Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 7 Chapter 59: She, Li Jiayu, finally became...

In Kuang San's surprised eyes, Li Jiayu's body suddenly emitted a soft light, and the whole person became extremely holy, as if the goddess of light was alive, which made people unable to raise a trace of blasphemy.

Kuangsan raised her eyebrows lightly, releasing his soul power to touch the "goddess" in front of him.

Li Jiayu's chest slowly bulged, and it only took a few seconds to go from a small apple to a big cantaloupe.

A white hair gradually grew longer, stained with sacred soft light, as if a layer of metallic color was cast on it.

Silver, exuding a faint brilliance of silver, the sacred aura swirling around can easily purify the corpse race.

The pretty face, which was originally handsome and delicate, became softer and more feminine.

Like an illusion, Li Jiayu's waist is even more slender, which can be called a full grip. The waist of this size once reminded Kuang San of Xiaoyixian.

The soul power swept through Li Jiayu's lower body, and sure enough...Li Jiayu's divine personality was stimulated, and she turned her into a "goddess of light" in advance.

Kuangsan held his chest with his hands in his arms, and a lot of Li Jiayu was interested. The sooner Li Jiayu became feminine, the better. Kuangsan would not want Li Jiayu to lead the human army to push the other world.

Smiling at the corner of his mouth, he was observing Li Jiayu's Kuangsan, but he didn't notice the Shenhui particles imprisoned by his own soul, and suddenly became even more violent!

Li Jiayu's body is getting smaller and smaller, and the clothes on her body are drooping, which is extremely unsuitable. The whole person is even more compact and exquisite, and the sacred atmosphere swirling around is also more concentrated.

The eyelashes of the beautiful woman in front of her trembled, and the corners of Kuang San's mouth pulled up even more exaggerated. Even if her temperament changed a little, she could not change the essence of the little witch...

Just as Li Jiayu was about to open his eyes, the divine particles imprisoned in the soul suddenly broke through the "cage," quickly connected to the elemental power in the body, and transformed into divine power with it. The speed was so fast that Kuang San was caught off guard!

'what happened? ! ’

While Kuangsan was still in a daze, in the plane of the Moon, the goddess walker, the strongest servant known as the "goddess", appeared in the last black universe!

Kuang San stretched out his hands and swirled around a faint haze of light. Numerous divine particles were also swirling around, his pupil color and hair color also changed again, and even his temperament changed... even... ...More like the Goddess of Light than the "Goddess of Light" in front of me!

With clear thinking in his brain, Kuang San breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there was no intelligence-reducing operation. With a move of mind, the divine flame appeared, and the divine flame using divine particles as fuel actually purified the light and divine power emanating from Li Jiayu!


Kuang San shook his wrist, his expression unchanged, and Shen Yan disappeared. She didn't care much about her posture, her strength was closely following the upper limit of the earth in the end black universe, and she didn't know if she had become stronger.

She is a goddess, and is more suitable for an attack form of purification. If she can seamlessly switch between the void elves and the goddess, it will definitely be a big killer!

Li Jiayu opened his eyes, and looked at Kuang Sansi.

For a moment, Li Jiayu's mind was very confused, she only vaguely remembered that she had summoned the demon lord of the previous life.

Then...then...that thing wants to take her away with a trace of consciousness!

Thinking of this, Li Jiayu's eyes sharpened instantly, like a sharp knife, even the light and divine power of the whole body is extremely unstable, and riots may occur at any time!


Li Jiayu was stunned. She seemed to have seen a beautiful girl with a sacred aura in front of her... she was even familiar with her between her brows.

Li Jiayu swallowed a spit. As a dark summoner in her previous life, she least wanted to meet the legendary powerhouse of the light camp! Thanks to Xiao Wanqing's identity as a sacrifice to the light, Li Jiayu is not too defensive towards people in the light camp.

But in front of her, she seemed to be a powerful man of the Goddess of Light in the world... let her heart beat quickly without being able to live up to it.

This is not a shock! And nervous!

The blood in the body was flowing rapidly because of the violently beating heart, his cheeks became flushed, and his mouth slightly opened, giving him an unbelievable appearance.

Although this is inconsistent with the momentum of the "Goddess of Light", it has a unique style.

Like such a cute person, Kuang San has only seen it in the anime in the fragments of Mo Xiao Zhenling.

But... she seems to be a character in anime too, right? And it's still a supporting role? Or is it an important female role?

Kuangsan narrowed his eyes.

"It's really interesting~"

"Li Jiayu!" Cherry lips lightly opened, and the divine particles all over her body trembled lightly, and the powerful divine power made the bewildered Li Jiayu even more bewildered.

"you you you......."

"What are you?"

Kuangsan frowned, "From today, you are the next goddess of light!"

"Huh? Huh?!"

Li Jiayu, in the form of the Goddess of Light, is particularly cute. Kuangsan has been teasing for a while. Seeing Li Jiayu's loss of consciousness, Kuangsan finds it even more interesting.

In front of her, Li Jiayu raised her hands blankly, her bright divine power lingered around her, and she could feel that she was stronger than before.


‘This is too ridiculous! ’

Her chest was so high that she blocked her sight, so that Li Jiayu couldn't see where her toes were!

At this time, she noticed that her voice had also changed! Becomes more delicate, it doesn't sound like a neutral Yujie, but more like a weak little girl!

"Light... heir to the goddess of light?!"

Li Jiayu can't accept it, she is the lone star of the gods, how could there be such a blessing! She is a pure man! How could she become a majestic goddess of light? !

This can no longer be compared with the skirt of the goddess of fate that was lifted in the previous life!

This is simply....... Didn’t I have a goddess of fate in my last life? !

The continuous light and divine power in the body reminds Li Jiayu all the time that this is not a dream.

She, Li Jiayu, has really become a woman!

By the way, he also became the heir of the Goddess of Light!

The Goddess of Light is more powerful than the Goddess of Destiny. Even if she really became the Goddess of Destiny in her previous life, she would not receive this treatment!

‘Fake, fake, everything is fake! I'm dreaming, I'm Li Jiayu, but a big man! I want to marry Sister Wan Qing, I want to take care of my sister-in-law, and I want to...’

‘I must be dreaming, as long as I sleep, everything will become normal, yes...’

Li Jiayu closed her eyes and looked inside naturally...the half of the godhead is emitting a faint flashing, so dazzling!


‘What the hell! This is the Godhead? ! The half godhead of the Goddess of Light? ! Ha...hahaha...I was not only the goddess of fate, but also the goddess of light in my previous life? ! ’

‘Or, this goddess of light is my mother? ’

On Li Jiayu's pretty face, Yingrun's lips twitched frantically, looking like they collapsed.

She... She is really the heir of the Goddess of Light!

‘What is going on? Will all epic gods fall? ’

Seeing this picture, Kuang San couldn't help it anymore, holding his abdomen with both hands...


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