Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 65: Why are you so skilled? (Four k big

(The rest is in the "Author's Words", you know, funny)

Study trips are part of Yingzhou's education. It originated in 1882. It started as a visit to an exposition in a big city. It has now been transformed into a diverse group of student travel activities.

Xian Shen Island, which was influenced by Yingzhou culture, naturally followed this activity.

As a special zone for the demons, Xian Shen Island has only an industrial zone and a research zone in addition to the living area and education area.

If it weren't for the title of "Devil Special Zone" on Xianjin Island, it would not be attractive in itself.

Xianjin Island has no historical background, and the only attractive place, except for the "Devil Special Zone", only has the reputation of an artificial island. The super-large artificial island of String God Island is complex to build, far beyond the imagination of many people, and it consumes countless magic building materials. It can be called one of the miracles in the history of architecture.

It can attract a large number of foreign tourists, but it cannot attract locals. For the private Caihai Academy, which is not bad for money, it is a great insult to "private" to take a break from school and take a trip around Xianjin Island.

The private Caihai Academy is chartered for the entire elementary department, ready to go to Tokyo on Yingzhou Island.

Kuangsan and Xia Yin each had a small backpack with some snacks and the like. The suitcases for changing clothes had been transported to the ship long ago.

Everyone was very excited, except for Ji Tuan Xuecai, she seemed to have something on her mind, Kuang San hurriedly glanced at her, then looked away.

The school separates boys from girls and everyone is happy to do so except for some small couples who don’t support them. The school leaders also knew that if a female student came back from the school trip for a few days, a female student would be found to be pregnant within a few months. It was hard to imagine that it would have a major blow to the reputation of Caihai Academy.

The girls in Kuangsan's class were all divided into a large cabin, which looked like a school gymnasium, but much smaller than the gymnasium.

The wooden deck was very old, but it was still clean. The girls wiped it at will, or found something to pad, and sat on the cabin deck in groups, talking about school trips.

There are also girls who are alone with their mobile phones and keep typing. Needless to say, she must be complaining with her little boyfriend.

Kuangsan, Xia Yin, Xuecai, Nasha, and two other girls formed a small group.

When Kuangsan walked into the cabin, he sighed lightly. Sure enough, no matter how rich a private school is, it is impossible for them to package a luxury cruise ship similar to the ‘Ocean Grave’ and let them go on a school trip.

If that were the case, a school trip would definitely become the sea, which is a matter of no doubt.

A few people found a clean place and sat on the floor, where they played a very popular small game.

The two bite the same biscuit stick wrapped in chocolate, and gradually bite it closer. The closer it is to the end, the less easily the chocolate stick will break. If you withdraw halfway, you will be punished if you can’t break the chocolate stick. , The two will kiss together.

Kuangsan didn't care, like this kind of game, it is more exciting to play with the opposite sex, if the two are in love...


Why is she and Xia Yin the second one?

Xia Yin's face turned red, and she pulled out a chocolate bar from the food box, opened her mouth slightly, bit the other side of the bar with her teeth, and looked at Kuangsan expectantly.

I have seen the three faces of madness who have seen strong winds and waves unchanged, like this kind of pediatrics...

Sakura's lips opened slightly, and the teeth were grinded, biting the other end of the stick, and began to swallow the chocolate bar quickly!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!!!!"

The people next to him booed, which made Xia Yin panic when he played this game for the first time.

Seeing Kuang San's pretty face getting closer and closer, Xia Yin's breathing suddenly became quicker.

His face changed slightly, and he also started to eat the chocolate bar. It seemed that he wanted to fight the mad!

Xia Yin closed her eyes, not daring to stare at Kuangsan, she forcibly imagined Kuangsan as Mo Xiao, and felt relieved a lot for a while, and even faintly looked forward to it.

"Crack, crack, crack~"

It was like the sound of a hamster eating, but Xuecai, Naisa and others fixed their eyes on the chocolate bar between the two.

