Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 81: Show to numb scalp (2/3)

Pulled by this energy storm, outside the enclosed valley, circles of free energy are constantly being pulled, forcibly blending into the valley.

Kuang San used part of his mental power to fix the path of vindictive cultivation, and he was separated from the cultivation.

In the distance, Lin Tie, who was monitoring this abnormal phenomenon, was stunned!

He lived so many years ago, and he saw a lot of geniuses who caused energy storms during his cultivation, but he caused energy storms while being distracted to do other things...this was the first time he saw him.

You know, that is a storm of violent energy! It's a little bit different, it's nothing new to be severely wounded and destroyed by the bombing.

But the eldest lady...

Another man walked up slowly and slapped Lin Tie on the shoulder when he came up, "Hey! Brother Tie!"

Lin Tie did not respond, Lin Tong looked into the valley...


Not to mention the shock of the three little doctors, their mental powers far beyond ordinary people, and strict control, Kuang San can do this easily.

The mid-level Fen Jue's firepower is fully on, and he doesn't have to take into account the veins of his body, and his brain introduces a large amount of grudge from the outside to the inside.

All the mixed fighting qi introduced into the body was purified by the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan. As soon as the impurities entered the body, they were already burned into nothingness by the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

Fighting sea urchins are like self-breathing, shrinking and swelling, performing various duties in the body.

Except for not condensing blood, Kuang San has already mobilized this body to the extreme.

Although he can open his eyes and do other things, it is not without shortcomings.

Kuangsan cannot move temporarily.

If he wanted to leave here, Kuangsan could only gradually reduce the speed of Fen Jue, and finally sealed it completely.

In that way, the violent energy storm above his head will gradually return to calm.

If she moves her body to death... Kuangsan doesn't believe that her muscles can compete with such a huge violent energy.

Kuang San took out a black crystal that was suspected of being a purple spirit crystal from the ring, and put his mental power into it, except for a slight death...This crystal seems to have not changed?

Liu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he stretched out his hand to draw a small flame from his body, aiming at the black crystal.


It was like cutting tofu with a hot knife, the black crystals were quickly burned from it, and a lot of black smoke emerged. The black smoke was swallowed by the skyrocketing golden flames before it escaped.


The color was close to transparent, and the purple spirit crystal without the slightest energy in the crystal fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, it was smashed into **** by the violent energy storm and scattered in the air.

Kuangsan rubbed his chin, and now the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan is infinitely close to the peak state, then she will use these black crystals to cultivate, and there will be no major problems, right?

The energy concentration contained in the black crystal far exceeds this energy storm.

What's more, this energy storm is not too friendly to the elixir in the valley.


Kuang Sanqiao's face showed a look of astonishment, "So fast?"

He hurriedly closed his eyes, his consciousness immersed in his body, the fighting qi sea urchin was still vomiting fighting qi, but a special luster was condensed on the periphery.

‘It’s going to be a breakthrough! ’

Even Kuang San himself found it incredible, only a few days after she broke through the five-star Dou Ling? Three days? Or four days?

During this period, apart from condensing the bloodline and a transmission of the origin, he basically did not practice much.

What's more, the original source transmission was all supplied to the different fire.

‘Is it because of condensing blood...constantly consuming vindictive energy? ’

Kuang San's mind was condensed, and instead of guessing, his consciousness began to take over those self-operating vindictive plans on his behalf.


There is a sign of breakthrough, just like piercing a piece of cellophane with a finger, it can't be simple.

Six Star Dou Ling!

The grudge sea urchin running at full capacity suddenly vacated a lot of space. Kuang San continued to urge Fen Jue, and the energy storm above his head quickly made up for the lack of grudge energy.

Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan was roasting quietly under the grudge sea urchin, Kuang San began to slow down the speed of Fen Jue's grudge absorption, and slightly restricted the flow of grudge gas.

And the energy storm above Kuangsan's head gradually faded in this mode of relaxation, and then gradually dissipated.

Kuang San breathed a sigh of relief, the vindictive qi in the vindictive sea urchin was too mixed, and Jin Di Fen Tianyan needed some time to bake before it could restore its previous standards.

When the vindictive energy in the body gradually fell to the usual level from the overflowing state, Kuang San only let go of the restrictions on Fen Jue.

Due to the mobilization of energy, Kuang San also stood up from the big blue stone.

If her cultivation progress stays the same... then she will be able to leave here soon to look for the first strange fire besides the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

At this time, Lin Tong, standing at the upper end of the enclosed valley, closed his big mouth with his hands, "Big...Miss, she has broken through again?!"


Lin Tie nodded with difficulty, "The young lady's breath is very stable after the breakthrough, and there is no such thing as an unstable foundation due to the rapid breakthrough."


In the afternoon, Kuang San, who had been suspicious of his life, sat cross-legged on the big bluestone again, and according to the usual practice, converted the precious ingredients in his body into strong medicinal power.

She always feels that she doesn’t need to hold a pill in the middle of the night and chant...Three meals a day, meals made with elixir and high-level beast meat should be enough to withstand her condensing blood in the middle of the night Need to consume, right?

Thinking of Xiao Yixian's smile, Kuang San felt that the corners of her mouth were tingling!

In the afternoon Xiaoyixian went to the edge of the valley to help her collect elixir.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have time to sit here and sigh about life.

A bunch of black crystals were taken out from Na Jie, and Kuang San held one in each of his hands. Through mental pulling, the rich and dead energy was introduced into the body!

Organs fail at a rate visible to the naked eye! Crazy Sanliu frowned and immediately mobilized the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan to wrap the veins of the dead current.

After the death energy was burned into nothingness by the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven, that pool of pure energy was also absorbed by the Dou Qi sea urchin, it seemed... there was nothing serious about it?

The originally exhausted organs are also made up by the residual medicinal power in the body. This method of absorbing pure energy seems to be much higher than the energy storm in terms of efficiency!

Kuang San opened his eyes and saw a small pile of black crystals in front of him, his big wine-red eyes faintly shining.

Just like seeing a dragon of gold coins, no one can underestimate the degree of Kuang San's love for cultivation resources!

But then again, it seems that no one on the Continent of Dou Qi doesn't like training resources, right?

In the distance, Lin Tong, who was standing at the top of the valley and patrolling, opened his mouth again. He felt that sooner or later his jaw would dislocate as he continued like this!

"Brother Tie! Missy actually uses the lifeless spar for training!"

"Close your big mouth, the faces of our second brothers in the Lin family are almost completely wiped out by you! The eldest lady has a strange fire, these are all normal operations!"

"Brother Tie!"

"what happened again?"

Lin Tie, who was grilling an unknown monster, was a little impatient.

"Miss, she... seems to be breaking through again!"

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