The firework festival is a traditional cultural event in Yingzhou. It has been around since the Edo period and is one of the activities of Yingzhou Summer Temple Fair.

The closest country to Xianjin Island is Yingzhou. Xianjin City on Xianjin Island is also under the jurisdiction of Tokyo.

Therefore, in addition to the demons on Xian God Island, most of the residents on the island are mainly Yingzhou people, but there are also many tourists on the island, most of which are attracted by the title of "Demon Special Zone" on Xian God Island.

Natsane Haze, who was wearing a yukata, was a little uncomfortable. Looking at the lively Xiao Naisa ahead, she always felt that she was out of place with this kind of place.

"Would you like to eat?"

"Huh?" Xia Yin was startled, only to realize that Kuang San didn't know when he bought a box of octopus balls.

An octopus ball was strung on a wooden stick and handed it to her mouth.

Natsuki Haase hesitated for half a second, opened her small mouth and bit the ball off.

"Is it tasty?"


"Then give it to you."

Before Xia Yin had recovered, Kuang San pushed a whole box of octopus **** into her hands.

"How happy you are today, they won't bother you."


Before Xia Yin had finished speaking, Kuang San walked to Xiao Naisa, and the two waved to her.

Shelly bit her lower lip, and Haze Natsuyin quickly followed the two of them. From time to time, the bamboo stick in her hand strung an octopus ball into her mouth, allowing her taste to invade the taste buds.

"So happy~"

"What? Xia Yinchan what did you just say?" Xiao Nasha blinked her eyes wide as she asked.

At this time, gorgeous fireworks bloomed on the horizon, and the sound covered everything.

"I said, I am very happy today!"

Xiao Naisa was surprised that the usual breeze and the maternal glory of Yasane Kayin still have such a side, but at this time, she has already been robbed of sight by the gorgeous fireworks on the horizon.

"Just happy!"


With a muffled sound, Haze Natsuyane, who was eating octopus **** while sitting beside Kuangsan, stiffened.

"What's the matter?" Kuang San asked in a low voice.

"She...they are here."

"Relax ~ The energy in your body has been temporarily sealed. Today, just enjoy it all."

Xia Yin suddenly grabbed Kuangsan's sleeves, like a frightened little rabbit, her pretty face turned pale, "But they...they are all human beings, killing each other or something... "

Haze Natsuyin's mood fluctuated so violently that he couldn't even say a complete sentence, and said some terrifying words intermittently from his mouth.

"Don't worry, even if they lose their spiritual center, they can survive. They must believe in the medical technology of this era."

"Don't you believe in Mo Xiao?" Kuangsan pointed at the sky, "He is right there."

Xia Yin seemed to have caught the life-saving straw, and his big blue eyes looked at the sky fiercely.


"Boom! ~Boom!~"

There are colorful fireworks in the sky, but no other people can be seen.

"is it beautiful?"


"Trust me and Mo Xiao?"

"I... I certainly believe in Kuang San and Mo Xiao brother."

"Mo Xiao...Brother?"

Turning his head to look at Kuangsan, the girl's face was showing a chuckle.

"Well~ he is older than me, is it okay for me to call it that way?"

"Whatever you want."


At this time, Xiao Nasha suddenly stood up and said, "I heard that fireworks can be set off freely over there, let's go quickly!"

"Quickly, what are you doing Sanjiang and Xia Yinjiang? Even if you two want to say something, you can go home and talk secretly in the bed~"


"Hey, I know that Xia Yinjiang will live in Sanjiang's house. I am relieved that you two will rent together. After all, the apartment over there is very close to the school."

"No, it's not."

"What's not?"

Xiao Nasha took two steps forward, and at the same time stretched out his left and right hands to hold Kuang San and Xia Yin, "Hurry up, hurry up, there is limited free fireworks over there."


A more remote place on the other side of the fireworks display.

Mo Xiao stood in the high-altitude clouds, looking down at the battle below.

Two "simulation angels" are fighting frantically. According to the news, the String God Island Club prefers to refer to them as "Mask Recoverers."

They are all human women, no, they are not necessarily human now.

There are a lot of bandages on his body, besides, there is only a bone mask.

Wearing a mask can be understood as a bandage that can wrap the body without wanting to reveal his identity. Mo Xiao really couldn't understand it. Even Xiao Hong only gave a variety of speculations.

It may be a kind of ritual, or it may be blocking the various runes on the body, or... it is simply the evil taste of the maker.

From a certain angle, Mo Xiao even thinks this is the evil taste of the maker.

Transform the young and beautiful girls in adolescence into "simulated angels," and let them fight in bandages only.

This picture...Mo Xiao has only seen it in the r18 game scene.

He came here to accept Xiaohong's task.

The spiritual centers in the bodies of the two "simulated angels" were dug away, and the two non-human girls were treated by the way.

The battle between the two angels is extremely refined, relying solely on high-speed movement to fight each other, and they are even more skillless in fighting. They rely more on the angel wings on the back to issue high-energy attacks.

Quite boring.

The destructive power is also insufficient, and it is not comparable to the true ancestor’s From the perspective of ordinary people, only two light groups can be seen fighting back and forth in the air...


Finally, one angel was exhausted, and the other one broke into the TV tower.

At this time, Xiao Gucheng, which was captured by Nangong that month as a coolie, began to summon the beasts to attack.

The space magic of Nangong that month, the beasts of Xiao Gucheng, and the battle mode of Xuexia Wolf in Ji Tuan Xuelai's hands were all faithfully recorded by Mo Xiao's nano camera.

Just when a few people thought that the big orange was timed, the badly wounded angel suddenly ran away and went straight into the air. His divine wings spread out, and a few beams of light blasted towards Xiao Gucheng and the others!

The secret tunnels of Xiao Gucheng were bad, and he reflexively protected his arms in front of his chest.

Suddenly, the clouds that had been floating in the sky surged, and a giant cloud hand came out from it!

The speed was so fast that he caught the violent "angel" in the hands of Nangong's stunned work that month!

Several beams of light collapsed.

"Ancient city! Summon the beast and protect the other one!"


Thanks to the ritual before summoning the beast, Xiao Gucheng hadn't finished saying the name of the beast, and another angel was also captured by Yun's hand.

"Hiss"! It was like a muffled thunder from the sky, suppressing the sound of fireworks blooming in the distance.

When everyone came back to their senses, apart from the clouds that were still surging and transforming, they could no longer see the shadow of the "angel".

"Little Nayue!" Xiao Gucheng and others hurried over, "What should I do now?"

Nangong's expression was serious, and he knocked the fan on top of Xiao Gucheng with a "pop", and said viciously: "When addressing the teacher, you can't add the word "small" in front!"



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