Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 9: Raiders 3 (four k)


Just by listening to the sound, you can hear the surprise, but the girl's smart and crisp voice has become Caiyue Suba's biggest nightmare at this time.

none of them!

This embarrassing appearance of him was seen by Emilia!

"Meow, meow! Meow!—" (Don’t look at me, I’m not Subaru Nayuki!)

Today, Emilya is dressed in home clothes. She looks like a wife with a full temperament, and she also happens to be the kind that Caiyue Suba likes. But the more this happened, the more anxious Caiyue Subaru's heart became.

Then what merchant system can really control his body!

There are tasks or something... Is this a mandatory *** option?

There are also people who sell cup noodles to another world at the price of five holy gold coins. My god, is there any sand sculpture willing to spend such a big price to buy a cup noodle that is not nutritious?

He had tasted the delicacies of another world yesterday. In Caiyue Suba's view, those delicacies are obviously much better than cup noodles!

Amelia was also puzzled as she watched Subaru Nayuki go further and further away.


The green gems on the chest shone slightly, and an upright cat-shaped elf appeared from it, standing on top of Emilia's head, rubbing the corners of her eyes with the cat's claws.

"Good morning, Liya."

"Morning." Emilia replied hurriedly, "Look at what is going on with Caiyue Subaru?"

"Huh? Is it the human male who was with Tokisaki?"

Parker looked around and saw that there was a perverted man in pajamas propped on all fours, his head held up, and walked like a cat. It's a pity that this "big cat" doesn't have a tail behind its **** and looks very spicy eyes.


Parker hurriedly covered his mouth with a cat's claw. It can be professionally trained. Generally speaking, it can't laugh unless it can't help it...

"Hahahahaha, what kind of sand sculpture is that? The kid is eager to think of cats, and is he acting as a cat? Don't say it, there is really a bit of charm hahahahaha."

Parker, who was standing on top of Emilia's head, hugged her belly, and tears came out of the corner of her eyes with a smile.

"Parker!" Emilia said solemnly: "I asked you to come and see what's wrong with Caiyue Subaru."

"Good, good." Parker unexplainably learned from the tone of the elf next to Kuangsan, and stared at Caiyue Subaru.

"Hmm...There is no breath of spellcasting, and no breath of curse, but from the trembling of the muscles, it can be proved that the owner of the original body did not want to do this."

Emilia frowned and whispered: "Did he do it?"

"He?" Parker understood, "It shouldn't be, at least I didn't perceive any magical aura, maybe there is something wrong with the physique of the Pleiades Caiyue."

"Is that right?"

Parker shrugged helplessly and flew to the "big cat" Nazuki Subaru alone.

Parker stood on top of Subaru Nayuki's head.

Nayuki Subaru: "Meow, meow!-Meow, meow~" (Brother, help me! Hey~ I don’t want to be ashamed in front of Emilia.)

Parker: "???"

"What cat language do you say, why can't I understand?"

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow" (how do I know that I am not a cat.)

Parker closed his eyes and sensed the inside of Pleiades Caiyue. After a while, Parker flew back again.

"Meow meow! Meow meow!" (Are you going to abandon me? Don’t, save me! Please!)

However, Parker didn't understand the earth cat language spoken by Subaru Nayuki at all, and just sat on Emilia's shoulders.

"It's still like that, except for the witch's breath, nothing else exists in the body."

Amelia's frowning brows never let go. Although the serious Amelia seems to be very cute to the Pleiades Nayuki, but...when will he change back?

Caiyue Subaru gave up the resistance, and the cat moved a little lighter.

Suddenly, he thought of the merchant system yesterday, and immediately sank his consciousness into it.

'system! system! Are you in the system? ’

‘Ding~Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System, ready to serve the host at any time. ’

‘Isn’t it saying to live with cat’s habits for five minutes? How long has it been now? How long will it take? The sound of Subaru Nayuki's collapse echoed deep in his mind.

