Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 12: Silly white sweet

? "Classmates over there, are you also a student of Caihai Academy?"

Kuangsan turned his head and blinked his eyes. Just as Nangong wanted to say a few more words that month, he found that the girl was walking towards her quickly.

Kuang San put the plastic bag on the ground, pressed down the skirt and squatted down, Dai's eyebrows frowned slightly, "Kid, what is your name? Why don't you go home so late? Will your parents worry about it? Or you are secretly secretly? Ran out?"

Nangong was stunned by this series of questions that month. She originally wanted to reprimand the girl, but she didn't expect to be told by the girl.

I saw the beautiful person in front of me took out his cell phone from the group pocket, dialed, and whispered softly: "What's the phone number of the police station? The parents don't know if such a small child ran away, really. "

"I said......."

Nangong was interrupted by Kuangsan just as she wanted to talk that month.

The girl stood up, touched Lolita's hair, and took Nangong Nayue's little hand quite skillfully, "Don't worry, my sister is here to accompany you."

"Charm" was affecting Nangong all the time. She, who was originally a very strong character, in front of Kuangsan, as if she really looked like a little girl, silently listened to her sister's teaching.

"Hmm~Your hands are so cold?" Kuangsan glanced at his thin school uniform, "Why... go to my house and sit for a while?"

Nangong wanted to refuse that month, but seeing Kuang San's "sincere" eyes, his little head couldn't help but nod.

The building is on the opposite side. Along the way, Kuangsan told Nangong about the danger of Xianjin Island at night. It’s best for girls not to come out alone...

Kuangsan called, and the police station asked the girl's name.

"Kid, what is your name?"

Gothic Lori stretched out her hand to Kuangsan for the first time, "Let me tell them."

Home, very deserted.

Furniture and clothing were moved by the delivery company. Sofas, TVs, beds, and a few pieces of furniture were placed in the big house, and many places were very empty.

Nangong observed everything in the house that month. It was very ordinary, without any trace of magical power. On the contrary, it was the two houses next to it, and the owners of them were not ordinary people.

Kuang Sanqiao's face was slightly embarrassing at this time. Of course, these were all pretended by her, but Nangong didn't see through that month at all, but was confused by Kuang San's series of actions.

Since Xiao Gucheng became the fourth true ancestor, Nangong has closely monitored the people around him that month. Later, the humans who approached Xiao Gucheng are even more purposeful. On the other hand, the name Tokaki Kuangsan is so exquisite. The human beings like words do not do anything surprisingly, just like an ordinary student.

There is no error in the information, but when facing Kuangsan, she always feels a natural sense of oppression. This girl is as if... really her sister!

Others didn't want to refute the words spoken from the girl's mouth, and even directly acquiesced.

Thinking of this, Nangong frowned her eyebrows directly, ‘could she be humans with special talents just like the friend in Xiao Gucheng? ’

In the living room, Kuang San hummed a wonderful melody, made a cup of milk tea for Gothic Lolita, and served the little cakes he had just bought from the convenience store.

"Eating these at night will make you fat." Nangong couldn't help but said that month.

"Eh yeah~ kids need to eat more to grow their bodies~"

Looking at the girl with a maternal smile in front of her, Nangong Nayue twitched her mouth, "I mean you."

"Huh?" Kuang San sat on the other side of the sofa and took a sip of milk tea. "I don't seem to be fat after eating it."

Nangong was speechless that month, and the cheap cakes sold at the convenience store really did not suit her taste, so she had to barely finish the milk tea in the cup.

Then kept staring at Kuangsan.

Kuang San put down his fork and touched Qiao's face with his hand, "Why, is there anything on my face?"



"Will you move to live with me?"

"Ah, huh?"

"It's not safe here." Nangong said solemnly that month.

Kuang San put down his fork, held Qiao Lian with both hands, and looked at each other with Nangong Nayue.

"Actually~ I always wanted to have a younger sister."

"Huh?" This time it was Nangong's turn to be stunned.

"Secondary sister or something, super interesting."

Nangong's little hand holding the teacup tightened that month, and the porcelain cup immediately made an overwhelmed sound.

"Ding Ding Ding~ Ding Ding Ding~"

Kuangsan stood up, "I'll open the door."

"whispering sound."

That month, Nangong knew that the people outside were the so-called police officers, yes, they were enthusiastic people who came to send Lolita home.

At the moment, he also stood up and strode towards the entrance.


"Little Nayue, in the future, you must listen to what your parents say, and don't run away from home without authorization."

Kuang San touched Nangong's head again that month, and the police officers onlookers dropped their jaws in shock.

Who was Nangong that month? A powerful attacker on Xian God Island! Was this girl in front of you regarded as a kid who ran away from home? And Nangong hasn't refuted it yet?

The quirks of the strong.


There was a shock, and Kuang San looked into the distance, and a red light rose up somewhere, like the residual fog after the explosion.

"There seems to be the place where Senior Xiao and Ji Tuan went."

Nangong was shocked that month when he heard it, and immediately looked at Kuang San, "You go home and rest, don't come out tonight."

Simple hypnotic magic.

Kuang San returned home, closed the door, and his complexion immediately became cold.

The used dishes on the table flew to clean by themselves, Kuang San changed into pajamas and lay on the bed.

‘Pretending to be the silly white sweet who has the heart of the Virgin, this person is pretty happy to play. ’

‘The explosion is probably part of the plot, let’s talk about it tomorrow. ’

Kuangsan thought, the indoor lights turned off automatically, and the night was still very long.


"Senior Xiao, eh? Naisajiang and Ji Yan, are you all together?"

"En, Sanjiang, come and sit here~" Xiao Nasha patted the ancient city of Xiaoxiao, and the noble fourth ancestor stood up decisively and stepped aside.

"Many thanks."

"No need." Xiao Gucheng didn't dare to look at Kuangsan. After experiencing yesterday's events, he could be regarded as seeing how black-bellied this exquisite elf-like girl was.

"I heard that there was a pipeline explosion last night, and I felt the shock at home at that time." Xiao Nasha started the conversation, only Kuang San answered, but Ji Tuan Xuelai and Xiao Gucheng looked at each other.

The fourth true ancestor has a guilty expression on his The topic continues, Kuangsan was amused by Xiao Naisa, his big wine-red eyes narrowed slightly, and Xiao Gucheng was panicked as he watched.

He always feels that this new friend Nasha made is not easy, the other party seems to know something...

Back in the classroom, Xiao Gucheng asked his childhood sweetheart, and Kuang San peeped from the mark.

He is a very beautiful and fashionable person, from the operational point of view, he is more like a hacker.

Since the protagonist’s childhood sweetheart attribute bonus, this one is most likely a top hacker.

That being the case.

"After Xiaohong, come out to play~"


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