Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 5: vampire

? "Boom! —"

A fireball containing a lot of magic bombarded the car where Kuangsan was located, and the driver's uncle and the sweeping aunt fell directly to the sea.

Kuang San casually lost the blessings of two deep divers to ensure that these two adorable teammates would not drown alive in the sea.

I believe that after a while, the two will discover the fact that they will not be overwhelmed.

In the carriage, Kuang San, who was "hit and flew" by Juli, "coincidentally" grabbed Xiao Nangsha, who was about to fly out of the carriage, with cold sweat on her pale and pretty face.

When the carriage stabilized, Zheng Sheng put up the handle and dragged the two out of the danger zone.

Xiao Nasha, who was frightened by the sudden accident, recovered for a long time and hurriedly bowed to Kuangsan.

"Thanks...thank you!"

Sitting on the seat, Kuang San smiled and waved to her, motioning her not to care.

The charm of the perverted rule bonus appeared again, and Xiao Nasha instantly upgraded his lifesaver to the level of a friend.

"what's your name?"

"Eh! Are you also a student of the private Caihai Academy?"

"Did you transfer here?"

"Please be a guest at my house! Please!"

Xiao Nasha picked up the student ID that fell out of Kuangsan's pocket, and within a few words, she confirmed her relationship with Kuangsan.

Few people will refuse such a lively and talkative young girl.

Kuangsan is certainly not because of this, because she not only smelled the vampire in the girl, but also hidden in the girl's body, that was the magic reserve of heaven and man!

There were not many people in this carriage. The two demons ran to the other side of the train to wait for rescue, as did the other students.

At this time, in this carriage, only Xiao Nasha and her friends, as well as Kuang San and his party.

The Mengxin team members who had just entered the cycle of reincarnation were all silent. Before they recovered, they lost two teammates.

Falling from the orbit into the vast ocean, it doesn't seem like it can survive.

Zhang Jie glanced around and took the lead in moving towards the rear of the train.

Fei Zhai followed, Zheng Sheng wanted to say a few more words, and was forcibly taken away by a working woman.

Xiao Nasha and Kuangsan had a good chat. At this time, when I saw Kuangsan's face was pale, she only thought that the girl was weak, so she helped Kuangsan and walked towards the rear of the train.

Along the way, Xiao Naisha's mouth never stopped, but no matter what she said, it would not make people feel irritable. Instead, she wanted to continue to listen to her.

These characteristics were remembered by Kuangsan. If she didn't guess wrong, this girl named Xiao Nasha must be an important character in the world of "Blood Devouring Raid".

Is it an abnormal girl who has powerful magic power sealed in her body, but lives like an ordinary person? This setting will only appear on the protagonist or important supporting role, right?

The two move very slowly, and Mohei Universe bestows Kuangsan's charisma bonus, which will force strangers to have a certain degree of goodwill towards themselves.

For the Kuang San who saved his own life, Xiao Nasha's favor with Kuang San is rapidly rising.

After chatting with Kuangsan for a few words, Xiao Nasha's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she even thought that they would become close friends!

"Sanjiang, you must come to my house tonight!"

Xiao Nasha once again reminded the girls around him, Kuang San nodded helplessly, the vitality girl is pretty good, and it is indeed easy to make other people feel good. In contrast, Kuang San has a good impression of Xiao Nasha.

At the rear of the train carriage, people opened the gates and stepped onto the intact track. Most of the people on the train died violently. There was also a small group of survivors who fell into the sea. The remaining lucky ones were concentrated on the track waiting for rescue.

Roughly counting, there are only a few dozen people.

Kuang San looked into the distance, and the magical power fluctuations over there had not stopped. A creature resembling a giant frost bird hovered on the surface of the sea, freezing a small piece of sea water into ice in an unreasonable way.

Above, there are three more people fighting...

‘Strength around the third tier...’

‘That giant frost bird is similar to a summoned creature, but is it a man in a suit? Kuang San can easily see the essence of the man in the suit. He is a strong vampire, many times stronger than the vampire **** on the train just now.

On the other side of the ice, there is a man holding a sharp axe, and a...young girl with a huge white hand swelled behind him?

Among the three, the male vampire in a suit is more attractive to Kuangsan.

It didn't take long for the white giant hand with a sense of disharmony to "eat the giant frost bird alive," and the strong man also killed the vampire. After stepping on the large ice block, the two quickly disappeared on the sea.

The goal of both is the giant artificial island in the distance.

No one on both sides noticed, someone spied the entire battle...

"Sanjiang! This is my good friend! Her name is..."

Xiao Nasha couldn't wait to introduce the soft girl with glasses to Kuang San. Kuang San didn't feel the mysterious power from the other party. At the moment, the smile on Qiao's face became stronger.

But from Zhang Jie's point of view, that delicate girl named Tokisaki Kuzan...seems to hide some secret...

Not long afterwards, the rescue team from Xianjin Island arrived late. After picking up the survivors from the orbit, they sent helicopters to carry out large-scale sea rescues.

As for how many survivors can be rescued, it is unknown.

The cute newcomers of the Samsara team, through the identity certificate given by the main god, safely entered the interior of the string **** island, and very coincidentally met with the driver's uncle and the sweeping mother.

The two wore work uniforms and were very happy to see Zhang Jie and others.

The driver's uncle is still the driver on Xianjindao. He first let everyone get on his company's large van, and then went to the supermarket to buy compressed biscuits, bread, and mineral water.

Eight people were seated in the cargo van, even though the space was large, it was still slightly crowded.

Feizhai, Zheng Sheng, and the women in the workplace had long been hungry and screamed. At this time, regardless of their image, they opened the bread packaging and ate them.

After taking a few bites, Zheng Sheng didn't forget to take a bag to Kuang San who was sitting in the corner.

"Thank you, I'm not hungry." Kuangsan smiled and declined.


Outside of Xian God Island, the helicopter was still searching for the victims, but a ghost slowly condensed on the sea.

Double pony tails, student uniform, black silk, small leather shoes.

It was Kuangsan who appeared!

Looking at the distant the solid phantom immediately sank into the sea.

This place was originally the place where the ice cubes melted, and it was also the place where the vampire died.

The distance here is not too far from the Xian Shen Island, and the depth is low. It didn't take long for the ghost Kuangsan to search for the long-dead vampire.

The man in the suit was chopped in half by the strong man with an axe, and the axe accurately cut the vampire's heart into two. A large amount of seawater has poured into the body, and water pockets have been produced in some places.

Xu Ying Kuang frowned and reached out to control the water element. The pressure of the water quickly merged the two corpses.

It wasn't until the flesh and blood was squeezed into a sphere that the water calmed down.

Xuying Kuangsan led the blood cell and dived from the bottom of the sea towards Xianjin Island...


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