Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 999: Younger generation


While Morinya was chatting, a voice suddenly changed from the other side.

"Ah, that one year old."

Inoue also looked over there.

In physical education, it’s not just the three-year students here. The first-year students also have physical education classes. It just so happens that Moriha’s class completely overlaps with the first-year physical education class, so they take classes every time Sometimes, we will meet together.

"Yo." Senxia, ​​who was about to go into the water, also walked over and said hello, "Good morning, Xiaotou."

The visitor was a little boy who was only a little more than 1.5 meters.

When the opponent came over, the other boys in Senxia's class also focused on the opponent.

There is no way, this petite blue boy looks very...cute.

The boy's name is Lianchuantou, a junior in the first grade.

The reason why the two are so familiar with each other is because the other party's club is next door to Xianshiyan.

It was originally a vacant place, but now it has become a place for the Pure Literature Club.

However, with the exception of the young man Toru Koikawa, Mori seldom saw other students entering each other's classroom. Normally, Toru Koikawa seemed to be alone. But occasionally, Morinka will see a few fashionable female classmates coming in and out, but to come in every day, Lianchuantou is the only one.

Senxia and the other party have a lot of intersections, and the two are familiar with each other once, and Senxia starts to call each other's name.

Well, the lovely junior Mori Xia mentioned to the other female classmates is Toru Lovekawa.

The height is only a little more than 1.5 meters, yes, although there is a mud bomb here, the boys who are more than 1.5 meters are still slightly shorter to be honest.

Even so, Xiao Tou doesn't feel like a shabby boy. On the contrary, Xiao Tou feels very cute.

Although he is a boy, Xiao Tou is very petite.

And unlike Morinka, Morinka can turn into a handsome son by changing his look, but it's too small... even wearing men's clothing will cause problems.

It is said that Xiao Tou even caused a commotion in the locker room during the first physical education class.

Well, but after accepting it, everyone seems to be able to accept it.

Well, it's better to say, I think it's very emotional.

It is obviously a cute boy paper with short hair, but I don't know why, but it feels more attractive than girls.

After the other party came here, he ran towards Senxia.

"Senior." After bowing to the others, the polite young man came to Morinia, "Senior Morinia, great, I finally found you. You didn’t seem to have gone before. The look of the department."

"Ah, there really isn't much time recently."

Because he has been rushing to the script, Morinka has no time to do other things.

Magical girl Lyrical Nanoha is not just a work, but a series. Morinka wants to make the Lyrical Nanoha series have a better start. This seems to be a simple thing, but after doing it, Morinka found that This kind of thing is not simple.

First of all, after expanding to 26 episodes, the original story rhythm will change, and adjusting the rhythm is the most troublesome thing.

In addition, regarding the supervision matter, Morika also contacted Akiyuki Nifusa, who is also very interested in this series. This kind of magical girl for adults is also a new experience for Akiyuki Nifusa.

Although Morinya would go to the department of the current research institute before, but now, Morinya has basically never been there.

"Is there something going on in the department?" Senxia asked.

"No, it's nothing, I just see that there is no one there all the time... Every time I go to the department, I don't know why, I feel a little lonely..."

When talking about this, Xiao Tou scratched his head in embarrassment.

On the girl’s beautiful face, two blushes appeared. The lovely scent immediately drenched the surrounding air. It seemed that even the entire swimming pool seemed to be filled with flowers. The scent of lilies and roses seemed Wandering around here.


I don't know if it was an illusion, Morinia felt that Inoue next to her seemed to be breathing heavily.

Could this guy have awakened some strange hobby?

Morika subconsciously took a step away from Inoue.

However, at this time, Mori Xia found that it was not only Inoue who was breathing heavily. The boys beside him, including Harada, seemed to focus on Xiao Tou.

"Well, there really aren't many people lately. Rena and Asagao are preparing for an exam, Lily is busy doing school trips..." Morinya shook her head.

Speaking of it, it seems that there is no one in the department.

So far, there are only four people left. Although there are not many people in this society itself, after next year, I am afraid it will disband.

Thinking of these things, Senxia felt some sorrow and melancholy in her heart.

Time will always move forward slowly, no matter how the author is, the 21st century will always come.

"About this matter," Xiaoto lowered his head a little shyly, and then rubbed his hands gently under him, "Senior Morinha, can I go to your club... to help clean up?"

"Huh?" Senxia didn't expect Xiao Tou to say something like this.

"Ah, I just want to read the book a little bit, because there are many books in Shiyan."

Xiao Tou looked a little embarrassed.

It's no wonder that although the Pure Literature Club is next door, there seems to be really no books there.

Although adding up a large number of literary clubs such as various detective literature clubs, ancient literature clubs, western literature clubs, etc., the number of books will not be small, but the pure literature club... there are really no books.

In fact, the Pure Literature Club is not a newly established club, but it has been abolished many times because of insufficient number of people. But how to say it, the Pure Literature Club has been intermittent and has existed for a long time.

"Of course you can! If someone is watching in the department, it is really desirable," said Mori, "and the Pure Literature Club doesn't seem to have many books. As long as you don't dislike it, please feel free to read it. ."

Senxia has no objection to this matter. After all, the room is still somewhat popular. A room with no people moving is actually worse for the room itself than a room with people moving.

"Is it really okay?" The young man leaned close to Senxia.

"Ah, of course there is no problem." Morinya patted the opponent's head.