‘Ding~’ This time the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System simply rang, and a countdown screen appeared in Caiyue Suba’s head.

Above... there are still two full minutes!

‘No! I suspect there is a problem with your timer! This is a fraud, I want to complain! ’

‘Ding~ The complaint is invalid. Since the host doubts the authenticity of this system, the time to change cat is extended to ten minutes. ’

'what? ! No! system! System brother! System dad! Grandpa System! I beg you! "

Caiyue Subaru roared in her consciousness, but this time, except for the two-minute countdown screen in her brain that turned into more than six minutes, there was no voice to answer him...

Time flies so fast that even Mezas put on his strange clown makeup and watched the "big cat" that suddenly appeared in his courtyard.

The chief magician of the Lugonika Kingdom also had nothing to do with Subaru Nayuki in this state.

This made Mezzas' eyes gleam, and from time to time he glanced at Kuang San with the corner of his eye, wanting to test him.

Then Kuang San also moved forward. When Kuang San's little hand touched the top of "Big Cat"'s head, the heart of Subaru Nai Yue collapsed.

It was enough to be embarrassed in front of the beautiful girl Emilia, but she was in front of Tokisaki again...Even if Emilia’s favorability for him declined, he might still be able to attack. Saki's! It's good this time... it's all to blame for his broken mouth, and the time to become a cat has increased by five minutes. If it weren't for these five minutes, he would have changed back!

My God, today is simply his nightmare!

Kuangsan stroked the "dog's head" (the fog) and smiled helplessly, "Sorry~ I don't have a good way."

"Meow, meow~" (Sure enough, the three mad generals are the cutest.)

Kuang San's smile remained unchanged, "I don't understand what you are talking about, but you don't have a magical aura, let alone a curse. I don't know how long this state will last. But..." Kuangsan Glancing at the flesh and blood of Subaru Caiyue's palms, a very small trace of vitality in his body was poured into Subaru's body, and the hardened palms flashed with white light, and they returned to the same condition as before.

"Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow!" (Kuang Sanjiang, you are just an angel woo woo woo woo)

Kuang San stretched out his hand and hooked, and Subaru Nayuki floated up uncontrollably, and was slowly sent back to the bedroom.

"You don't want to be viewed as an animal, do you?" Kuangsan's gentle voice appeared in Nai Yue's mind, "First rest in the bedroom. When you recover, just call me and I can perceive it."

"Meow, meow~"

"Sorry, I really don't understand what you are talking about."

"Meow meow!" (Angel!)

Caiyue Subaru's moved tears filled her eyes. Although she couldn't help herself, Kuangsan's approach was undoubtedly the best way for him.

Amelia, Mezzas and the others, although they are all out of good intentions, the more they are like that... the more Nayuki Subaru feels like a monkey in a cage.

Kuang San talked a few words with Mezzas, nodded to Emilia, and touched Parker's belly before leaving.

Seeing Mezzas walk away, the two sisters Lemlam also bowed and left, Emilia's frowning eyebrows were slightly loosened.

"Parker, did you talk about Subaru Nayuki, did Tokisaki do it?"

"Oh, Liya, why has your suspicion become so heavy?" Parker flew to the girl, "Although Tokisaki's energy is different from magic, that kind of violent and powerful energy is definitely not something ordinary people can control. Now. The more powerful and violent energy, the more impossible it is to be so silent. I am afraid that there is someone else who is joking with the Pleiades."

Emilia nodded, not talking.

Six minutes passed in a flash, until Caiyue Subaru saw that the countdown screen disappeared, and she was relieved.

He could clearly feel the power of controlling his body disappeared, but the power of the three imprisoned madness still remained on it.


Pleiades Caiyue tried to shout, and suddenly, the power to imprison her body suddenly disappeared, and Pleiades Caiyue collapsed on the bed, her expression on her face obviously relaxed.

