Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 4: String God Island

"How can you forget it?" The black single ponytail girl turned her head, and the look of willow brows erected made Fei Zhai's eyes flashed with surprise.

The young ladies in the carriage are full of looks, but they are even worse than the girl named "Xiao Naisha".

"Only, you are too soft-tempered, that's how you will be targeted by others as a bully!"

Wearing round-frame glasses, a soft girl stunned, "Yes...Is that so?"

"Of course, I must make this uncle apologize to you today!" Xiao Naisa affirmed.

Zhang Jie, who was "closing his eyes to rest up his mind," suddenly opened his eyes, and met Xiao Nasha and the others with fierce eyes.

The cute newcomers of the Samsara team had no idea what happened, only Kuang San noticed the girl's red palm.

‘I was accidentally seated by Zhang Jie? Kuangsan raised his eyebrows lightly and sat motionless in his seat.

Here is a projection of the world of "Blood Devouring Strike". They suddenly teleported from "Resident Evil" to "Blood Devouring Strike". It should be the Lord God who discovered her "true strength."

In other words, in the world of "Blood Devouring Strike", the owner is comparable to the legendary powerhouse.

Kuangsan didn't find the memory of the blood-devouring raid the world from Mo Xiao's true spirit fragments. She only obtained a part of Mo Xiao's memory, and could not directly obtain information from the memory, so she had to analyze it herself.

The technology is relatively advanced, and the language is Japanese. From an environmental perspective, it is very likely that this place is on the "earth."

Kuang San relaxed slightly, Mo Hei Universe suppressed her strength at the pinnacle of legend, otherwise, with her ancestral realm-level strength, this life planet could be smashed with a wave of hands.

The power of the pinnacle of the legend is placed on the "earth", and it is estimated that it belongs to the top handful. Only need to figure out the cultivation system here, Kuangsan will be able to perform the tasks assigned by the system.

The thoughts in his mind were filtered instantly, and Kuang turned his head three times, turning his eyes on Xiao Nasha who was facing Zhang Jie.

For some reason, Kuang San's instinct told her that this girl is not simple.

The outside world only passed for a moment, and the commotion in this carriage attracted the attention of others. The little punks in floral gowns, slippers, dyed yellow hair, and earrings all turned around, looking at the show.

Those little **** were not afraid of Zhang Jie's ferocious appearance.

The little gangsters have a silver bracelet on their wrists, the specific function of which is unknown, but Kuang San can detect faint energy fluctuations from their bodies.

And their body structure is slightly different from that of human beings.

‘Not human? Or a different race? Wait, the world is called "Blood Eater", is it related to vampires? ’

Kuangsan's burgundy eyes were faintly bright, and Yuanli poured into the complex patterns. In an instant, Kuangsan knew the true appearance of the two punks.

"Vampires and... Werewolves? Interesting world. ’

Kuang San felt a tremendous amount of vitality from the vampire, but the strength of the vampire was minimal.

‘If you are the most powerful vampire in the world, can you withstand the time of Emperor Keke? ’

Crazy Three is very curious.

Xiao Nasha made Zhang Jie apologize very seriously. Zhang Jie didn't want to bother at first, but when he saw the two punks looking at him, Zhang Jie decisively persuaded him.

From the time he first came here, Zhang Jie had vaguely felt threatened from a young gangster, this is a world with mysterious power.

Compared to face, Zhang Jie chose to avoid trouble.

He closed his eyes and bowed his head, as if he had been taught a lesson, and sincerely apologized to the single ponytail girl: "I'm very sorry, it's all my fault."


Xiao Naisha froze for a moment, and pushed the glasses girl out, "not to apologize to me, but to her."

"I'm very sorry, please forgive me!" Zhang Jie said again.

The girl in glasses who looked directly at Zhang Jie's fierce face, was very flustered now, and hurriedly swayed with her small hand, "It's okay, it's okay!"

Zhang Jie stood up suddenly, the difference in height caused cold sweats on the heads of the two girls.

"Sit down."


"I told you long ago that you can't judge people by their appearance. Uncle is still very good at talking~"


Zhang Jie sat next to the fat house, without saying a word, the entire Mengxin team fell into a weird silence. They were all ordinary people, and they didn't understand why this veteran did this.

A few people were silent for a while, and they felt that Zhang Jie’s attitude of not picking things out was very good. After all, this is a new world. If there is not enough information...

"What? It turned out to be an idiot."

With yellow hair on top of his head and earrings, he was actually a vampire **** who lost all interest, and taunted Zhang Jie with his companions.

"Blind his face for nothing."

"I guess there is no money for plastic surgery."


Zhang Jie was expressionless, Feizhai lowered his head, only Zheng Sheng clenched his hands, but that was all.

After a few more minutes, the jerk's ridicule had long since disappeared, and the carriage fell into a quiet state.

Kuangsan turned her head and looked out the window. From the other side, she felt violent energy fluctuations, and... it was coming towards the train!

This energy fluctuation is similar to the fluctuation on the vampire boy, let's call it magic.


Several cars in the front exploded, and the steel plate on the surface of the car was hit into a protruding shape. The twisted steel plate only lasted for a moment, before being blown out by Juli!

The carriage at the back vibrated violently, and the carriage where Kuangsan was in was taken out of the track by Juli, and half of it was hung diagonally in the sea passage.

"Ah! Help!"


There was a scream, and there were only four or five people in the cabin who could remain calm.

Kuangsan, Zheng Sheng, Zhang Jie, and the two demon gangsters.

"Stab it~"

The carriage leaned again, and people's faces were full of fear.

Below the track is the sea! Only people with excellent water quality can swim from here to the artificial island!

"Don't go that way! Everyone is going to the rear compartment!"

Zhang Jie stood up, grabbed the fat house, and threw him into the back compartment.

"Crack Lala~"

The sound of the steel about to break is numb. The driver and the auntie are slowly evacuating to the back of the car. Suddenly, the auntie slipped and fell to the ground. Reflexively, she grabbed the driver's trouser legs and they were together. Sliding towards the sloping car opening.


The driver's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he grabbed the steel pipe at the position of the broken car, but the high temperature left by the magic power on it was eroding the callused me! help me! I beg you! "

The aunt sweeping hugged the driver's uncle's leg, looked at the sea twenty or thirty meters away from here, and she shuddered immediately.

Subconsciously, the sweeping lady wanted to use the driver's body to climb up.

Zheng Sheng was going to save people in a panic.

"Don't move!" Zhang Jie shouted.

"Why?" Zheng Sheng puzzled.


With the efforts of the sweeping mother, the tilt angle of the carriage seems to be bigger...


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