Although he is a boy, Morinka feels very comfortable when he is with Xiaotou.

The other's face showed a comfortable expression like a kitten.

"Well." Senxia continued, "After class is over, you can go to my place to get the key."

"Hi!" The other party nodded, and then said, "By the way, senior, I made a bento today. I did a little too much. I don't seem to be able to eat it myself. After class, do I want to eat together? "

Yukino usually takes care of Morinatsu's lunch on weekdays, and even Iki sister, without the consent of Yukino, would not do extra work.

And during the recent period, Yukino has to prepare MUV, and then he is still in charge of a hospital game. The whole person is busy, so Moriha simply asked Yukino not to prepare lunch for herself, so Morinya has always been herself here. Eat in the cafeteria, more accurately, eat at the Sakano Gakuen branch of the White Bear Cafe.

Staying there to eat, really has a different flavor.

"Ah, that's okay." But since it was a lunch box for the younger generation's love, Morika felt nothing.

And this class is the last class in the morning. After the class, I will eat to replenish energy. It feels very good.

"Then I will leave first."

Xiao Tou finally bowed to Senxia, ​​and then happily returned to his class.

At this time, Inoueno came over again: "I really envy you, Mrs. Morika."

"Don't. You talk like that makes me a little sick."

Senxia stepped back subconsciously, and he simply sat on the swimming pool next to him and put his legs in the water.

In case Inoueno did something suspicious here, Morinka would be ready to slip away.

"But you really are, Xiaotou is a boy, what are you doing?"

Well, wearing men's swimming trunks, the chest is flat...Although the curves of the body are indeed very subtle, but it is not misunderstood if you look shirtless.

"Just because it's a boy!"

Inoueno shouted.


Senxia moved her buttocks forward a bit, ready to escape with water if she didn't agree.

"Where can girls play with us? Only boys like Tou are fun to play together!" Harada also leaned over here.


What you said makes sense.

"But it is said that Xiaotou is very hard in class. It is said that I receive confession letters every day. I heard that there are both boys and girls. When I stuffed his shoebox, I found it was full..."

Hey hey hey, Inoue, it seems that you just said something terrible? !

"Yes, in the previous track and field class, didn't Xiao Tou wore winter trousers? It is said that it was because his sports shorts were replaced with tight shorts for girls..." Another classmate also leaned over and sat down. Arrived behind Senxia.

Anyway...Is this bullying?

Senxia also thought that he had confirmed that there was no bullying here before. Then, would it be considered a face slap?

Although bullying is rare, it is impossible to completely eliminate it.

And from a regular perspective, it's really possible for a cute boy like Xiaoto to be bullied...this kind of thing is really possible.

"But to be honest, if Xiao Tou puts on tight shorts, it should be even cuter." Inoue blushed.

"Oh? Then you just have to go back to when our school was just established," Senxia said, "When our school was merged and established, one of the schools was a girls' school, and it was also a church school. The clothing specifications are similar to those of girls, and boys also wear tight shorts like this."

"Speaking of which, our school does have a church, but I have been here for so long, and it seems that I haven't been to..." Harada meditated.

"It looks like this is indeed the case." Senxia also fell into thinking.

Yes, the school church is also a scene that often appears in Galgame, but it seems that I have never been to this side.

As a game producer, is this a disqualification?

"By the way, speaking of the church, I heard that our church still retains the tradition of the merged school. It is said that only girls can work in the church." Harada did not wear glasses, but he subconsciously pushed the bridge of his nose.

"Oh oh, that is, only nun Sang?"

How can it be repaired, I have never been to such a good place!

Senxia suddenly felt distressed.

Obviously it is such a good place, I have never been to it before?

This is simply a big loss for myself!

"But it seems that boys are not allowed in." Harada added.


Well, suddenly I felt nothing to lose.


At this time, Inoue patted Morinka on the shoulder: "Minxia-kun, if it's you, it's okay to sneak in..."


Senxia jumped directly into the water.

Well, at this time, Senxia chose to **** wisely.

After swimming in the water for a while, Senxia climbed up from the other side.

"Huh." After snorkeling in the water for a while, Senxia really felt refreshed.

"But if I really want to say, I haven't been to many places at Sakino Academy..."

Morinia muttered.

The school is very large. Although Senxia has seen other school buildings from a distance, Senxia is not so clear about the situation inside these school buildings.

Now think about it, this is really my own loss.

Obviously there are so many places where you can collect materials, but there are still very few opportunities to see it by yourself.

After the physical education class was over, Senxia changed her clothes, and then came to the department. Xiaotou also came here at this time.


The other party also held a bento in his hand. After seeing Senxia, ​​he happily walked towards Senxia.

"Yo, Xiao Tou."

Senxia pushed the door open and turned on the air conditioner.

But he thought about it and opened the window again.

There has been no one here for a There is also a strange smell in the room.

And Xiao Tou followed Senxia, ​​looking at the bookshelf here like a curious baby.

"Yo Xi, that's it." Senxia turned her head and looked at Xiao Tou over there.

"Eh... Elor Hill second generation teacher? What about the author who has never heard of..."

"Ahem... that is not what you are looking at!"

Morinya quickly took the teacher Erdaime's book from the shelf.

……Who is it that actually put teacher Erdaime's book on the shelf, is this some kind of shame...


The college entrance examination is coming soon, I wish everyone a smooth college entrance examination OO~

Meow meow~

Sleeping, get up early and go to bed early~

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