"Thank you, Tokisaki."

"It's okay, do you need to come down for some breakfast?"

Kuangsan's voice appeared in his mind. Although Kuangsan's voice sounded so amused, but at this time, Caiyue Subaru sounded nothing more beautiful than this.

Thinking of her embarrassment just now, Caiyue Subaru became irresistible, "No, let me be quiet for a while."

"Rem has served breakfast and will bring it to you later."


"That maid with short blue hair is cute, isn't it?"

"No Kuangsan, you are cute."

"Huh?" The voice on the other side seemed surprised, "You are still the first person in this world to call me cute."


"Recover sooner, I'll come to you again this afternoon."

"What's the matter?" Caiyue Subaru asked, but the gentle and charming voice in her mind never saw her again.

Cai Yue Subaru sighed again, rubbed her hair with her hand, and stretched out her hands to look at it.

The hands that are fairly slender don't have any cocoons. In modern times, people who don't do heavy work have almost the same hands.

After being "turned into a cat" by the merchant system, he was supported by slippers on the soles of his feet and did not suffer any harm, but his "pampered" hands were bad luck.

A lot of the broken glass **** was stepped into his hand, and the pain in his heart has made Caiyue Subaru unforgettable so far.

Neither Parker nor Mezzas noticed, but Kuang Sanjiang was careful and healed his palm, otherwise he...


"Please come in."

"Kaji~" The bedroom door was opened with a small opening, and a blue-haired maid in a maid costume came in with her breakfast.

"Guest, do you want breakfast now?"

"Just put it on the table."

"Okay." The blue-haired maid did. "Are there any requests from the guest?"

"No more."

"Then I'll go out first." The blue-haired maid named Lem bowed to Subaru Nayuki on the bed, and walked out of the room expressionlessly.

‘Think about it, the twin maids are also very cute! Nayuki Subaru hurriedly shook his head, throwing away all the unrealistic thoughts in his mind.

Now he thinks about it! He wants to attack Tokisaki!

Although it is a pity that there is no beautiful girl who has not been in a different world, but obviously, Kuang San Jiang is called a little angel!

Caiyue Subaru secretly cheered up for herself, got out of bed again and put on slippers.

The moment she put on her slippers, Nagyue Subaru jumped forward, seeming to want to avoid something. After seeing that her upper body was not pressing downwards, Caiyue Subaru stretched out her hand to wipe off the cold sweat that did not exist on her head.

Once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was scared by the action of getting out of bed and putting on shoes.

Bringing a small wooden stool casually, Nayue Subaru opened the breakfast delivered by the To be honest, he has no appetite, and he ate late yesterday. This happened again in the morning, and he can eat well. After dinner, that's a weird thing.

But... when I thought that Kuang Sanjiang had called for him earlier, Caiyue Subaru swept away his previous gloomy look and opened his mouth to eat.

Actually... after Kuangsan said that Subaru Caiyue was back to normal, Mezhas asked Rem to prepare breakfast for Subaru Caiyue. Kuangsan just notified him in advance...

"Ding~ In view of the failure of the host novice guidance mission, the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System cannot be fully activated, now the second novice guidance mission is issued."

"Within five hours, sell the cup noodles to anyone in another world at the price of five holy gold coins."

"Success: Completely activate the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant System."

"Failure: Xiao Dingding is three centimeters shorter."


The fork in Caiyue Subaru's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Why come back?!"

"Ding~The five-hour countdown begins."

The mechanical sound in her mind was like the whisper of an abyssal demon, causing Caiyue Subaru to tremble.

He deeply remembered how torturing the feeling of hopelessness when he became a "cat".

Regarding the matter of becoming a "cat", there is no good way for Emilia, Parker, Mezzas, and even Kuangsan.

However, the punishment this time is actually Ding Ding three centimeters shorter? !

Oh my God!

Caiyue Subaru panicked.

What is the short method?

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