Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 8 Chapter 66: No one who leaves will die (four k big

Xiao Gucheng’s trembling voice contained unspeakable fear, and his squeezed eyes kept trembling. The ‘white steel of water essence’ still gains magic power here, but the speed at which it gains magic power.......

"Wow! Puff—"

A mouthful of blood spurted, and the ancient city of Xiao lost its connection with the ‘white steel of water essence’. Consuming magic power to a large extent made herself short, forcibly raised her head, and said to Ji Tuan Xuecai: "Hurry up...hurry up!"

With a "puff", Xiao Gucheng fell into the blood pool he had vomited before.

"Are you kidding?" Ji Tuan Xuecai hurriedly helped Xiao Gucheng, not caring about the blood stains on the opponent's body. The first thing she thought of was to treat Xiao Gucheng with her own blood.

When everyone was on alert, the sea was also quietly under the surface, as if the enemy Xiao Gucheng said had disappeared...

The school trip was temporarily lost. The private Caihai Academy prevented students from having any accidents. Let the teacher lead the team to visit the big company in Xianjindao Industrial Zone. They stayed for one night, and after a casual meeting, they returned directly. .


This disappointed many people, but there was no other way. Once they were bitten by a snake for ten years, they were afraid of the ropes. The fact that there were monsters on the seabed not far from the island of Xian Shen has been spread by the media for a few days. There were very few ships heading to Xianjin Island, and the pier was deserted for a while.

On the contrary, the aviation industry is even busier. In such a magical world, people are more inclined to believe in the mystery of the unknown than to take risks. Too many predecessors have walked the path of adventure, but apart from a few lucky ones, only a handful of them have survived.

People do not lack the spirit of adventure, but this spirit of adventure should be inherited by people with special talents.

Because of her health, Ji Tuan Xuecai temporarily returned to the High God's Forest, but on the contrary, Xiao Gucheng, which was hit hard, was still unconscious.

And Kuang San, also in a space prison, saw the "water essence of white steel" and the "sage."

'Shuijingzhibaigang' is more like a magnified version of the water demon, with female characteristics, the skin is mainly purple and blue tones. Kuangsan studied for a period of time and found that the "time countercurrent" of this product is actually a blood eater. It is one of the laws of world creation, and put it back under regret.

When the "Shuijingzhibaigang" contacted Xiaogucheng again, the fourth true ancestor, who was fed back by magic, could wake up.

After that, Kuang San looked at "Sage."

At this time, the sage is more like a huge golden human monster. There are many blood-colored spiritual cores distributed all over the body, making people look very uncomfortable.

The whole monster is extremely ugly, at least it does not conform to the aesthetics of Kuangsan.

The sage is actually the master of the ‘sage’s spiritual blood’, a "perfect human being created by an alchemist."

It does not need food and oxygen in its survival state, and it can continue to survive even if it is thrown into outer space.

"Master, it's a very good weapon, and it may be manufactured in large quantities."

"Hmm..." Kuangsan rubbed his soft chin with his hands, as if thinking, "This kind of alchemy life will be suppressed by the end black universe when it comes out of the blood-devouring raid world, and its strength will be severely weakened, so it will save its survival. ability."

"First collect a small experimental sample and keep it, and then use it later if necessary."

"I see, master."

After Xiao Hong operated the robot, he directly cut the "sage" in half, then released a large amount of precious metals, and then awakened the "sage".


The voice of the awakened "sage" has obviously changed.

"Isn't I zeroed? Don't the heavens want to see my perfect life form fall?" The sage muttered to himself, not caring about his damaged half body, and turned to refine and absorb. Precious metals in front of you.

The precious metal is refined into the ‘sage’s spiritual blood’, and the spiritual blood quickly replenishes the sage’s damaged half body, no more, no less, just right.

At this time, the sage has the mood to observe his surroundings.

The surroundings are dark and silent, and nothing useful can be observed, but the sage can perceive a deadly threat from the darkness in the distance.

