Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 11: Legal loli

The girl was lying on the desk with her black hair and shawl scattered, covering her belly with one hand. People who didn't know thought it was her relatives who came.

Kuang San estimated that this man had not eaten anything since he lost his wallet yesterday. Although the girl has a decent force, the energy consumed still needs to be drawn from food.


Gently put the bag of butter bread on the side of Ji Tuan, the air was slightly disturbed, Kuang San could even hear Ji Tuan's small nose twitching.

Turning his head, Ji Tuan looked at the food that suddenly appeared in front of him, his sloppy eyes condensed immediately.

The scent of butter bread seduced the gluttons in the stomach, and made Ji Tuan Shelley's mouth quickly excrete saliva.


Ji Tuan raised his head and saw Kuang San who smiled and said hello to her, his pretty face instantly turned red...

"Hmm..." Ji Tuan Shelley sipped the bread, "So you know it all."

"Huh huh." Kuang San took out Ji Tuan Xuelai's wallet from his group pocket, "This is something a perverted senior asked me to bring to you."


"Look at what's missing in it."

Ji Tuan Xuelai put down the bread, took the wallet from Kuangsan, glanced roughly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much!"

Ji Tuan Shelley suddenly thanked Kuangsan in a very formal tone.

"You should thank Senior Xiao Gucheng." Kuang San said with a smile.

"Tokisaki... he is not the perverted senior you mentioned, is he?"

"What do you say?"

Ji Tuan Shelley recalled the scene from yesterday's battle, her pretty face became more ruddy, and she was even more sure that the fourth true ancestor named Xiao Gucheng was a big pervert.

"He didn't do anything to you, right?"

Kuang San blinked his eyes, "It's not true. Senior Xiao is the brother of Nasachan. If you have been bullied by him, just tell Nasachan."

"Huh? Really?"

Ji Tuan Shelley, who had known the news a long time ago, pretended to be surprised, but his poor acting skills could easily be seen by others.

At the moment, Kuang San's smile is even stronger.

It seems that she has found the "His Royal Highness" of the Fourth True Ancestor.

After that, the two talked to each other a few more words. In terms of words, Ji Tuan Shelley was still very defensive, but his acting skills were really unsightly. I felt that Kuang San, who had the same rhetoric, stood up and said, "Would you like to drink something? ?"

"Huh?" Ji Tuan Shelley was surprised, and the butter bread got stuck in his throat.

"Cough cough cough!--"

After swallowing hard, Ji Tuan Xuelai raised his head embarrassedly, "Okay, I invite you to drink."


Until after school, the three people got together again.

At the school gate, Xiao Naisa said in surprise, "Sanjiang, won't you go with us?"

"Excuse me, my cousin is going to take me to her house today."

"That's it~" Xiao Nasha was a little bit lost, but quickly adjusted her state. "I wanted to welcome Shelley sauce today. It's a pity that you are not here at Sanjiang."

"Eh?!" Ji Tuan Xuelai, the party concerned, expressed surprise, "Welcome me? Will it be troublesome?"

"No trouble at all!"

On the campus, the working girl never walked far away, and Kuang San waved at her.

When Xiao Nasha saw it, she took Ji Tuan Shelley and Kuang San to say goodbye, and then walked in the direction of the convenience store.

"Tokisaki, how are you today?" The workplace girl wearing ol clothes has a slightly stronger aura, and she usually talks with Kuangsan.

"Well, it's okay. Have you seen Li Yingjun?"

"Did you date him?"

Kuang San gave a blank glance, "It's just easier to walk together."

Not long after, the scene where Li Yingjun, Kuangsan, and the working girl left together caused a lot of commotion, especially the boys in other classes, their expressions were wonderful.

"Who is he?"


Kuang San knew that his group had been watched by others, and the small and trembling sound waves were always confirming their location.

Very peculiar ability, good detection effect, but only that.

When Kuangsan et al. stepped into the tram, the sound wave disappeared instantly, and the sense of peeping disappeared.

Kuang San looked at the private Caihai Academy in the sunset, and a trace of sarcasm evoked at the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay to change its name to the Private Super Power Academy."

Time passed, the stars shifted, and night fell.

Xian Shen Island is built on the Pacific Ocean, and the result of too good ventilation is that the wind is very strong at night, the night wind is biting, and the temperature difference between day and night is large.

As Zhang Jie from the security department of a certain company, he was assigned to a private house, which made Kuang San instantly aware of what secrets the other party seemed to hide.

Shouldn't ordinary security personnel live in employee dormitories? Is it necessary to settle everyone's assets? The identity setting given by the main **** is not so detailed.

It seems that Zhang Jie has other identities.

Next, after everyone had eaten the cooked food, they began to discuss the plan, and Zhang Jie also announced his hidden identity information.

After confirming that the silver-haired high school student was the fourth true ancestor, the identity of Kuangsan and the working girl became particularly important. As for the Fei Zhai Li Yingjun, Zhang Jie never looked at him directly.

After several people discussed the plan, the uncle driver was arranged by Zhang Jie to drive Kuangsan home. At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Kuang San was still the vase with extremely poor physical fitness.

In the car, the driver's uncle complained to Kuang San about the world. He told the plight of the middle-aged man and his ineffective son.

Hearing the driver's nagging along the way, Kuang San did not show any impatience.

"Uncle, stop in front of the convenience store."



The door opened and Kuangsan walked out of the car, spitting out a breath of mist from his small mouth.

"Uncle, go back first, I will go home after I buy something."

"Huh? Captain Zhang Jie said..."

"My house is opposite." Kuang San pointed his finger at the building not far away.

"Then... well, be careful yourself."


When the car started, Kuangsan waved to it. The uncle driver was still in the car and sighed, "What a good girl, why is she involved in such a weird thing?"

The uncle thought of his children and unfinished work again, and couldn't help frowning and sighing.

"These When are you heads..."

Watching the uncle drive away, Kuangsan turned and walked into the convenience store.

When shopping in the store, Kuangsan saw Xiao Gucheng and Ji Tuan Shelley who were grabbing dolls by the crane machine outside the window.

Just as the rag doll fell down, a petite goth loli happened to walk to the opposite side of the claw machine.

In the tone of an adult, he said: "The two over there are students from Caihai Academy, aren't they? They are still messing around outside so late, look up!"

In the shop, Kuangsan shook her head. She had been familiar with the setting of this "legal loli", especially when this "loli" still possessed a huge amount of magic power in her body.

For some reason, Xiao Gucheng decisively pulled Ji Tuan Xuelai away, and Kuang San also happened to walk out of the store.

Legitimate Gothic Lolita watched the two run away, not only did not chase, but looked at Kuangsan...

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