Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 58: 5-minute world hypothesis

The purple and black flames squeezed into twisted lines by the huge force overflowed from Mo Xiao's fingers. They did not disappear into the air, but instead danced their body frantically with the night breeze.

The tiny flames squeezed out from the fingers rushed to the sky, gradually becoming larger, like the silk thread controlling the puppets, connecting upside down to the sky.

In the sky, thicker and thicker purple and black flames were entangled together, and the speed was so fast that even Xiao Gucheng was dumbfounded.

It was almost instantaneous. The Zihuo, which expanded hundreds of thousands of times, first constructed the appearance of the Taixu Ancient Dragon, and then the dragon body continued to expand!

In the end, the huge purple-black dragon hovering in the sky took shape. Even the ancient city of Xiao, as the fourth true ancestor, had a strong sense of oppression in front of it.


The huge dark golden dragon eyes opened, and the dragon roar sounded, piercing the clouds and letting the moonlight appear.

Looking up from the port, it is more like the Taixu Ancient Dragon enveloping the moon!

The dragon slayer who was holding the giant sword on the opposite side narrowed his eyes, his body sank slightly downwards unconsciously, and his explosive muscles were tightened to the extreme.

The distance that Taixu Ancient Dragon hovered in the sky was obviously not something he could hit, but the two weak chickens in front of him...

Regardless of the honest appearance of the dragon slayer, for the dragon slayer who has been fighting for a long time, he knows the importance of promoting strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

At this time, the dragon slayer was looking at the giant dragon circling in the sky with a serious face, giving people a sense of sight that he wanted to fight with the Taixu ancient dragon at any time.

But he adjusted his body's center of gravity secretly, striving to burst out instantly and kill those two idiots!

The desperate dragon is invincible, and even the dragon slayer is not sure.

The dragon's body is not magical, but the energy contained in the dragon's body is only seen in the life of the dragon slayer!

Even the Demon Race, which is known for its magic content, does not have as much energy in its body as that giant dragon!

The huge body alone is enough to make people desperate!

Just as Xiaoguchengtai looked up to the sky, and the black tight-fitting perverted man relaxed, the center of gravity of the dragon slayer's retreat suddenly pressed to his left foot!

At the same time there was a muffled sound from the earth, the figure of the dragon slayer appeared in front of Mo Xiao!

If the giant sword in his hand had the ability to tear open space, it would slash the wind and cut it from Mo Xiao's neck!

Blade entered from this angle, even if he was a pure-blooded vampire of the old generation, he would never want to resurrect in a short time!


With a crisp sound, Mo Xiao looked at the dragon slayer somewhat strangely, and then turned his head to Xiao Ancient City.

"Let me just say it. Under this man's loyal and honest appearance, there is a sinister and vicious soul hidden."

Xiao Gucheng twitched his mouth, did not dare to answer, the giant long sword held by the dragon slayer clearly slashed against Mo Xiao's neck! How could he still talk to himself so indifferently?

Seeing this picture, Xiao Gucheng couldn't help but think of the annihilating teacher of the Nordic sect.

The great axe fell from the sky, slid down from the neck, and split himself into two pieces...

But this Mo Xiao....... Is his skin too hard, or is the dragon slayer holding a toy plastic knife?

Mo Xiao closed his eyes and stretched out a finger to lift the giant sword away from his neck.

The dragon slayer's eyelids twitched wildly, and he hit with all his strength, only to leave a white mark on the man's neck!

"What kind of monster are you?!"

The dragon slayer was panicked, the blow he had just now was enough to smash the beast known for its defense! But this man...

At this time, Taixu Ancient Dragon spit out a breath of dragon, purple and black flames grazed from under the dragon slayer, the giant sword and right arm disappeared at the same time! Most of the ports disappeared with it.

"Sizzle~" A toothy chain sounded, and a purple-black spatial magic array appeared behind the dragon slayer, and he was quickly bound by the chain and strong.

But the dragon slayer still stared at Mo Xiao.

"How can I beat you?"

"Beat me?" Mo Xiao moved her neck a little, "With her power alone, she smashed the entire Xian Shen Island into the sea with one punch, and it should be able to destroy my body."

By the time Mo Xiao finished speaking, the dragon slayer who had lost his weapon and arm had been brought back to the prison enchantment by space magic.

Mo Xiao looked at Xiao Gucheng with a weird face again, "What? You don't believe what I said?"

"No, no, no!" Xiao Gucheng hurriedly denied that if there were no accidents, he wouldn't want to be an enemy of monsters like Mo Xiao.

Mo Xiao shrugged, "Let's go, your two little girlfriends are also here, and they seem to be fighting another criminal again."

"But Taixu Ancient Dragon..."

Xiao Gucheng looked up and immediately closed his mouth. How could there be Taixu Gulong in the sky at this time?

Only half of the destruction of the port can prove that it has come.


Xian Shendao Commune needed Lan Yu Qian Cong, the electronic female emperor, and sent a chariot to greet him, and Kuang San also left with him.

When Xiao Gucheng met Ji Tuan Xuecai and the others, Mo Xiao also quietly disappeared.

Inside the apartment.

Kuang San quietly looked at the blood woman lying on the floor in a coma.

This is a "gift from Mo Xiao."

"The direct clan of the third true ancestor, pure blood vampires, should have a long lifespan, right?"

Kuang San muttered to himself, a small piece of indescribable purple and black suddenly appeared on the floor where the comatose woman of the blood race was lying.

The female of the blood race is aging at a speed visible to the naked eye, her tight skin becomes loose, her beautiful and charming face is wrinkled, her chest is drooping, and age spots gradually appear on the old face.

Such a scene would never appear on a pure-blooded vampire. The city of time can be eaten, but it can devour her lifespan strangely.

Soon, the red face turned into dead bones, and under the erosion of time, there was nothing left except ancient clothes.

When the city of eating in a small area disappeared, the wooden floor remained, but the moment the ancient clothing was exposed to the air, it still exploded into a mass of ashes.

Kuang San closed his eyes and quietly felt the time provided by the pure blood vampires of the old generation.

not bad.

Kuangsan opened his eyes and leaned against the sofa. The pleasure brought by the time of smoking made an unhealthy blush on his delicate face.

The burgundy eyes were slightly blurred but soon returned to normal.

At this time, the petite person was full of laziness.

"After observing for so long, haven't you shown up yet?"

The space in the living room was distorted, and soon, Xiandumu Aye, who was almost like Youma, appeared from it.

"His Excellency Tokisaki, are you willing to create a new world with me?"

"Xiandumu Aye, this joke is not funny."

"We are all witches, don't you resent this vicious curse?"

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of Crazy San's lazy eyes. When she was an "elf", wasn't she a curse?

Soon, Kuangsan returned to normal, "So what? This curse has brought you a wonderful life, at least it is much more interesting than being a mortal and doing nothing in your life."

Xiandumu Aye narrowed his eyes, "Then have you heard of the five-minute world hypothesis?"

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