Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 57: Dragon and Dragon Slayer (2 in 1)

"What? Mo Xiao is a girl?!"

Xiao Gucheng was so shocked by the news that he couldn't recover. After so many incidents, the impression that Mo Xiao left in his heart was already unbreakable.

But now my childhood sweetheart actually tells myself that that extremely powerful man is actually a girl?

"By the way, Gucheng, hurry up with me! And Astaruti, are you okay?"

Astaruti, who had been relieved of the beast status, was sitting against the wall and resting. Hearing Lan Yu Qian Cong's inquiry, she immediately responded.

"Yes, but it consumes too much magic power and needs rest."

Blue Feather Scallion frowned slightly, Astaruti in the beast-watching state was attacked by a large number of demon-breaking bullets. At this time, excessive consumption of mana was also expected, but...

Lan Yu Qian Cong shook his heart and shouted, "Astaruti, you have a good rest here. Gucheng, you come with me!"

"Huh? Xiao Nayue, she..."

Lan Yu Qiancong immediately picked up Xiao Nayue, pointed to the manhole cover not far in front of him, and talked about Kuang San's experience.

Without saying anything, Xiao Gucheng turned over and entered the sewer, Lan Yu Qiancong followed closely, and the two rushed towards the place where they had separated from Kuangsan.

The two did not run far in the sewer, and Xiao Gucheng, which was more sensitive to magic, discovered the flames raging in the air here.

Lan Yu Qian Cong knelt down and looked at the metallic fluid that had turned maroon on the ground, his expression more serious.

"It was at this alloy iron door. Toshizaki chose to face the weird old man who was full of flames because of lack of physical strength. The door was burnt to slag, and Tosaki... "

"It's okay, I smell Tokisaki's breath."

"Sniff?" Lan Yu's light green onion frowning willow eyebrows never let go, "Gucheng, it's not a joke now! Do you know Tokisaki..."

"Come with me!" Before Lan Yu Qian Cong finished speaking, Xiao Gucheng interrupted her words and ran forward firmly, as if confirming the position of Kuang San.


Lan Yu stomped her feet lightly, and again lightly held Xiao Nayue on her back, chasing after the back of Xiao Ancient City.

The farther and farther he ran along the way, but the more he went like this, the more suspicious in Lan Yu Qiangong's heart.

Xiao Gucheng used to be a member of the school's basketball team. He has always had a good physical strength, but because of some things, he began to become decadent.

For a while, she remembered that her childhood sweetheart was very weak, but now...

Xiao Gucheng seemed to feel her gaze and slowed down, "Qian Cong, are you tired? Am I carrying Xiao Nayue on my back?"

Lan Yu narrowed his eyes, "Okay!"

She carefully observed the ancient city of Xiao. Xiao ancient city breathed steadily, and there was no sweat on her face due to strenuous exercise, let alone the slightest fatigue.

On the contrary, she was a good player in the badminton department. Dense sweat began to ooze from the hairline, even infiltrating her delicate makeup.

These were not enough to cause Lan Yu Qian Cong's deep suspicion. After a long time, Lan Yu Qian Cong was panting, and Xiao Nayue's ancient city was still walking fast.

Lan Yu Qian Cong took out her mobile phone from her skirt pocket and took a look, then shouted to the front: "Ancient city, this is our direction to the port! Tokisaki can't be there."

"And...and, your nose...when did it become so sharp?"

Xiao Gucheng deliberately slowed down, his eyes were firm, "Trust me."



In order to correct the trend of the plot, Mo Xiao will take over the story of Watola originally, and Kuang San will also specially lead the ancient city of Xiao to the port of Xian Shen Island.

There is not much reason, Kuang San just wants to restore as much as possible, this time let Mo Xiao think this is the evil taste of Kuang San itself.


The manhole cover was pushed aside violently, and then pushed out by an arm. It turned a few times in the air, like a giant coin thrown from a high altitude, rolled back and forth on the ground for more than ten times before it was in the "wild and wild" Falling to the ground in the sound.

"Ancient... Ancient city." Lan Yu lightly grasped the palm of Xiao Gucheng's stretched out hand, and was pulled to the ground by an irresistible force.

Lan Yu Qiancong put her hands on her knees and took a few deep breaths, which made the almost hypoxic brain much better.

"Think... I can't think of your physical strength in the ancient city so good."

When Xiao Gucheng raised his eyebrows, he also knew that his appearance was too fake, so he hurriedly took a few more deep breaths, creating an appearance that he was also very tired.

"Don't I want to show more in front of cute girls? Actually, I am also very tired."

Lan Yu Qiancong straightened up and stared at Xiao Gucheng for a few moments, as if he had met this childhood sweetheart again.

