Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 80: The shameless Gu Moer (one/three)

", can you come out in this kind of clothes!"

Xiaoyixian blushed with shame, stammer pointed at Kuangsan and said.

"what's happenin?"

Kuangsan rubbed the corners of his eyes, his silk pajamas exposed his arms, and the towering chest made a touch of snow white beside him.

The slender waist is bound inside, but it is not difficult to see the seductive scenery through the light gauze.

The straight white legs are exposed, and the silk skirt covers only the top of the knees, not to mention the clothes of that material...

The little doctor in a simple white dress had been brewing for a long time, but still did not say the words "shameless".

He hurriedly walked to Kuangsan and pushed Kuangsan, who was wearing "shameless" clothing, into the wooden house.

Seeing a black dress next to the wooden bed, Xiao Yixian hurriedly took it off, "Hurry up and change your clothes!"

Kuangsan looked around, and finally nodded in agreement, reaching out to pull off his clothes, Xiaoyixian hurriedly stopped.

"Etc., etc!"

Seeing Gu Mo'er who lifted his clothes into his abdomen, Xiao Yixian's face became more flushed, "I put the clothes on the bed for you, and come to have breakfast after you change them!"

After speaking, he opened the wooden door and ran out.


The door was closed, the little doctor leaned against the wooden door, and after taking a few deep breaths, his complexion improved a lot.

Thinking of Gu Mo'er's convex and concave figure, Xiao Yixian subconsciously pressed his hand to his chest.

‘Is she really as old as me? ’

The touch of Cannian was transmitted to the nerve center through the palm of his hand, and the smile on Xiaoyixian's face was slightly broken, and then he shook his small head and hurriedly walked to another hut.

After another while, after washing up, Kuang San, wearing a conservative black dress, appeared in front of the little doctor.

The girl looked around, looked at Kuangsan with suspicion, and then looked away.

Kuang San touched his face, and said in a puzzled way: "What's the matter? Didn't I wash my face clean?"

"No, no! Sit down and eat!"

Kuang San glanced at the rather rich breakfast on the table...

"Little doctor fairy, I have to confess one thing to you."

"No need!" Xiao Yixian flushed, and placed the bowls and chopsticks in front of Kuang San, "I forgive you!"

"But! Your dress must not be shown to others! Especially those men!"

The nervous little doctor fairy did not notice the error in her words, and Kuang San just wanted to explain her true appetite...

Kuang San: "???"

After an explanation, the little doctor fairy understood that it was a "pajama"... But the little doctor who listened to the mercenaries for a long time talked about meaty jokes, and instantly connected that revealing and shameless clothing to some subtle things. on.

Looking at the attire on Kuang San at this time, nothing was revealed except his face and a pair of jade hands!

Even Bai Nen's neck is tied with a black ribbon, and there is a small blue magic core in the middle, which seems to know that it is very valuable.

The black silk thread hanging between the neck is inconspicuous. Looking at the length, it should hang down to the shoulder blade.

"It must be something important? ’

The little doctor fairy thought for a while, and there is really no way to connect the noble girl with a cold temperament in front of her with that shameless "pajamas"...

"Hurry up and eat!"

Xiao Yixian looked serious, raised the end of his chopsticks, and knocked on the table, like an old mother who taught her daughter.

Kuangsan saw a large bowl of rice porridge made of Lingmi in front of her... She felt that it was necessary to reduce the amount of ingredients.

If she could finish this big bowl of rice porridge in normal times, it would be enough to make her full...but now...

‘Is it possible to continue to condense the blood during the day? ’



Kuang San leaned on the wooden chair, stroked the slightly bulging belly with his small hands, his eyes twitched.

The vindictiveness is reducing the ingredients in the abdomen at an extraordinary speed.

Because the energy contained in the ingredients is too much, the qualifications are not good, and the grudge is not a strong little doctor. He only drank a small bowl of rice porridge.

The rest... are all eaten by herself...

Kuang San suddenly missed Altria, if the little lion was would definitely not be her who handled the leftover soup and leftovers!

Kuangsan stood up, consumed more than half of the food in his belly, and greeted Xiaoyixian before walking outside the house.

Xiao Yixian was in a good mood, and the food she cooked was cleaned up, which is the greatest recognition for her as a chef.

After cleaning up the bowls and chopsticks, Xiao Yixian did not pay attention to the inheritance in his mind, but was thinking about what to eat at noon.

Fortunately, Kuangsan didn't know what Xiaoyixian thought! Although it was a pretty good choice to supplement the body's medicinal power with precious ingredients, her... appetite was not as good as Xiao Yixian imagined.

Kuang San was far away from the two small wooden houses, and the valley just after a heavy rain was a little muddy, but for the vindictive practitioners, it was by no means a big problem.

Every step is to lightly touch the ground, leaving only slight shoe prints on the muddy ground.

Afterwards, Kuang San saw a large number of boulders remaining in the valley, his calf exerted a slight force, his whole body was like an arrow from the string, and he jumped to a huge bluestone in three or two steps.

The free energy concentration here is not bad, it can be called the richest place in the whole valley, the surrounding elixir exudes fragrance, but there is no guard of Warcraft.

This valley can be called a wonderful flower in the Warcraft Mountains.

Kuang San sat down in a row. Kuang San, who had ample time, planned to break through here until King Dou was heading to the desert.

She is not in a hurry to collect the She even wants to give this drudgery to the little doctor fairy.

Closing his eyes, the ingredients in his abdomen have been ground into medicinal power by fighting qi and scattered everywhere in his body. Kuang San did not stimulate the bone marrow to absorb medicinal power, but instead immersed his consciousness on the "fighting sea urchin" on the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven.

At the level of fighting spirit, the gathering place of fighting spirit gradually formed a "gut-like shape," because it looked like a sea urchin, Kuang San also simply called it a fighting spirit sea urchin.

Douqi sea urchin was roasted all day long by Emperor Jindi Burning Tianyan, and Kuangsan had been deliberately controlling the temperature of Emperor Burning Tianyan.

Allow it to remove the impurities of vindictiveness while maintaining the overall amount of vindictiveness.

The fighting energy in Kuangsan's body has been maintained at about 90%, ensuring that while Emperor Burning Tianyan keeps baking the impurities, it also continuously draws free energy from the surroundings.

In combat, it is even more able to restore peak state immediately after taking drugs.

While increasing the temperature of the abnormal fire, it runs at high speed to absorb the free energy around it.

The grudge sea urchin swallows a lot of grudge every second, and after a long period of time, a large cyclone forms on Kuangsan's head!

The little doctor fairy standing next to the wooden house can clearly see the energy tornado in the distance, and faintly see the Kuang San sitting cross-legged below...

The small mouth opened slightly, ‘what level of exercises did Gu Mo’er cultivate to produce this effect? ’

‘Levels? Or is it only in the legendary ranks? ’

‘Can you practice this kind of exercise in front of yourself...Does Gu Mo'er believe her without reservation? ’

The energy tornado was maintained at a certain level, and nearly half of the free energy in the valley gushed over there.

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