Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 31: conspiracy

The "simulated angel" was snatched away by a giant hand formed by clouds and mist. This matter couldn't be covered. Naturally, the headache was handed over to the String God Island Club and the magician craftsman who made the simulated angels.

Mo Xiao stunned the two "angels" and sent them to the area where Pan Continental Heavy Industries was located.

This heavy industry company, newly registered on Xianjin Island, has its factory building next to the abandoned Scheruti Pharmaceutical Factory.

Schruti Pharmaceutical Factory originally belonged to a group in Northern Europe, mainly used to cover up artificial life research.

After some operations after Xiao Hong, the original Scheruti Pharmaceutical Factory was bought by Pan Continental Heavy Industries and became a new plant area.

At this time, under the command of Empress Xiaohong, Mo Xiao dug out the spiritual centers of the two "angels", and put the two young girls who had lost their extraordinary powers into the medical warehouse.

After seeing the virtual body Xiaohong rushing around, Mo Xiao couldn't help but say: "What's the point of doing this? Even if the real ‘angel’ comes, I can easily defeat the opponent."

After Xiao Hong didn't turn her head at all, her voice was as cold as ever, "The master's command is supreme. I was born around the master's will. The master has a good impression of Yasane, so I am obliged to help her complete her evolution. "

"What kind of logic is this?"

After Mo Xiao finished speaking, the laboratory fell silent again, Xiao Honghou didn't want to talk to him at all.

"You have been busy for so long, don't you just want to copy the spiritual center? There are many clones on the Sorcerer Sculpture. If I catch them, it will be over?"

After being obsessed with all kinds of data, Xiao Hong glanced at Mo Xiao and said: "Magic Plastics was originally a well-known company manufacturing industrial robots. Even if they have Kensheng Ye Se, they can’t make up for the biotechnology. gap."

"The clones they made are very inferior, and their biology has evolved to the extreme. They don't care about the creation of the world. Give me some time and I can transform these spiritual centers to the extreme of this world."

"Hi~Hi~" Mo Xiao was weak, "then what?"

"At that time, you really may not be able to win the Haze Natsume in a completely ascended state."

"is it......"

The laboratory fell silent again.

Sorcerer Plastic, in a certain laboratory.

The demon woman wearing a leather jacket is furious, and she is worthless to slander another orc man!

Xiansheng Haase also fell into weird silence, but those eyes that contained endless madness made people feel scared.

"I still need some experimental can there be so many spoilers in an experiment that can be successful immediately?"

"They... they must be jealous of Xia Yin! They are jealous of the Lord's gift to Xia Yin!"

Xiansheng Haase was in a crazy stage of thought, and even the orc man didn't dare to step forward and disturb.

On the other side, the demon girl who had scolded enough stepped forward and slowly approached Xiansheng Ye Lai.

"Doctor... do you want to make a comeback?"


The woman squinted her eyes slightly, "We still have many clones. Although they are not as good as the original version, they are better than the number..."

" actually did something that is against humanity! Are you not afraid of being punished by the Lord?!" Xiansheng Ye Lai turned around and said excitedly.

"Doctor, this is your last chance. Mo Xiao is not the fourth true ancestor of that freshman. His power can't be described in words."

"Heh!" Xiansheng Ye's mouth outlines a ridiculous arc, "Why didn't I see you resist at the time, but now I'm secretly trying to trick others."

The demon girl bends down slightly, her chest is as large as if she is about to squeeze her leather jacket. She is not angry at all, but smiles: "Are you a brilliant person who knows the current affairs."

"Doctor, do you need a clone?"

"I..." Xiansheng Ye Lai trembling lips, he is constantly struggling in his mind, ‘even if I am punished by the Lord after death, Xia Yin will definitely become an angel and an existence beside the Lord! As long as I...just sacrifice me alone! ’

Thinking of Yase Natsuyin, Hase Kensheng’s bloodshot eyes gasped with hope again, "Give me another chance!"

"it is good!"

Kensheng Haase took over the USB flash drive in the hands of the demon girl and started working again.

"We need to let Xia Yin come out. It's best to let the fourth true ancestor or Mo Xiao act. Let them stimulate Xia Yin's potential."

The demon girl put her hands on her chest, and seemed to be very interested in the proposal made by Kensei Hase, "This is easy to handle. In the name of Sorcerer Craftsmanship, we invite the junior and high school classes of the private Caihai Academy to visit the'Research Institute'. ."

"Research Institute?" Ye Lai frowned, stopped his work, and looked at the demon girl.

"Of course it is a certain deserted island belonging to the Sorcerer's Sculpture. On it, we can do whatever we want! Even if you destroy the island, it is okay."

Not only did Hase Kensheng not let go of his brows, but he wrinkled more and more tightly, "So many students have died, we will definitely be exposed."

The woman didn't care, "There is more room for operation inside, so don't worry, I will definitely let Natsume Yaze and the fourth true ancestor go to the island and visit the'laboratory' together!"

"But... we made simulated angels to sell them for a good price. What should we do if Kae Haze runs away by that time?"

Hearing the threat in the words of the demon Xiansheng turned around and continued to observe the data.

"Since there are experimental samples, there will never be fewer angel combat weapons. As for Xia Yin..."


Xia Yin Haase has never been so relaxed. She began to learn cooking skills from Xiao Naisa, and she gradually became more cheerful.

She still has to go to a company to receive treatment every night, but Natsume Haase accepts it cheerfully, because after each treatment, she can feel the actual effect of the treatment.

She hasn't been having nightmares these days, it seems that everything is going in a good direction.

She has never looked forward to the future as she does now.

Following Kuang San every day, she feels especially at ease.

"Invitation to visit the Sorcerer's Plastic Factory? How many lucky people will be selected to visit the research institute?"

"I heard that Sorcerer Plastics is a big company."

"Isn't it that they can't sell their products anymore?"

"Who knows? Anyway, a lean camel is bigger than a horse."

...I heard the conversation of classmates early in the morning, and when I heard the words "Magic Sculpture", Xia Ye was like falling into the ice.

"What's wrong? Your hands are so cold?"

When the little hand was held by someone, Haze Natsune was surprised and looked up.

"Kuang San...I..."

Kuangsan squinted his eyes and said, "The class visiting the factory happened to be our class, and besides that, there was a class in the Higher Department."

Xia Yin stopped speaking, but the small hand held by Kuang San suddenly tightened.

"Na~ Don't be afraid of Xia Yinjiang, Mo Xiao will follow her secretly."

"Brother Mo Xiao?"



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