Looking around, this is the port of Xianjin Island. Containers are stacked here, and there are many containers that have been converted into residences, but there is no figure of Kuangsan.

Lan Yu Qian Cong looked at Xiao Gucheng, as if waiting for an explanation, she would never forget that she was looking for Kuang San.


Xiao Gucheng suddenly waved his hand to a modified box that was lit in the distance. Lan Yu narrowed his eyes so that he could barely see the outline of Kuang San.

At this time, she became more and more suspicious, and ran all the way from below the gate of the foundation stone of Xianjin Island to the port on the edge of Xianjin Island.

‘Even a dog’s nose is not so good, right? ’

‘Could it be that the ancient city has long been informed, and now I’m playing tricks? ’

'wrong! ’

Lan Yu Qian Cong looked carefully, and the one standing next to Tokisaki was clearly a man... isn't that Mo Xiao?

‘What’s going on here? ’

Lan Yu was full of suspicion, and followed Xiao Gucheng to the house transformed from a container.

Only Mo Xiao and Tokisaki were in the room.

After Tokisaki finished explaining, Lan Yu Qian Cong breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that Your Excellency Mo Xiao rescued Tokisaki, but why did you come here?"

Kuangsan smiled and said: "Mo Xiao said that you will definitely come. The prisoners in the prison enchantment also have a special way to locate Xiao Nayue, and send those prisoners into the prison enchantment one by one at the port to make Xian Shen The island’s losses are minimized."

Lan Yu Qian Cong nodded, no doubt there was him.

She has always had a good impression of Mo Xiao, especially after she knew the secret of "her", she felt a sense of pity out of thin air.

What kind of experience was it that made her look like this?

And Xiao Gucheng, who was sitting with Lan Yu Qian Cong, almost couldn't help but erupt.

If Mo Xiao can clean up all the escaped prisoners in the prison enchantment, where is the mess?

If it weren't for Qian Cong here, I'm afraid Xiao Gucheng would have had an **** with Mo Xiao long ago.

Of course, these thoughts were only in Xiao Gucheng's mind. He was not mentally retarded and would not easily irritate Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao is a moody guy with a personality similar to that of Wattola. Both of them are extremely boring, and both want to take advantage of the chaos to have fun.

This is Xiao Gucheng's positioning of both.

‘Where did that fellow Vatola go? That guy has a strong combat power. The criminals who clean up the prison enchantment should be very good at it, right? Why didn't he come to the excitement that he contributed to? This is too unusual. Could it be that the guy has any other evil tastes? Maybe you can hide and peep in secret now! ’

After thinking about it, Xiao Gucheng glanced at the giant cruise ship docked in the port.

The cruise ship is extremely luxurious and has the title of "ocean grave" as a **** one.

Vatola may be on it.

But Xiao Gucheng never expected that Vatola, who was severely injured by Mo Xiao's punch, would have been completely destroyed by the bombardment of the angel Hua Xia Yin.

The cause of all this is still because of "the death of Xuecai."

Xiao Gucheng planned to wait for this matter to end, and then go to the Mozu Guard Team to see if he could find the photos taken at that time.

Although Xuecai is still alive, because of Mo Xiao's words, even Xiao Gucheng cannot confirm that the name "Xuecai," who looks exactly the same as Xuecai, speaks, and has exactly the same personality, is not she at all. Myself.

His memory can't be wrong. The seriously injured and unconscious girl fell from a high altitude, and when she fell to the ground, she had become a puddle of mud, but...

"They are here."

"They?" Xiao Gucheng was awakened by Mo Xiao's prompt, and quickly sat up on the sofa.

"How many are there?"

"Ancient city!" Lan Yu Qiancong said dissatisfied: "With Your Excellency Mo Xiao here, how can you do anything? No matter how strong you are, can you fight against the vicious monsters imprisoned in the prison enchantment?"

Lan Yu Qiancong was also anxious. She didn't want her childhood sweetheart to face off against the criminals. There is Mo Xiao in this thigh. You don't want to hug the thigh. You have to go up and fight the little monster. Isn't that self-abuse?

Xiao Gucheng froze, only then did he remember that Qian Cong didn't know that he had become the fourth true ancestor.

‘If I became a vampire and Qian Cong knew about it, she wouldn’t be able to accept it, right? But Xiao Nayue...’

"Who is here?" Mo Xiao suddenly asked, Lan Yu Qian Cong and Xiao Gucheng looked at each other, how did they know? Is Mo Xiao talking to the air?

Suddenly, a picture was projected on Mo Xiao's chest, and the figures of the bad boy and the uncle of vicissitudes appeared at the same time.

