Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1553: Monster Hunter on sale

"monster hunter".

This is a very wonderful game.

Before it was released, the game had already attracted a large number of people's attention.

Many people are attracted by this exquisite graphics and amazing gameplay.

This kind of story of fighting against giants really has a feeling of enthusiasm, and after that, the hunting of monsters also gives players the feeling that they really seem to be "monster hunters".

In addition, "Monster Hunter" also has the tradition of high-value appearance that A club games have always been.

When Morinya was making the game's character set, he used Mr. Guiyue's character set, referring to some of the settings of "Monster Hunter Ecology"...cough...

All in all, this is a "Monster Hunter" series that can be played as a gentleman's game with a mod.

Shuichi Ando was also attracted by the characteristics of this game, so he booked this game in the first place.

In fact, Hideichi Ando also struggled with Monster Hunter and Lelouch R2 for a long time.

Hideichi Ando liked Lelouch, in fact, because of the role of Nanali, which was mentioned in Chapter 1046.

Ando Hideichi himself has a younger sister, but to be honest, the relationship between the two is not particularly good.

Speaking of it, when I was discovered by my old lady, the matter was actually quite big. One of the reasons for this was that my sister bought the game I was playing.

He strongly suspected that when he was discovered, he was stabbed by his sister in the back.

Because the reason why my mother found herself was because she saw her sister peeping outside the door...

Forget the past.

Therefore, after seeing such a beautiful sister-like role as Nanali, Shuichi Ando always feels healed.

Nanali did not appear many times in the game, but she was able to poke Ando's heartstrings every time.

After being banned from playing computers, Ando was once a loyal player of the Lelouch generation.

It is a pity that because of this incident, Hideichi Ando, ​​who had no gameplay, was transferred to an animation party when he was in the second generation.

I have to say that this is a sad story.

So, my sister in the real world is the most annoying...

Pulled away.

Although entangled, Lelouch still appears in the animation after all, so I can watch it every week, but the first episode of Monster Hunter...I am afraid I will regret it for a longer time if I miss it.

So Hideichi Ando resolutely chose to book Monster Hunter.

Hideichi Ando chose the first physical collection edition.

Although I came to Akihabara early, it is still overcrowded here-many people are waiting for new works.

After all, it is a masterpiece of Agency A, and there are only a few people who don't like it.

After waiting in line for half an hour, he finally got his wish and bought the first limited edition of Monster Hunter.

Then Hideichi Ando immediately returned to his home and started playing games.

After installing the game, a monster hunter icon appeared on his computer.

Grabbing the wireless controller, he entered the game.

I have to say that the wireless controller is really great. After Shuichi Ando got used to the wireless controller, he was not used to using the wired controller with a "tail" behind it.

In fact, it is true. If it weren't for the existence of games with high latency requirements such as fighting games, the era when wired controllers were eliminated, I am afraid it would really be much earlier.

After entering the game, the first is the opening CG.

The CG of the A company did a good job, which is recognized. "Monster Hunter" was on E3, which directly shocked everyone else.

Today, seeing this content in the game is still very amazing.

After the opening, it is the content of the game.

"Monster Hunter" is different from previous archive games. At the beginning, it provides three archives. The player's game career in the game is also recorded on this archive. It is said to be an archive, but in fact it is more similar to some kind of career archive. The existence of classes, this model is quite common in the future, but it is still quite rare in this era.

The first step in establishing an archive is to establish a role.

There is no doubt about this.

Club A’s games are all face-squeezing games. “No Club A, don’t squeeze your face.” This is a ridiculed vocabulary of a big eastern country next door.

Hideichi Ando chose the sister paper.

Sister paper.

Must be sister paper.

It must be sister paper.

I haven't played the game for so long, and I just played the 3A masterpiece. It depends on Hanzhi's ass. He really can't do it.

And he also watched the video of the press conference—it is on Hatsune Station—so he was very impressed with the Kirin suit in the game.

So I can only choose sister paper.

After you have chosen it, you just squeeze your face.

The characters in Monster Hunter are all "Nice_Body", and the preset body and face are very good.

But Hideichi Ando is not satisfied with the status quo.

He decided to pinch a big long leg.

The default face looks good, but this is not Ando's dish.

He wants... Nanase Love!

Not to mention, the hairstyle choices in the game really have the same style as Nanase Koi. After choosing the hairstyle, the face shape is But face pinching is not only a physical exercise, but also a Brainwork, and there is not enough aesthetics, it is really not easy to pinch a beautiful girl out.

Hideo Ando squeezed it for a long time, and found that what she squeezed was nothing like...

"How can it be repaired..."

He shook his head, and then began to see if there were similar in the preset, and then adjusted according to the preset template.

Although it is also called "Monster Hunter", there are some differences in character aesthetics between the monster hunter on Morinka’s side and the other world line, because Morinka’s reference is to the painting style of Mr. Guiyue, and the original version. It's much worse.

But for Hideichi Ando, ​​this is good news, because it means that when he is playing games, these preset "Ghost Moon Faces" are very good.

However, with different styles, it is really difficult to restore the Nanase love that Hideichi Ando wants...

sad story.

After pinching for a long time, Hideichi Ando not only did not make Nanase love, on the contrary, he also pinched a character that was eighth similar to his own mother.

After seeing this "Monster Hunter version mom", the horror made him throw the handles directly, and then quickly covered his crotch.

"...Don't have long legs, pinch a childlike look..."

He decided to change his style...


Hideichi Ando debuted as a high school student in Chapter 1046 who bought the unexplainable.

The barrage environment is indeed not as good as before, because the threshold is getting lower and lower...

The second thing is ~

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