Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 58: Legend VI

"Tokisaki has no time now, and I will tell her later that if Head Li has nothing else to do, please come back."

Xiao Wanqing smiled, but her tone was full of rejection.

The local forces in Xijiang are okay, knowing what a freak Xijiang University is, but the inheritor organizations in Gongzhou and Yulin are not aware of it.

The inheritors of not bad strength looked at each other, not knowing the courage of this President Xiao, and refused the friendly visit of the army commander Li.

Leader Li was rejected, so wouldn't Xijiang University pay more attention to their inheritance forces?

Where did Xijiang University come from? When the army hosted a banquet for high-level inheritors last night, there were only one or two from Xijiang University. They...what courage do they have?

People's hearts are unpredictable, adhering to the principle of not wanting to look for things, shooting out the best, these inheritor forces who came to the door unexpectedly fell silent. No one went to booze and pressure, one knows whether there is a legendary powerhouse behind Xijiang University.

For a time, all those in charge looked at Captain Li, the man with real power in the army, consciously or unconsciously.

"Miss Jiayu..."

"Not here." Xiao Wanqing blocked Leader Li's careful thinking before Li was finished.

Commander Li, Master Tianyan and the others are all speechless. Who is Commander Li? From the outbreak of the last days to the present, how can anyone dare to talk to him like this?

Except for the grumpy guy Tyrannosaurus Rex, Xiao Wanqing was the first person to make him helpless.

Perhaps because of habit, the wretched-looking Master Tianyan rubbed his hands again and asked the beautiful woman with a standardized smile in front of him: "I wonder if President Xiao knows the two legendary adults?"

Everyone here pricked their ears. What are they doing here? Wasn't it just for "visiting" the legendary powerhouse, by the way, to inquire about other news?

"Sorry, I don't know what's going on. The Xijiang University residence is in chaos now. I have to take care of many injured students. Can you please come back later?"

Xiao Wanqing's pretty face was full of smiles, with a little anxiousness, as if there were indeed many things waiting for her to deal with.

Head Li moved in his heart and said: "There are still many therapists in the army. It's okay if they are idle now. Why don't you let them treat injured students? I think this must be the most time-saving and labor-saving method, and President Xiao can also Make time to entertain these visitors."

"after all......"

Xiao Wanqing squinted her eyes, and the smile on Qiao's face seemed to grow stronger, "Well then, please come with me, if you can heal the injured students, that would be great."

Xiao Wanqing's words were not polite at all, but at this time, those inheritors felt that they deserved it.

From the tone of this President Xiao, even if Xijiang University does not have a legendary powerhouse, that legendary powerhouse cannot be separated from Xijiang University!

Everyone was taken all the way to a building, where many of the wounded who were affected by the aftermath lay here, wailing a few times from time to time.

Head Li also saw several bandages wrapped around their heads, fighting against the landlords with a deck of cards!

Turning his head and glanced at Master Tianyan, the bad old man put away his talent, his flushed eyes gradually returned to normal, and he nodded to Captain Li, and said: "Some people have suffered serious trauma, but some have colds and fevers. , People infected by the virus."

Head Li naturally knew what he wanted to know about the origins of the legendary powerhouse, and he had to pick up the Yangmou from Xijiang University.

The drugs at this stage are so tight, Xijiang University is a clear grab!

But... he can graft these unnecessary expenditures onto the power of those inheritors.

The black pot...just push it to Master Tianyan.

The Master Tianyan who was looking east and west suddenly shuddered, looked around suspiciously, muttered a few words in his mouth, and didn't know what to say.

Owing to the legendary powerhouse behind Sogang University, the major inheritance forces began to mobilize precious medicines to treat the injured patients of Sogang University.

Some savvy people have long been in touch with the inheritors of Xijiang University. They have a brother each, not to mention how cordial they are.

In their opinion, these college students of Xijiang University are the easiest to fool around, except for the faculty and staff, which is somewhat difficult to handle, but these students who are not deeply involved in the world...

After the discussion meeting, the drug distribution was handed over to the subordinates, and these inheritors couldn't wait to follow Xiao Wanqing to the "spot of battle" of the legendary powerhouse.

The whole building looked like it had been blasted, and there was nothing touched in the hearts of some third-tier low-level main battle inheritors. If they are given time, they can also use their own power to produce the same effect.

But the place of the two legendary battles is directly above this building!

The inheritors looked up and saw that the clouds that were originally quietly floating in the sky were all squeezed out by the great force, forming a circle around it, which looked particularly spectacular.

Looking up from the ground, the circle formed by clouds seems to be able to enclose the entire Yulin City!

They will never forget the aftermath of the battle of the legendary powerhouse...Thinking of the power that moves mountains and seas and changes the environment of the world, everyone's heart rises with a fire, wishing to become a legendary powerhouse immediately, one Sweep the Zerg and become the savior of mankind!

But... where did the two legendary powerhouses go?

After everyone sighed for the mighty power of the legendary powerhouse, they each released exploration methods and carefully searched for the residence of Xijiang University.

"Principal Xiao, Xu Jie is about to die!"

The anxious shouts attracted everyone's attention.

I saw Xiao Wanqing frowning slightly, and hurried to the surrounding circle of people. The crowd dispersed. Among them was a young man with a dark complexion and a faint blue aura, who was severely injured.

The young man put his head on the lap of a girl in the logistics The girl in the logistics department was crying with rain, and when she saw Xiao Wanqing coming, he hurriedly explained.

"If Xu Jie hadn't pushed us away, he wouldn't be corroded by that devilish energy... he wouldn't be like this. Uuuuu~Principal must save Help him! Please... please..."

The girl's mood fluctuates violently, the choking sound is even more intermittent, and the whole person is near the edge of collapse.

Xiao Wanqing didn't care about Captain Li, and urged the bright energy in his body. A ball of light appeared in his hands, and then he pressed it on the young man.


Just like a hot pot under the oil, above the light cluster, the blue gas is constantly evaporating, and it contains a faintly corrosive and dark atmosphere, which makes the crowd of onlookers hurriedly flash out a large circle, not daring to approach easily.

At this time, Kuang San, who was observing the changes in Li Jiayu's body, suddenly discovered that the Shenhui particles sealed in the depths of his soul were violently hitting the soul barrier, trying to break free from the shackles of this cage...

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