That is a small stream of space storm, which can easily strangle the sage into nothingness! It's even cleaner than the zero return of "Water Essence of White Steel"!

"This is where?"

Suddenly, a purple-black unknown field appeared under it! The sage resisted fiercely, but found that he couldn't get rid of it at all!

"Master, this kind of alchemy life seems to have no time to absorb."

"Who! Who is there! Are you longing for my perfect body?"

For the first time, "fear" and "understanding" appeared in the roar of the sage.

Kuang San's figure slowly appeared in the space prison, and the sage was stunned.

What kind of eyes are they?

The tall golden body was trembling constantly. It thought it was the most perfect life form on earth, but what happened to the human girl in front of it? !

She just stood there without saying a word, enough to reflect her perfection! No, she is not perfect, but at least better than herself! She is definitely not human! It is an alchemy life or an alien, in short, it can never be a human!


Just when the sage wanted to talk, the girl seemed to talk to another person again.

"The City of Eating Time hasn't swallowed time, so get rid of this waste."

‘City of Eating Time? what is that? Is it the area under me? Dispose of it? Why does she want to deal with me? ’

The sage was afraid, "No! Please give me a chance, isn't it good to merge with the near-perfect me? Even if you swallow me!"

"Yes!" The sage's tone gradually became crazy, and he roared hysterically: "You should devour me! Let us go further on the road to perfection! Why do you ignore me! Do you think I am not perfect?"

"Swallow me! Devour me!"

"Damn it! Am I so worthless in your eyes?"

"The path of evolution is full of twists and turns, devour me! My wisdom will surely save you many detours!"

Kuang San glanced at the sage one last time, "This is the first time I have seen a creature that asked me to swallow it, oh, sorry, you seem to be denied by the City of Eating, and you don't belong to the individual creature."

"In other words, you are not qualified to be swallowed by me~"

"That's it, good night."

The girl faintly raised her skirt and saluted it, but the fear in the heart of the sage gradually increased, and the "City of Eating Time" under her body disappeared.

Why don't the perfect people want to swallow it? Is its body so bad? What went wrong?

"There is nothing wrong with you. If you can change this ugly body into a beautiful girl's posture, the world consciousness may allow you to follow the protagonist, but it is a pity that you are an ugly little boss."

"World consciousness? The protagonist?" The sage seems to have caught something suddenly, and instinctively desires knowledge.

Just like the curiosity of everything in childhood.

"what is that?"


After Xiao Hong did not answer, she flipped her hand to wipe out the sage's consciousness, destroying the spiritual core, leaving only one place of ‘sage’s spiritual blood’.

‘What if it’s useful in the future. ’

With this thought in mind, Xiao Honghou accepted the "sage's spiritual blood".

"Mo Xiao, are you there?"

Far in Northern Europe, Mo Xiao who was catching the vampire was taken aback for a moment, and he stunned the captured magical criminal and threw it into the ring.

"Kuang San is urging again? I still have ten on my side, and I will be able to..."

"No, you come back quickly, faint the ancient city of Xiao, and send it to the master."

"Xiao Ancient City?" Mo Xiao rubbed his hands excitedly, "Is it going to begin?"

"Remember, we can't leave the slightest trace. While the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism is not there, we must be foolproof." Xiao Hong's voice paused and continued: "There are also the weak chicken teammates of the master. You grab two at random, and I will convert them into the direct clan of the fourth true ancestor."

"Totally ojbk."

Mo Xiao cut off the communication, forgot to glance at the night sky of Northern Europe, and turned and stepped into the space.


Different from Northern Europe, Xian Shendao was late at night. Mo Xiao first knocked Fatty and Zheng Sheng unconscious and threw them into the factory building of Pan Continental Heavy Industries, and then rushed to the apartment without stopping to capture the sleeping ancient city of Xiao.

Mo Xiao did it quite secretly, almost fooled Kuang San.

Mo Xiao used the new anesthetic made by Xiao Honghou to kill the fourth ancestor of Xiao Gucheng, who was in a weak chicken state.

