Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 6 Chapter 83: Hard toxin body (one/three)

The cyan tornado became bigger and bigger, Dou Ling advanced to Dou Wang, and the amount of fighting Qi in his body had undergone a qualitative change!

The grudge sea urchin slowly transitioned into a prismatic crystal shape, and Fen Jue went mad to pull the free energy from the outside world to make up for the lack of grudge.

Gradually, the crystal reached a saturated state, and Kuangsan restrained Fen Jue, allowing the outside cyan energy tornado to return to nature.


This is not the first time she has stepped into Douwang, using the'Secret Method: Chasing the Wind' several times, and Kuangsan also easily entered the Douwang realm.

For Dou Qi Huayi already familiar with the road, the Dou Qi stretched out from the shoulder blade on the back, and patted the ground lightly, and the girl in the black dress floated in the air.

There is no secret time limit, and there is no need to overdraft potential. Kuangsan who has mastered the flying ability again is in a particularly good mood.

The wings of a several-foot-long grudge waved, and two small spiral air currents were rolled up underneath. They were not completely formed before they were annihilated by two lines of fire!

The Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan attached to the wings of the fighting spirit, and the flame wings in the golden burning state made Kuangsan more arbitrary.

Not to mention that this pair of flame wings also has a very strong offensive power.

Waving his flame wings and flying in the sky a few times, Kuang San suddenly swooped down when he saw the little doctor fairy below!


The huge airflow oncoming almost lifted the white dress! The elixir in the wooden frame behind him was all sent to the sky by this air current!

Xiao Yixian puffed up his bun's face and raised his hands on the grass in protest: "Damn Gu Mo'er!"


Seeing the girl in the black dress returning to high-altitude flight, the little doctor immortal who was a little envious of Gu Mo'er broke through Queen Dou sulked.

In the grass, he kept looking for the elixir that was blown away, while looking for it, cursing Gu Mo'er from falling from the sky in his little mouth.

"I seem to hear someone speak ill of me."


Xiao Yixian was holding a panacea in his hand, and hearing the sound in her ears exploded, she almost didn't scare her half life!

Turning around, the girl in the black dress hovered on the grass, her flame wings swayed slightly behind her, which made the little doctor immortal hurriedly protect the elixir in her wooden basket.

"You... don't come here! If you blow these away, there will be no dinner today!"


The gust of wind came on the surface, blowing the blue silk on the front of the forehead to the back, the little doctor immortal closed his eyes tightly, and firmly protected the wooden basket in front of him.

When the wind passed, Xiaoyixian looked at Kuangsan who was flying into the air, and almost threw the wooden basket to the ground with anger!

"Ah ah ah ah! Gu Mo'er, you big villain!"


It has been two days since Kuangsan broke through the King of Fighters, and the last elixir in the valley has not yet been collected, and the rest of the mature elixir has been collected by Kuangsan into the ring.

The black crystals seized from the cave consume about one-third, and the death stele has not been studied for the second time.

Except for some precious ingredients, and some Qi Yang Pills are slightly consumed, various cultivation materials are on the increase.

The blood of the gods has also been condensed a lot, and the golden blood is completely filled, and it can fill a small arm!

Within two days of breaking through the Queen of Fighting, Kuang San re-learned several fighting skills.

However, in the Inheritance of Different Fire, almost all fighting skills that complement the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan, even those heavenly fighting skills, are the same.

The offensive and defensive "hurricane fire", the high-level hurricane can borrow external energy to make the Golden Emperor Burning Sky form a protective layer, facing the attack of the same level of power, hardly consumes its own vindictiveness.

In the attacking state, the Golden Emperor Burning Sky Flame can also induce free energy from the outside world, allowing its own power to increase geometrically.

It is suitable for restraining the enemy and has a significant effect on the group.

At the same time, Kuangsan has learned a high-level advanced footwork quite expansively!

Mainly suitable for air combat, its name is ‘Tatian! ’

The reason for choosing such a high-level footwork is that there are six types of ‘Take Tian’, each of which corresponds to a small level.

And the first type of Kuangsan practice: "Yufeng", which corresponds to the lower ranks.

Kuangsan can bear the consumption of low-level fighting energy.

In terms of fighting skills learning, Kuangsan has shown a terrifying talent!

"Hurricane Fire" is a high-level combat skill, Kuang San cannot be used proficiently, but Kuang San in the "Take Heaven Six Forms" can already do it like a fish in water.

"Yufeng" is suitable for long-term flight endurance, and also suitable for close air combat.

Use the frequency fluctuations between the vindictive energy in the body to mobilize the wind in nature.

In close combat, there are often unexpected performances.

Kuang San's two fighting skills are all related to'wind' in stages. Wind assists the fire. It's not just talking about it. Kuang San often flies to the depths of the Warcraft Mountains to find those high-level warcraft to experiment with'hurricane fire' .

This made Dou Ling Dou Wang, who occasionally came to the Warcraft Mountains to look for elixir, knew that there was a strong man who liked to set fire to the Warcraft Mountains in the Warcraft Mountains.

Because when they look for high-level elixir, they can always see the beasts with scorched black hair and cracked skin jumping out of angrily.

And the spirit medicine around them... is often emptied by the strong man...

One week after Kuang San broke through to Dou Wang, Kuang San clearly discovered that something was wrong with Little Doctor Immortal.

The valley gathering elixir has reached the final stage, but the figure of the little doctor fairy gathering elixir is becoming less and less common.

Kuang San, who flew back from the Warcraft Mountains, smelled a unique taste in the air.

As soon as the powder poured into the nasal cavity, it was completely burned by the Golden Emperor Burning Tianyan.

‘It’s poison! ’

Kuang San frowned when he thought of the Evil Toxic

Before coming to the wooden house, the wooden door was tightly locked from inside.

Kuangsan exerted a slight force, even before using his grudge, the door bolt inside was shaken into sawdust!

The poison gas coming from the storefront was blocked by Emperor Fen Tianyan, and Kuang San looked at the charming and pretty person sitting on the wooden chair...

The hair turned slightly gray, his eyes closed tightly, and some powder remained at the corners of his mouth.

Kuang San stepped forward, and she, who possessed the Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame Bodyguard, wouldn't be afraid of these poisons. In her view, the Eunuch Poison itself has an extraordinary pursuit of poison. When that pursuit turns into a desire, and the long-term desire is not satisfied, it will turn into a crazy desire.

Desire will obscure reason and drive the body to take poison to satisfy the body's needs.

Putting his hand on the shoulder of the little doctor, a large amount of poisonous gas wanted to enter the skin of Kuangsan, but it was burned into poisonous mist by the golden emperor Burning Tianyan.

I looked inside the little doctor fairy, it was not bad, she had been suppressed all the time, and it was reflected in the difficult climate.

Kuang San is struggling, do you want Xiao Yixian to follow the path in the original work? Or let her pursue her dream and become a tepid alchemist?

Silently wiped off the black powder from the girl's lips, the golden flames condensed in Kuangsan's eyes, slowly awakening the little doctor fairy with mental power.

He half-opened his eyes, and there was some light gray in his beautiful eyes.

Little Doctor Immortal slowly recalled everything, opened his eyes wide, and saw Gu Mo'er in front of him...

He swept away the palm of Kuang San on her shoulder.

"do not come!"

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