According to this kind of progress, it won't be long before these two junior high school students are at their peak of beauty, they will kiss each other!

Xiao Nasha can't wait to take out his mobile phone, ready to record this historic moment!

The warm breath sprayed on the bridge of her nose, making Xia Yin a little itchy, and she opened her eyes slightly, only to find that Kuang San was right in front of her!

My heart tightened, the lower teeth were exerting too much force, and the chocolate bar broke with a "click"!


This caused many girls who watched the excitement to sigh, and even Xiao Nasha puffed up her bun's face in anger. She obviously took out her mobile phone! If it weren't for Xia Yinchan's eyes to open, the two of them could definitely kiss each other!

Xiao Naisa was extremely sure.

"It's Xia Yinchan who lost! We must accept punishment!" Xiao Naisha yelled.

Xia Yin turned his head away, still embarrassed to look directly at Kuang San, they almost kissed each other just now! Her first kiss is for Brother Mo Xiao...

"Xia Yin!"


"You said, do you have a leg with Mo Xiao!"

"Mo Xiao?" The other two girls in the small group got interested and whispered: "Who is Mo Xiao? Is Xia Yinchan's boyfriend?"

"I didn't expect Xia Yinchan to have a boyfriend!"

Although Xia Yin was very happy that others said that, she waved her hand and denied it again and again.

"Me... Brother Mo Xiao and I are not what you think."

"Yo~ one brother and one brother are yelling all day long, can it still be said that it is okay?" The girl next to him joked, "Is it brother love?"

"Hmm~" Xia Yin lowered his head, his cheeks flushed, which made several people even more excited.

"Dangdangdangdang!" Xiao Nasha made an exaggerated dubbing and put the screen shot on the phone in front of everyone.

A thin and thin man dressed up in a cool voice appeared in front of several girls.

"Wow~ this is Mo Xiao? Looks like a senior in the higher education department."

"The expression is in place~"

"Much more handsome than Naosha sauce's brother!"

"That lazy look is great!"

"Is this Xia Yinjiang's love brother?"

"Xia Yinjiang, you have something to say~"

"No!" Suddenly a girl reacted and took the lead in bringing the topic to the quiet Kuang San.

"Speaking of crazy three... Why are you so proficient when you play the chocolate bar game?"

When everyone thought about it, they realized, ‘Yes, why is Kuang San so skilled? ’

‘Is it possible...she actually played it many times? ! Who are you with? Those little boys in the class, or seniors from the higher education department? Or...’

"Where is it~" Kuangsan covered his mouth and chuckled, "Seeing that Xia Yinchan is so cute, I don't have any psychological pressure at all~"

"That's also true." The people who were disturbed by the charm felt that Kuangsan was justified.

"How can a pure girl like Kuang Sanjiang play this kind of game with the opposite sex."

"Yes, yes, look at how cute Kuangsanjiang is!"

"Let me hug, I'm going to **** the crazy three sauces~"

The squabbling around, time passed quickly, and the Tianzuo Mercury on Xianjin Island also transformed into liquid metal, quietly rushing towards the ship.

Tianzhong Hg is an alchemy life created by a "sage", and he wants to resurrect the "sage" and let the "sage" turn him into a real human being.

The "sage," is an alchemist who has gone off the road in the pursuit of perfection.

It thinks that absolute power is absolute perfection.

so what?

Kuangsan stood up, spoke to Xiao Nasha and the others, and left behind Xia Yin.

Outside the cabin, the sea breeze was not weak, and Xia Yin held a telescope and looked towards the sea in the distance.

Kuang San quietly walked behind her.

"Calm down?"

"Yeah." Xia Yin put down the binoculars and looked back at Kuang San, but the wind blew her short white hair away from her, covering her sight.

Xia Yin gently touched the blown white hair behind her ears.

The little hand pressed on the right-sized left chest, his eyes were slightly confused.

"I don't know why. When I mention Brother Mo Xiao, my heart beats faster. They all say this is ‘love’, ‘like’, and ‘possessive’.”

