Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1000: Is there such an operation?

"Why do we have to go to a certain eastern country to do FATE?"

After killing the FATE text, Nasu did not get a break.

He now came to a certain oriental country with his good friend Takeuchi Takashi.

Do the math, this is almost the third time he has been here.

The end of the text does not mean that FATE is finished. These scripts need to be handed over to the performance, and then integrated with CG, Liehui, and BGM, so that they can become such a game.

After the castration of Yiliya's line, Takeuchi's work as the original painting was also much less.

Hmm... he recently recruited a very useful newcomer, and almost all the coloring was given to the other party.

The result is not bad.

After Takeuchi got all the line drafts, he picked up his son and went on a business trip with Nasu to a certain eastern country.

Hearing Nasu's complaints, Takeuchi said, "Well, this is a huge market anyway. If there are sales like heartbeat memories on our side, it would be very powerful, right?"

"200,000 sets, I remember." When Morinya was inspecting here before, he also went to Volkswagen Software.

Konami, the developer of "Heartbeat Memories", once cooperated with Volkswagen Software and sold genuine Heartbeat Memories in the form of a supplement. According to the news received by Morinya, this sales volume exceeded 200,000 sets.

As a big brother-level existence in Galgame, heartbeat memories are definitely a huge mountain.

For a long time, a large eastern country has been the hardest hit area for piracy, but even so, Heartbeat Memories can still sell at a good price, which is really worrying even though the price is not very good.

Affected by Senxia, ​​Xingyueshe also feels that what they need to care most about is actually the audience, not the profit.

If more people can play their own games, this is what they want to do.

Of course, the commercialization of Xingyue Club was not for profit at the beginning, but for better game making. Senxia's philosophy is similar to them.

"Will FATE be ported to that reader?" Nasu also knows about the reader.

"Probably." Takeuchi is not very sure, "FATE is a masterpiece, and translation may be a little bit difficult."

The text volume of millions of words, but also to be able to restore Nasu's unique "Nasu Knot" and his unique literary charm, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

Of course, the reason Takeuchi thought so was because he still didn't know how powerful Moon Cook was.

Well, in the future, galgame will not become popular, but FATE is a network of players and enthusiasts all over the world, and the entire FATE series has also moved from a niche to the public.

The plane stopped at the Capital Airport in the Imperial Capital. The two people who had been here several times stepped onto the road here again.

Wang Qiwen had already waited outside. After they passed the customs, Wang Qiwen greeted the two people to leave the airport and then got in the car.

"Wang Sang, may I ask what happened?" Takeuchi noticed that Wang Qiwen's face seemed a little serious.

"Well, there is a little bit of wind...that's the policy issue above." Obviously, Wang Qiwen seemed to have only heard the news not long ago, and he was still a little frightened at this moment.

"Policy?" The two looked at each other.

"Shangmei Film's acquisition problem? Or the game side?" Takeuchi asked.

"The game is not right. To be precise, it is the game console. In the past two years, parents have expressed great opinions on the game console. This matter has been rioting. There are people above me who happen to know some news. It seems that I can’t stand it. Now, we plan to ban all game consoles outside."

Wang Qiwen shook his head.

"Senxia told me before that we should be careful about this. Although I knew there was something like this, I didn't expect it to be so serious...all forbidden..."

"It seems that our game introduction is not going to be..." Takeuchi glanced at Nasu next to him, who also looked at Takeuchi.

Because the strategy of a big eastern country is related to the above, they can't help this kind of thing.

After all, the game cannot bring much tax or create much value here, and it will also cause a lot of trouble. Of course, lazy politics is the best solution.

And they have no way to lobby, because this kind of industry as a whole is not something that a small company can do for Toyota or Panasonic. That's another matter.

"We will not be affected here. FATE will be introduced in the type of electronic novel." Wang Qiwen said, "Sinxia is really prescient. Although such a thing has happened, it has no effect on us. But in the future, whether it is DC or PS, I am afraid that there is not much place to stand here."

This is the most troublesome thing.

Senxia has always followed a conservative strategy, but Wang Qiwen is not willing to be content with the status quo. He has always wanted a deliberate approach and breakthrough, and even considered making the reader a handheld device.

But the real world is so cruel.

He had only been preparing for a business trip some time ago, and now he has nothing to do with this stuff.

"I remember Miss Iki came here before. Is she just to deal with this matter?" Takeuchi thought of another thing.

"I was on a business trip at the time and I didn't know the situation well, but after I came back, I knew the situation." At this point, Wang Qiwen's face still showed a subtle expression, "I don't know how she did it, anyway. After banning game consoles, our readers are likely to be erected as a substitute and model..."

Originally it was a bad thing, but after Morinya's operation, the bad thing seemed to turn into a good thing...

But when he thought that game consoles would be banned, Wang Qiwen didn't know at this time whether he should cry or laugh.

"This is a blessing in disguise. But don't everyone here will have no games to play in the future?" Nasu asked.

"PC is not banned. If you want to play, you can still play." Wang Qiwen said, "The only banned are game consoles."

"It turned out to be like this... Why does it sound so strange..." Takeuchi didn't quite understand what he was doing here.

