Tokisaki Kumazo’s Plane Journey

Vol 9 Chapter 10: Salesman Nayuki Subaru

Nayue Subaru was also forced to do so. As the chief magician of the Dragon Kingdom, the manor of Earl Mezzas was placed on the border of the royal capital to prevent invasion in the Warcraft Forest.

In such border areas, most of them are families struggling to have enough food and clothing. They have a meal without a meal, and there are a lot of slums.

Wanting such a family to take out five holy gold coins to buy a cup of seemingly fancy cup noodles is definitely a fantasy.

Caiyue Subaru also roughly understands the currency system of the Dragon Kingdom. Ten copper coins are equal to one silver coin, ten silver coins are equal to one gold coin, and two gold coins are equal to one holy gold coin. However, due to the scarcity of holy gold coins, the actual effect will be greater, and the price of copper coins and silver coins fluctuates slightly, but on the whole it is normal.

You can buy two apples with one copper coin. If nothing goes wrong, you can buy four hundred apples with one holy gold coin.

The price of the five holy gold coins... Caiyue Subaru was even confident that he would pack all the fruits sold by the uncle of the fruit stand, and there was even a surplus.

So how can this seemingly humble cup of noodles sell for the price of five holy gold coins?

Forget the poor on the border, the stolen goods of Lord Rom’s house may be tried, but the kind of place that wanders on the edge of darkness... Master Rom’s eyes are quite venomous.

A bowl of insignificant noodles actually sells for five holy gold coins. Nayuki Subaru can imagine it. If he said this, Lord Roma would definitely pick up his huge "baseball bat" and give it to himself. Give your head a look!

It's like a watermelon hit by a high-speed truck... That scene, Pleiades Nayuki can't imagine.

Therefore, in summary, Caiyue Subaru can only focus on the inside of the earl's manor.

As an earl, Mezzas, the five holy gold coins are nothing but a drizzle to him, and the two maids of Lem Ram... should also have money in their hands.

As for Emilia...should there be it too?

Where is Kuangsanjiang?

Cai Yue Subaru was not sure, but decided to try one by one.

After breakfast, Caiyue Subaru changed into his old-fashioned sportswear and walked inside the manor with a white plastic bag, hoping to find the so-called trading partner.

I don't know why, the manor is very quiet at this time, and almost no sound can be heard.

Caiyue Subaru first walked to the place where he ate last night. There was no one here, but the tabletop was cleaned up, and the figure could be reflected faintly on it.

Needless to say, it must have been cleaned by the two maids.

Looking out from the window on the second floor, there was nothing but the rustling of trees blown by the wind.

Cai Yue Subaru sighed and scratched his head with his hand, feeling a little irritable inexplicably.

"Where did all this guy go?"

"Why...push the door one by one? It seems impolite." Caiyue Subaru only hesitated for a short while and then became firm. He was more afraid of Ding Ding Sansan than being impolite. Centimeter penalty.


Fingers clasped the wooden door, and Caiyue Subaru first listened to the movement inside.

"anyone there?"

No one answered.

Caiyue Subaru twisted the doorknob and pushed in directly.

"Hahahahaha, brother, you can't scratch there, it's itchy, hahaha~"

What you see is a young girl with a golden spiral double ponytail, playing with... Parker?

She seems to call Parker again...Brother?

"Huh?" ×2

The blonde girl and Parker recovered at the same time, and at the same time turned to look at the man in weird costume.

"Who are you? Don't you know how to knock first? How could this be rude?"

Young girls with cute looks and luxurious dresses took the lead.

"Uh..." The rather embarrassed Nayue Subaru mentioned the white plastic bag, "I knocked for a long time and no one responded, I thought..."

"Why do you think?" The blond girl frowned, but this expression on her body seemed to be a lot more cute, especially the short eyebrows, which always hit people's hearts for the first time.

It's like... a fairy!

‘She seems to be called Brother Parker? Thinking of this, Subaru Nai suddenly realized that this fairy-like young girl is obviously not a human being!

"Do you want to eat the most delicious food in the world? Only five..."

"I don't want to!" The blonde girl immediately stretched out her small hand, and Cai Yue Subaru felt that her abdomen was suddenly hit hard, and she was thrown away directly!

The window was smashed behind, and an arc was drawn in the air that was not beautiful, and it hit the flowerbed downstairs!

Fortunately, the soil in the flowerbed gave him enough cushioning power. If it were concrete... he might be dead now!

Caiyue Subaru was angry, but then thought of something, she hurriedly got up, did not even have time to worry about the filth on her body, and hurriedly searched for the box of cup noodles she had lost in the flower bed.

Fortunately, the white plastic bags are particularly bright in the green flowerbeds, and the Pleiades can see the plastic bags not far from him at a glance.

Open, the cup noodles and potato chips are intact, thanks to the cushioning of these flowers and plants.

Caiyue Subaru breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced up at the broken glass on the second floor, angrily in her heart.

Even if it's his fault, you can't just throw him down from the second floor, right? People in this different world are too domineering!

"That... are you okay?"

"Huh?" Caiyue Subaru was jumped by the voice behind Why are you here? "

The silver-haired girl frowned, "I just finished eating and came to the garden for a walk, but it's Caiyue you..."

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" Caiyue Subaru waved her hand vigorously, seeming to want to prove that this little injury can't affect her.

"I'm sorry, in order to make these flowers and plants grow better, Rem added some animal dung in it."


"Should I call Parker to clean up for you?"

As soon as Subaru Nayuki wanted to refuse, Emilia called Parker, a cat-shaped elf, and sent a water-shaped tornado to Subaru Nayuki, making Subaru a happy spin!

This reminds Caiyue Subaru of the automatic washing machine on the earth...

After landing, Caiyue Subaru was dizzy. Although the filth on her body was washed away, she also turned into a soup chicken.

After regaining his senses, Caiyue Subaru did not "thank you" to Parker for the first time, but hurriedly opened the tightly held plastic bag.

Because of the packaging, the cup noodles inside were still firm, which almost made Caiyue Subaru cry.

Such a move also aroused the suspicion of Parker and Emilia.

At this time, Nayuki Subaru was holding the cup of noodles in her hand, and her eyes even flashed with slight tears, which made Emelia almost think that the other party was overrun by Parker.

If she remembered correctly, yesterday, Caiyue Subaru exchanged her badge with the contents of the bag.

But today...

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