"Possessive?" Kuangsan's eyes were smiling, and Mo Xiao could be able to make Buddha Xia Yin say such things.

Although Kuang San has special feelings for Mo Xiao, he obviously does not have the current "Mo Xiao".

The current "Mo Xiao" is not a complete Mo Xiao. "It" only has a very small part of his memory, and even his personality is quite different.

Mo Xiao didn't like to talk very much, but now he talked a lot. Mo Xiao was mature and stable, but with a different kind of madness. Many reincarnations were like this, but Kuang San Wei had that kind of inexplicable feeling for Mo Xiao.

He sighed imperceptibly, and Kuang San took the initiative to change the subject, "What are you here to see?"

Xia Yin raised the telescope and continued to look at the sea in the distance, ignoring the hair that was blown away by the sea breeze.

"I heard that you can see dolphins in this area."

"I heard the senior elder sister of the previous year say it?"

"Yeah." Xia Yin nodded, "I have never seen a dolphin in reality."

Just when Kuang San just wanted to comfort Xia Yin with a few words, a strange wave broke into the hearts of the two at the same time.

"what is that?"

Xia Yin put down the binoculars, Dai frowned slightly, "I always have a bad feeling."

"Do you want Mo Xiao to come?"

"...No, I don't want to trouble Brother Mo Xiao."



"it is good."

Soon, Ji Tuan Xuecai also ran to the outer deck to play around. They were even more excited when they heard that they could see the dolphins.

For such female students in the elementary department, everything in the world can arouse their curiosity.

On the other hand, Xuecai herself has been in a daze since the game, not knowing what she was thinking.

The Lion King agency was aware of the event that of course Xuecai fell and died, and wanted to send her back to the Deep Forest for a comprehensive inspection.

Kuang San had no interest in this either, and the only person who made her interested in this school trip was the "sage".

If the "resurrected" sage is very powerful, how long can the "sage" who is an alchemy life provide her with?

There is also the new blessed beast of Xiaogucheng, the "water essence of white steel".

It is said that she has a destructive healing power that cannot be described as a cure, and can return all existence to its original posture, just like reversing time.

"Returning to the original posture, such as reversing time..." Is this the law of blood-eating madly attacking the world, or the ability of the beast itself?

The various forces in the blood devouring raid the world have been chaotic to the extreme, and the ghost knows why it has derived so many things that are enough to destroy the world.

Is the upgrade process too eager?

Kuangsan was very curious.


Kuangsan returned to the interior of the cabin It didn't take long for a few loud noises and even explosions!

This made the students in the cabin very frightened, thinking that they had encountered pirates and the like.

Kuang San's hearing was very good, and he listened to the conversation between Xiao Gucheng and them without missing a word.

"Sage" is also resurrected again with the help of Tianzuo Hg...

But there is a little Kuang San can't understand.

Tianzhong Mercury went to Xianjin Island to find the ‘sage’s spiritual blood’. Now that you have found the ‘sage’s spiritual blood,’ then you still have a good time. Why do you have to go to Xia Yin again?

People thought he was going to sacrifice Xia Yin as a psychic to resurrect the "sage?"

However, the resurrection of the "sage" does not require a so-called psychic. As long as it is brought into the sea, it can refine the precious metals on the bottom of the sea and produce enough "sage's spiritual blood" to resurrect.

This is not taking off your pants and farting-is it unnecessary?

I haven't provoke so many enemies by myself, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Is the "sage" too arrogant and wants to swallow enough psychics in one go?

Thinking of another explosion, Kuang San suddenly understood.

This is the same as the mental retardation she encountered in Douqi Continent! Because of his strong luck, enemies that are hostile will be given a halo of compulsory intelligence reduction.

Thinking of this, Kuang San suddenly became clear. She was originally planning to calculate the ancient city, but she almost hit the "sweet reduction" effect, and the mere "sage," is not worth mentioning.

Thinking of this, Kuang San was relieved.

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