"The man carrying the great sword is named Purdor Dampurgraf. He is the last descendant of the dragon-killing clan. He has killed enough dragons and bathed in a lot of dragon blood, making his body extremely powerful, powerful, and possessing immortality. body."

The slightly mechanical loli sound seemed to be emitted from the air, which surprised Lan Yu Qian Cong.

"Another artificial intelligence? Like a monster." Lan Yu murmured lightly, she didn't care about the criminal information.

Although every criminal in the prison barrier is famous, can they be stronger than Mo Xiao?

I have seen Mo Xiao hit the blue feather spring onion that sinks a small artificial island, and have always had honey confidence in Mo Xiao.

The picture changed and turned into a bad boy.

The mechanical loli sound also sounded again: "Shutra D, the long-extinct descendant of the'Asian God', the people of the'Tianbu', are extremely arrogant and don't put everything in their eyes."

"The dragon slayer arrived first, and the target will make contact within two minutes."

"Dragon Slayer?" Mo Xiao smiled slightly, seemingly interested in this title.

At this time, Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qian Cong remembered that when they met Mo Xiao for the first time, wasn't the "Beast Beast" that Mo Xiao summoned was a huge "dragon"?

Lan Yu Qianquan didn't know the name of the behemoth that hovered over the small artificial island, but there was no doubt that it was a giant dragon!

Mo Xiao stood up and said, "Lady and children can rest, Xiaogucheng, are you sure not to watch the duel between the dragon and the dragon slayer?"

"Dragon?" Xiao Gucheng's back was chilling, and she couldn't believe that Mo Xiao wanted to summon that kind of unreasonable beast again.

"Are you crazy? The ghost knows that Xian Shen Island can withstand several attacks from Taixu Ancient Dragon!"

"Taixu Ancient Dragon?" Lan Yu Qiancong sitting on the sofa grasped the point. She didn't understand how Xiao Gucheng knew the name of Mo Xiaojuan Beast.

Mo Xiao twisted her neck at will, making a sound of bones like "Thunderbolt".

"After cleaning up these two residues, the two ladies will go home first."

After speaking, Mo Xiao opened the door first and walked out.

Indoors, Lan Yu looked out the window uncomfortably, while Xiao Nayue entangled Kuangsan, letting Kuangsan hold her in her arms.

"Nothing will happen to them, right?"

"what are you worried about?"


Kuangsan's wine-red eyes seemed to have the effect of calming people's minds. Soon, Lan Yu Qianquan felt himself calm down.

Think of the invincible posture of "Taixu Ancient Dragon", even the "Dragon Slayer" is more than enough, right?

‘But Tokizaki, is she really not worried at all? She treats everything very plainly, and she gives people a sense of seeing everything under control. Lan Yu Qian Cong looked at Kuang San who was playing with Xiao Nayue, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Outdoors, the port of Xianjin Island, with a giant cruise ship as the background three gathered together.

Mo Xiao's black nano combat uniform is in stark contrast with the dragon slayer's medieval costume.

This makes it very uncomfortable for a modern person in Xiaogucheng to be caught in the middle.

The dragon slayer's eyes were calm, he didn't seem to care about Mo Xiao, but instead set his gaze on Xiao Gucheng.

"Hand over Nangong that month."

"Oh? What if I don't pay?" Xiao Gucheng's eyes faintly changed into the scarlet color that is characteristic of vampires.

"So that's it." The dragon slayer pulled out the giant sword he was carrying, firmly grasped the hilt with both hands, supported by strong arms.

"I also killed a vampire." The dragon slayer said in a nutshell, intentionally or unintentionally warning Xiao Gucheng not to be nosy.

Just as Xiao Gucheng was angry, and when he was about to step forward, Mo Xiao stretched out his hand to stop him.

Xiao Gucheng's scarlet eyes quickly returned to normal.

For the first time, the dragon slayer focused his attention on the abnormal body in the black tights.

"Haha, I thought the dragon slayer was a simple and honest person, but I didn't expect that under that loyal appearance, there was a bewitching soul hidden."

The dragon slayer took a step later and raised the giant sword, his serious expression unchanged for thousands of years.

"That means you are unwilling to hand over Nangong that month?"

Mo Xiao also stretched out his hand, and a purple-black flame appeared out of thin air.

On that purple-black flame, the dragon slayer felt a deadly threat!

The hands holding the hilt of the sword tightened again.

"I heard that you have slaughtered a lot of'dragons'?"

The dragon slayer didn't answer, but he tightened his muscles completely.

Mo Xiao gave him a mysterious smile, and then squeezed the purple flame in his hand!



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