Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 82: Fighting King (three/three)

Feeling the extremely strong medicinal power in the body, Kuangsan didn't want to laugh at all.

The lower abdomen was held until it was swollen three times in a row before these medicines were exchanged. To be honest, she would rather change the way, even if she continued to take drugs with the jade bottle in the middle of the night.

After pulling the medicine to supply the bone marrow and letting it produce blood, Kuangsan withdrew the consciousness from the body. Last night, because of the fourth wave of origin, she did not have time to study the death stone monument.

Kuang San got out of bed, and a few night pearls were placed around the room. Taking out the Death Qi tablet from Na Jie, this small fellow was sitting on the ground at this time.

The breath was cold and cold, and with the strength of the Crazy Three Seven Star Dou Ling, one could feel a small air of cold air.

Even if he saw it with the naked eye, Kuang San knew that there was a lot of lifelessness in the black stele. They are even condensed into substance!

Kuangsan has not yet returned to the clan, and cannot use the authority to inquire about the death stele's information.

And Lin Lao was far away in Utan City, so he couldn't even count on it.

Kuangsan circled the cold death stele twice, imagining its use all the time.

Since even the elders of the Dou Zun level praised the death stele as a rare good thing, the small stele in front of them must have its advantages.

‘It’s cool when used as an air conditioner in summer. ’

Kuang San put his little hand on the death stele, and a cold breath wanted to penetrate his skin and pour into his body.

But as the home of Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, how could it be easily invaded by these cold things?

Kuangsan thought for a while, but first used the most conservative method to mobilize a trace of grudge from the grudge sea urchin and inject it into the death stone monument.

No response!

It should be said that the vindictive spirit cannot pass through the black film, let alone enter the interior of the stele.

Kuang San did not believe in evil and increased the output of fighting energy, but except for a slight loss, those fighting energy returned to his body again.

Nothing has changed at all!

‘Would you like to try without mental power? ’

Kuangsan squinted her eyes, the pressure on her from the death-qi monument was not small, and countless death-qi was compressed in it. With her mental power, would there be danger?

After thinking about it, Kuangsan still divided a small amount of mental power into the death stone monument.

His eyes closed tightly, his consciousness attached to that mental power, and he followed to the inside of the stele.

In the field of vision, there is blackness, except for black, there is no other color.

Kuangsan drove that mental power to swim towards the bottom of the monument, and felt nothing except a hint of cold air.

Even the resentment that comes with lifelessness can't be seen at all. Kuang San circled inside, very puzzled, she didn't find anything!

After walking around for a few more times, there was nothing but the cold breath!

In the end, that mental power returned smoothly to the sea of ​​Kuangsan spirit.

Said to be the ocean, in fact, it is not much different from a pond, far less shocking than the golden spiritual waters close to the peak of Beta in the Marvel universe.

But Kuang San's consciousness is very comfortable in this "pond", without any sense of restraint.

After that mental power turned into water droplets and plunged into the "pond", the whole pond suddenly trembled!

Kuang San standing on the ground, his eyes were dark, and he held the tabletop with one hand, so he didn't let himself fall down.

Gradually, the picture reappeared in his field of vision, Kuang San shook his head to wake himself up.

I immediately immersed my consciousness in the sea of ​​spirit. The "pond" did not grow larger, but the waters that were almost transparent turned black!

'what happened? ! ’

Kuangsan checked back and forth, and found nothing wrong.

The consciousness regained control of the body, and the top of the death stele became transparent! Even the stele body has become a transparent, gray, and black gradual layer.

Kuang San frowned, secretly saying that he was too reckless.

Putting the death stone into the ring, madly sat on the bed in three crosses and began to condense the blood.

After the two bloodlines of the 9th rank were burned into nothingness by the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven, the worried Kuangsan finally gave up the bloodline coagulation, turned and lay on the bed, wanting to put himself into sleep.


On the second day, Kuang San practiced as usual, and at night, he still subconsciously took out the Death Qi Tablet from Na Jie.

Mental power wrapped the consciousness and wandered in a circle again.

Immediately returned to his own spiritual sea. This time, the overall change was not as big as last time. Kuang San guessed that the black unidentified substance inside was absorbed by the spirit power without knowing it, and when the spirit power returned to the spirit sea, abnormal conditions would appear.

But until now, Kuang San hadn't noticed any difference in the mental power that turned black.

The scope of exploration has not increased, and the perception is the same as before, without improvement.

The mental shock becomes a little bit lingering

‘This is a good thing that even Dou Zun praised? ’

Kuangsan didn't understand, time passed day by day.

A week later, at the dinner table.

Xiao Yixian looked at Gu Mo'er absent-mindedly in front of him, and finally couldn't bear it.

Stand up and pat the table!

The broth boiled in the middle was splashed with Lao Gao! Xiao Yi Xian Qiang held back the pain in his palms and looked at Kuang San with a serious face.

"Gu Mo'er! What the **** is going on with you?! I don't eat or say anything! Even when I practice, I just sit there in a daze!"


Kuang San raised his head and looked at the strange little doctor immortal in front of him.

Will she be in a daze when she practices?

Kuangsan's eyes lit up! The whole world is like a mirror falling on the ground, shattering instantly!

Xiaoyixian's slightly fierce face was divided into several parts by the Before Kuangsan had time to observe carefully, his consciousness returned to his body!


"this is?"

The night outside was quiet, and the death stele stood on the ground, and the body of the stele remained unchanged.

"I'm in a illusion?"

Many irrationalities can only be explained by fantasy.

In the illusion, she came to the Eight-Star Dou Ling, and the spirit sea all turned black, but now the Seven-Star Dou Ling, the spirit sea is a little bigger!

Kuang San looked at the Death Qi Stele and thought of Lin Tie telling her about the effects of the purple soul orbs. Does the Death Qi Stele have other effects?

He took the black stone tablet into the ring and sat on the bed madly, but didn't try to condense the blood, but instead looked for the feeling of breakthrough in the illusion.


The small energy tornado strangles the roof into ashes, and the grudge sea urchin continues to swallow, when the grudge swallows to a certain level.

With a "poof", Kuang San successfully broke through to the Eight Star Dou Ling!

The breath is firm.

In the following days, Kuang San was not borrowing the Death Qi monument. Although the effect had not yet been figured out, it was not very reliable to use the illusion to break through.

One month later, Xiao Yixian was like a hardworking little bee, helping Kuang San to collect elixir every day.

The mature elixir in the valley has almost been collected by the little doctor fairy, and Kuang San lives a three-point and one-line life of eating, cultivating fighting energy, and condensing blood.

Inside the enclosed valley, the blue tornado formed by the energy storm made the little doctor in the distance have to give up collecting elixir.

There was a pile of discarded crystals in front of Kuangsan, and the grudge sea urchin in his body suddenly stopped breathing grudge!


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