Inside the factory building of Pan-Continent Heavy Industries, Empress Xiaohong is drawing blood from Xiaogucheng, transforming the two of Little Fatty and Zheng Sheng into the direct clan of the fourth true ancestor.

As for how to change the technique, only Xiaohonghou knows.

Soon, Xiao Gucheng, who had taken the blood, looked pale, but still closed his eyes tightly. Without waking up, Mo Xiao went to look for "the blood of the pure virgin." After getting his hands, he fed it to Xiao Gucheng with a catheter.

Waiting for a bag of blood to fall, Xiao Gucheng suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils turned into the scarlet color of vampires!

Before the noble Fourth True Ancestor could react, Mo Xiao gave him another shot.

"Pay attention to measurement."

"Don't worry." Mo Xiao didn't care. "In the blood-devouring world, this guy will not die. You can toss it at will."

"Send him to the master, so I don't need me to teach you how to do it?"

Mo Xiao rolled his eyes, put Xiao Gucheng under deep anesthesia on his shoulders, and appeared in the third bedroom of Kuang the next moment.

Kuang Sanxiang had been prepared for a long time, sitting on the side of the bed with his arms folded, his snow-white slender legs intertwined, with a hint of queen style.

Mo Xiao threw Xiao Ancient City to the ground. Kuang San didn't look at the "prey first," instead he joked at Mo Xiao: "Xia Yin is next door, don't you want to talk to her? She misses her every day. Her brother Mo Xiao~"

"Forget it." Mo Xiao waved his hand quickly, "This hurts the body."

"Hurt your body?" Kuang San narrowed his eyes. "You never look at Xia Yin's photos, do you?"

"Puff--" Mo Xiao, who just wanted to drink some water to ease his mood, directly sprayed the boiled water from his mouth, splashing all over Xiao Gucheng.

"But then again, you don't have that thing, and you can't do it if you want to." Kuangsan stood up. She was very satisfied with Mo Xiao's expression, and the corners of her mouth pulled out a dark arc. Satisfied? Does Hou fit the girlfriend in his heart?"

Kuang San's little hand quietly placed on Mo Xiao's chest, and he touched it gently.

However, the object touched by the beautiful girl is like a mouse being forced into a corner by an orange cat! Stiff body, did not dare to say anything.

"Xia Yin is a good girl, I deserve you." Kuang San's soft little hands are like a snake, swimming back and forth on Mo Xiao's puppet body.

Slowly, the little hand came to the position of Mo Xiao's lower abdomen. Suddenly, Mo Xiao felt warm and comfortable, just like one of the few hot springs in his you want, I can give you a human body, and let you and Xia Yin live a carefree life on Xian Shendao. I can satisfy all the material needs of you and her. "

Kuang San spoke a lot more normally, which made Mo Xiao also relax a lot. Kuang San with all his dirty power was undoubtedly her most dangerous time.

"Let go of the arrogance that belongs to the reincarnation, take this place as the real earth, and accompany Xia Yin forever, are you willing?"

"I..." Mo Xiao's eyes were confused for the first time. He looked down at the beautiful person in front of him. There was no trace of emotion in his burgundy eyes, which made him feel something in his heart. The sharp pain of tearing.

When Kuang San created "Mo Xiao", he didn't copy all the memories of Mo Xiao's true spirit fragments to him.

Mo Xiao's love for Kuangsan, and even his belief in Kuangsan, and her heart, were all firmly held in her heart.

Some things, as long as she knows it herself.

The current "Mo Xiao," just simply regards Kuang San as the "employer" role. He still has the arrogance of reincarnation in him. He is used to the life of fighting, he...only loses the right All the memories of the girl in front of me.

Mo Xiao suddenly laughed, "Sorry, I'm still used to the life of constant fighting. If I were to live in this world, I would die of loneliness."

"Didn't Xia Yin accompany you?" Kuangsan narrowed his eyes, "Her personality is in line with your appetite? Is it possible that you still want to have three wives and four concubines? This is not a problem, Xia Yin will not care. ."

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