreme speed state of the second form."

The little Lolita on the screen blinked, "Don't worry, Master. Everything is in a safe state, and the reactor energy is enough to support your play."

"Hehe." There was a smile at the corner of Kuangsan's mouth, "I didn't expect this thing to fly faster than me."

The light in the red queen's eyes flashed, "Wait for Stark's energy converter to succeed and be carried into the'Nightmare', I believe that your master's strength will be qualitatively improved."

Looking around the night view of New York, Kuang San said indifferently: "I'm really looking forward to it."

"Next, fly over there."

After Kuangsan determined the direction, the "Nightmare" followed her instructions to make corresponding actions, and at the same time the flowing metal on the fuselage began to circulate in the "line" rapidly.


It accelerated to supersonic speed again in an instant, and another strange noise rang out in the night sky of New York, which has attracted the attention of SHIELD.

Because of the purebred energy shield, Kuangsan didn't even feel a trace of resistance, not because of her strong physical fitness, but because the energy shield blocked all resistance.

And use these wind forces to accelerate the body twice!

The light flashed in the depths of the eyes, "After the red, this kind of body seems to have no restrictions?"

"That's true in theory."

"Doesn't anyone can turn it on?"

"Please don't worry about this. Without my instructions, no machine can be activated."

"And master, do you think it's so easy to communicate with the body through a nerve traction device?"

"Huh?" Kuangsan blinked, "It's really easy. It feels as difficult as playing pedals when I was a child."

The night scene ahead was instantly occupied by the light curtain, and Hong Empress stood by and changed her clothes, just like a little teacher.

"Tatata! Master, please look at the blackboard."

"Puff! Haha." Kuangsan's left hand broke away from the nerve traction, and he chuckled softly with his hand over his mouth, because the red queen's appearance was too funny.

Honghou rolled his eyes, "Perhaps it is easy for you, the master, but on an ordinary person, it is almost the same as being able to penetrate life and death."

"Control every nerve and make the right instructions. It can be said that everyone can do it, and it can also be said that everyone can't do it. Their use of nerves is only at the most superficial level. Some people who are not talented, even After professional training, it will never reach that height in a lifetime."

"And you, master, the spiritual power in your body is completely familiar with everything about the body. Although it is not up to the level of controlling every cell, it has begun to move in that direction. The huge spiritual power can enable you to make the most accurate physical judgments. Even the postures simulated by the cloud computing base can't match the actions you make subconsciously."

"Furthermore." The Red Queen said indifferently: "In the Marvel Universe, monsters with super-spiritual powers will care about this armor? Even if they want to use it, it's just a crippling scrap iron. Maybe the reactor has a little effect on them. maybe."

Kuang San subconsciously touched his chin with his right hand, and as a result, the right arm of "Nightmare" also stretched toward the "head," but was blocked by the energy shield.

Kuangsan was full of black lines, "Well, sometimes it is really inconvenient. You made this nerve traction device yourself, right?"

"Right!" The Red Queen said naturally: "I don't understand the specific operation of is, as if a core can represent everything, but the ghost knows what the ‘core’ is?"

"That thing appeared because of a bug in the physical constants of the is world? Must it be?" The projected red queen stamped his feet in angrily, and his hair was rubbed with two small hands.

Obviously, the trouble caused by is'core' almost made her fall into logic lock.

If it weren’t for knowing that the is world is not in one universe, the physical constants might be different. I’m afraid the motherboard after the red has burned.

"You have already designed is, haven't you? If you can use the energy converter, it will not be easy to surpass those is?" Kuang San comforted: "Perhaps the current'Nightmare' is placed in that world~www.wuxiaspot. com~ is also the top batch of mechas."

The red queen shook the hair that was quickly ravaged into a bird's nest, and said sullenly: "Of course I know that I just want to help the master. I feel that my [Beta] level intelligence is really."

"Okay, okay, the'Nightmare' has already given me a big enough surprise. This kind of mecha is indeed very powerful without using Kekedi."

"Master, you can actually get weapons from behind you."

"Oh?" Kuangsan drew a spear directly from the back of the mecha in accordance with the instructions of the Red Queen!


Mars shot in all directions, obviously held in the arm of the mecha, but Kuangsan still felt the weight.

The burgundy eyes narrowed slightly, and the magic pattern engraved on the spear was very clear to her, but the material used to make the spear was beyond her expectation.

If she urges the spear with all her strength, the power she exerts is absolutely terrifying!

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