Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1554: First experience of hunting

"Why do I feel something is wrong..."

After squeezing it for a long time, Hideo Ando looked at the cute girl in front of him, and felt wrong no matter what.

Don't get me wrong, Hideichi Ando didn't think he was holding it badly.

On the contrary, he felt that the role he pinched out was indeed pleasing to the eye.

But after watching for a long time, he found that this character and his sister... seemed to be so similar.

"...Forget it."

Looking at the time, I have been obsessed with squeezing my face for a long time, and I haven't played any key games.

After getting the character, it's Ellucat's turn.

Ailu cat is an orc race in the game and the most reliable all-purpose helper for hunters.

At the beginning, the player will get an Ellu cat as an assistant, but in the game, there are also different Ellu cats to choose from, and different cats have different functions.

In the story, the player’s identity is a hunter who has just passed the internship test. The first part is the part where the player conducts actual combat exercises. In fact, this is a novice tutorial that teaches the player to choose weapons and conduct various types of battles. operating.

For future gamers, this kind of tutorial is a bit redundant, but for people of this era, this kind of tutorial is indispensable.

Because the number of games that people come into contact with in this era is not many, and the game of Monster Hunter, for this era, is slightly "advanced", so a tutorial to explain the basic operations is still needed.

After passing the "Hunter Exam", the player truly becomes a hunter. At this time, a male fire dragon attacked the exercise field, bringing a CG and story plot.

After that, the player started his own adventure as a rookie hunter.

After the opening, the main storyline in the game is integrated into the "hunting board". While hunting through different means, players can also advance the main storyline.

"Oh oh oh, it feels great!"

After entering the hunting world for the first time, the exquisite painting style and exquisite modeling attracted Hideichi Ando.

The GS version of Monster Hunter has more powerful texture, lighting and shadow systems, and the whole picture can still be seen through the current "big **** TV" that amazing feeling.

When Hideichi Ando played the game, he used a monitor, which was able to display more detailed pictures, which really made people feel that the whole world was different.

At this moment, Hideichi Ando even felt that other games on the market had become "beautiful goods".

After entering the game, Hideichi Ando chose Taito.

The Taito in the story is not the kind of small Taito in the real world, but also the "Nodachi" with a huge blade.

Originally, Hideichi Ando didn’t think about using any weapons well, but after seeing his character, he felt that the hatchet...No, it’s because Taito matches his character very well, so he equipped his character with He took a handsome Taidao.

Not to mention, seeing sister paper holding a big sword, it still looks pretty pleasing in the screen.

The initial task was not very difficult, just looking for traces of Velociraptors among the woodlands.

However, as the tasks came down, he found that the tasks on the bulletin board were a series of tasks.

It is an unusual thing for the male fire dragon to make a noise in the exercise field, and the abnormal proliferation of the speed dragon group may also be due to the influence of the male fire dragon. The abnormal increase in the speed dragon group also made the guild realize that the living space of other creatures in the wild was oppressed, so players need to hunt the speed dragon king.

This is the first little BOSS in the early stage of the story.

The Athlon King itself is not very strong, but the Athlon suits and weapons made of Athlon materials are very suitable for players to carry out excessive equipment in the early stage.

There are a series of missions about Athlon King, from hunting at the very beginning to tail docking and capturing at the back. These are all step by step deepening, allowing players to have a deeper understanding of the entire game mechanism and familiar combat style.

"Huh... it's done."

After creating a suit of the Blue Athlon King with Athlon materials, he felt pretty good.

"Next, go to fight the big strange bird, and then change the sword..."

The enthusiastic Ando Hideichi decided to continue to get new weapons, so he aimed at the big strange bird messing around in the forest.

Then... Hideichi Ando experienced the first "cat car" in his life.

It was killed by the monster bird, and then transported back to the base by Ailucat in a vehicle, which is called a "cat cart".

The strength of the big strange bird is not high, mainly because Ando Xiuyi fluttered, and the result of going up all the way was that it was pushed off by the opposite side.

"...Call, forget, change a map, go to the desert..."

There is only one scene at the beginning of the game, but after that, various maps will be opened.

He decided to go to the desert to fight Huangsulong.

"——How can it be repaired, playing Athlon every day, what kind of ambition is this!"

But after reminiscing, Hidekazu Ando felt that playing Athlon was not interesting.

I already have the Blue Velociraptor suit, and my goal is the legendary unicorn suit!

"Huh?" And at this moment, he suddenly remembered.

Although this game is a stand-alone game, it is not just a stand-alone game, it is a stand-alone game that can be connected!

In the game, players can also cooperate in hunting!

After understanding this, Hideichi Ando decided to go online.

In the online mode, monsters will have a certain increase, mainly in terms of health bars.

But the Internet itself is also a very interesting thing for players-in fact, in another world line, Monster Hunter first became popular in mud bombing because of its unique cooperative hunting .

The online mode of the game is also very interesting. There is an option for "hunting friends" in the game, where players can interact with friends.

In addition, there is a "guild hall" in the game that allows players to enter.

In the story, this guild is equivalent to the guild branch of the hunters. The performance of the game is that in the multiplayer mode, players can communicate with other players here.

Of course, this does not mean that all players are on one channel. The number of players that can be accommodated in each channel is limited. When it is full, the next channel will be opened automatically.

Now Hideichi Ando entered the Guild Hall No. 19.

"Huh? What kind of costume is this?" At this moment, the sharp-eyed Hideo Ando suddenly noticed that there was a girl next to him wearing a very good-looking costume.

Black, silk, and more importantly, high fork.

"Excuse me, what is your costume?"

The questioner was not Hideichi Ando, ​​but another sister next to him.

"Poisonous spider set." The other party replied.

"Poisonous spider mantle?"

Hideo Ando muttered.

This seems pretty good...


The author had a notebook to survive in another world before, but it was harmonized. In the early stage, I referred to the content of Strange Hunting 3, 233~

The first one today.

Meow meow~

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