Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 13: A man with 50 billion debts

The Red Queen did not follow Kuangsan to the Shanzhai main **** space, she was still upgrading the Earth Fighting Monsters on the timeline of the last black main. But her separated subsystem is still on Kuang San.

Empress Xiaohong only possesses normal logical thinking ability. Apart from accepting and executing orders, Empress Xiaohong does not communicate too much like Empress Hong.

At the moment, Xiaohong first used Kuangsan's mobile phone network to break the link of the school's regional network, and then used the regional network as a springboard to try to enter the girl's mobile phone.

In an instant, Kuang San got the general information.

Name: Lan Yuqianqian

Gender: Female

Age: 15-16

Measurements: B83: 57H: 82


"Wait, why are there measurements?"

"Master, it is you who asked me to search for the other party's private information as much as possible. Judging from the data of the other party's purchase of clothes, this is the best data after precise calculation."

Kuangsan's face turned dark, "This thing doesn't need to be'precise calculations'."

"Okay." Xiaohonghou responded lukewarm, giving Kuangsan a sense of powerlessness with a punch on the cotton.

Considering that the subsystem was castrated by the Red Queen, Kuangsan "smartly" kept this account on the Red Queen's head.

Other names: Electronic Empress

Xianjindao's premier hacker, enjoys a certain reputation in the world.

His father was a council member of Xianjin City, and his mother was deceased.

Address........ Family.......

A large amount of information flashed in front of Kuangsan's eyes...

"After Xiaohong, did you fail to invade? Was it discovered by the opponent's artificial intelligence monster?"

"The forced intrusion was successful. I have kicked the artificial intelligence back into the supercomputer."

Kuangsan raised his eyebrows, even if it was a subsystem, it still inherited the style of Hong Empress.

"Not discovered by Lan Yu?"

"Not for the time being. I have transformed part of the monster's data information into a brand new ‘monster’, and Lan Yu is temporarily unable to discover the true and false."

"Well, what is she doing now?"

After Xiao Hong turned on the camera, Lan Yu Qian Cong's pretty face was greeted by Kuang San's eyes, and there was a young man in a white sweater on the side. Because of the angle, he couldn't see the whole picture, but it should be Xiao Gucheng.

"Master, Lan Yu is inquiring about the information of an artificial life company."

Kuang San lightly let out a breath. Suddenly, Xiao Gucheng's big face came up, Kuang San's heart suddenly tightened...

"It seems to be right. Send me the information of that company. By the way, I will mobilize Xian Shendao's camera to monitor the ancient city of Xiao, and let me know as soon as possible."

"do not worry."


According to the plot data provided by Li Yingjun, Xiao Gucheng will guard the Xian Shen Island in the next action, and draw the blood of Ji Tuan Shelley by the way, and summon the fifth of the twelve beasts—— The lion's gold.

The explosion of a "natural pipeline" in a certain area last night is also probably related to the No. 5 Beast.

After being in this world for a few days, I finally got to the point.

Kuang San also understood that it was simply unrealistic to rely on those so-called teammates. The reason why the main **** pulled them from the world of "Resident Evil" to the world of "Blood Devouring" is because of himself.

The strength of the legendary pinnacle swept the earth full of zombies, and it was just a matter of time.

But in the mysterious side world of Blood Devouring Rampage, it is very likely to encounter resistance. Even she didn't figure out the cultivation system of this world within two days.

The cultivation system in each region is different, and at the same time it involves "angels" and "gods", which makes Kuangsan feel quite tricky.

Just as Kuangsan was considering his next actions, a senior student suddenly came outside the door.

"Excuse me, are Ji Hei and Tokisaki-classmates there?"

The boy scanned for a week, Kuang San and Ji Tuan Xuelai stood up at the same time.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the young man with headphones across his neck, and then he was well hidden.

"Ms. Nangong asked you to go to her office after school." As he said, the young man pointed to the ceiling again, "The office is on the top floor, don't forget!"


After school, Ji Tuan and Kuang San walked side by side, Ji Tuan Xuelai's face was serious, like a soldier about to set foot on the battlefield.

"Ahh~Ji Tuan, relax, there will be nothing wrong."

"Yeah." Ji Tuan nodded.

"At most, it has to do with what happened last night."


Ji Tuan's eyes widened. She had long felt that this young girl was not easy. Didn't she expect that she was also here to monitor the fourth true ancestor?

‘Does the Lion King agency approve it? Or was it sent by other forces? Do I need...’

A lot of ideas flashed in Ji Tuan Xuelai's mind between the flashing lights, and the look in Kuang San's eyes was even more defensive.

"What's the matter?" Kuang San turned his head in puzzlement, "You secretly went out with Senior Xiao yesterday, right? When the doll was clipped on the way, it seemed that a little loli was frightened by a little loli~"

Kuangsan hid his face and chuckled, "Did you meet another teacher behind?"

"Huh?" Kuang Sanxiang suddenly remembered something. "Yesterday the little Lolita called Nangong Nayue, and today it was Teacher Nangong who came to call us. Could it be that... Little Lolita secretly told you about it? Parents?"

"Puff!" Nangong, who was resting on the top floor, squirted black tea out of her mouth that month while drinking black tea while eavesdropping.

Then, Nangong looked at her small body blankly that month, and fell into deep thought for the first time.

On the other side, Ji Tuan Xuelai, who was walking with Kuang San, blushed when Kuang San said.

"You must have some hidden secret with Akatsuki-senpai?"

"Lonely man and widow, go out to catch the doll in the middle of the night, tut tut. Don't worry, Ji Tuan, I absolutely support your love affair with Senior Xiao!"


Ji Tuan Xuelai's voice trembled slightly, her pretty face was flushed, and the blush encroached on her white neck.

"No, Tosaki, you misunderstood, Akatsuki and I didn't have any..."

"I know I know." Kuang San waved his hand indifferently, took a few steps forward, and pressed the elevator button.

"I will explain to Nasa, she will be very happy to see her brother find true love."


Kuangsan laughed and said nothing.

On the top floor, Xiao Gucheng, who had been waiting on the side, looked surprised.

"Tokisaki? Why are you here?"

Kuangsan blinked at I know all about you last night, don't worry, I will help you lie to Teacher Nangong. "

"Ah?!" Xiao Gucheng was suddenly sweating profusely. Is there another person who knew that he had destroyed the city and was in debt of 50 billion?

Aiming at Ji Tuan Xuelai, who was calm and restful... Xiao Gucheng swallowed, and it seemed that Toshizaki was right.

With an uneasy mood, Xiao Gucheng knocked on the door of the office.

"Please come in."

The three of them stepped into the elegantly decorated office that fits the witch's taste.

When Nangong saw Kuangsan's eyes lit up that month, he felt that things were going to happen...


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