"Actually, this matter... Forget it, this kind of matter can't be said too detailed, it's probably like this. Anyway, I don't have any impression of us, and there will be no problems with the games on Xingyue's side. Cough, it's not a game. Electronic graphic novel." Wang Qiwen repeated it after finishing speaking, "Remember, it is a graphic novel that is entertaining and entertaining."

"...Education and fun?"

Takeuchi and Nasu were completely confused.

What is this?

"That's it. Your novels contain rich history and culture. The stories of heroes in various ancient worlds, from the Mesobramian plains to Celtic culture, from Greek mythology to the European Middle Ages, are to guide everyone Good books to understand world culture Of course, some necessary harmony still needs to be done." Wang Qiwen helped the two of them with a lot.


Nasu and Takeuchi looked at each other.

It turns out that there is such a statement on the side of my own game?

"Our game... is it such an educational thing?"

Nasu suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

"Just talk like that, there will be absolutely no problem." Wang Qiwen said, "Anyway, I'm looking away. As long as our platform can go through the trial smoothly, anything else can be concession."

No matter what, let's live and talk about what the FATE series looks like... Let's talk about it then.

Although Wang Qiwen was slanderous, if Senxia were here, he would definitely complain about "God's prophecy."

Seriously, if it wasn't for the FATE series, who would know who the chief of Uruk is? How many people know Gilgamesh's epic? Greek mythology knows a little bit more people, but who is the Celtic Son of Light, and how many people know? As for King Arthur's words, it may be the most well-known among them, followed by Medusa and Hercules. The latter is known by a certain Oriental countryman, probably because of an animation called "Hercules".

Wang Qiwen didn't know that he had become a proverb, and he continued: "I have notified Animi about this matter, but in the initial stage, there will be no big problems."

Morinia took the red and dedicated line from the beginning, and the possibility of encountering problems is really not very great, but it is difficult to say what other manufacturers are like.

In order for his readers to go on the market smoothly, Wang Qiwen is also working hard.

After talking about this, Nasu thought of another thing: "Wang Sang, our FATE show has more special effects, can the reader really perform it?"

"The display of basic text and pictures is no problem, but the resolution and capacity of the reader itself must be lower. If castration, it is also necessary."

In fact, castration is not necessary for performance effects, but castration at the resolution is absolutely necessary.

The standard resolution of FATE is 1024×768, and the available resolutions are 640×480 and 800×600. The latter two are actually scaling pictures.

On the reader, simply zooming is actually impossible because the capacity of the cassette is limited.

In the case of capacity games, all they can do is to directly reduce the quality of the picture. Otherwise, it is not an easy task to compress a 600MB game to 60MB.

"I know that your FATE has a relatively large capacity, and I have also watched the demo of that game." Wang Qiwen has played the FATE demo. The demo version is actually an internal demo, so he also knows that the FATE series takes up the system. "Sinxia and I Having said this, he meant that if the capacity is not enough, the game will be divided. Three routes are pulled out separately, and a story is made into a chapter."

"Division?" Takeuchi and Nasu felt that their heads were not enough.

Why come here by myself today, all I see are new gameplay?

Director, what is going on, I haven't seen it before!

"But if there are three cassettes, that is really enough, and if it is three cassettes, maybe the BGM side can be castrated..."

In addition to the image processing system and screen, the highest price on the reader is probably the audio chip.

Wang Qiwen was originally responsible for the matters on these chips. At the earliest, Wang Qiwen wanted to use the same MPman_F10 chip that was released last year, but after he asked about it, he found that the price was too high. There was no way. I can take the second place and chose a castrated version, but the price is still in place.

Oh, forgot to mention that MPman_F10 is the world's first MP3, which was launched early last year.

"But if you can, I think it's best not to castrate. Our system is designed to be able to overclock after connecting with an external extension. Although there are problems with capacity, performance can be saved a little."

"Okay." The two shrugged.

The reader is currently under development, but the specific parts to be used and the design specifications have been determined, and the rest is not so difficult because the difficult things are temporarily out of turn. Still behind.

As for whether it has a long-term future or a bright future, it is all about the future. Now, Wang Qiwen's most important job is to flicker...cough cough, to make their project pass smoothly.

"But I remember that many games in China are love-forming, how can this kind of games be made into an entertaining and entertaining type?" Nasu suddenly jumped to the previous channel again.

"It's very simple. We said that the game is to increase students' interest in the classroom, so that they can love and love our school." Wang Qiwen casually said nonsense.

Is there such an operation?

Nasu was shocked: "What if it is dark?"

"In this regard, we will screen it again, and the rest is just to let the students understand the cruelty of society and the darkness of human nature." Wang Qiwen said.

"That's okay? You are messing up like this, do the leaders know?" Takeuchi was already calm.

" This is what Morinya taught me. He can talk more than I can. Anyway, I can always come back."

Well, as long as it can be rounded back.

This is what Wang Qiwen said.

"Then what shall we do?" Nasu looked at Takeuchi again.

"...Uh, all in all, let's look at the market first..."

Let’s talk about it first...


How many people only know Gilgamesh from FATE?


Also, don’t keep spreading the **** gay atmosphere...

Tomorrow the college entrance examination, I wish all candidates can enter their favorite school~

Meow meow~

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