Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1593: Scorpio

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After the teacher Erdaime's teaching, Mori Xia was suddenly enlightened.

After having the direction, Senxia is well-written.

The second generation teacher will take over the production of the comic version, which is also a surprise.

"Does the second generation teacher want to go ashore?"

Senxia was thinking.

Sitting in the office of a company, Morinka is watching the press conference on TV.

"Teacher Erdaime came ashore? Who did you hear?" Next to Morinya, Qianjia and Lihua, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, were there.

Qian Jia's face had dark circles under her eyes, and she was also playing games during this time.

Of course, she still has to come over today.

"Teacher Erdaime is a little interested in my new work." Mori Xia said, "And I invited the teacher to design a game before, and the teacher did not refuse..."

"No, no, it's just because teacher Erdaime appreciates you. Moreover, teacher Erdaime's new work, I have never seen her wanting to'go ashore'." Qianjia sighed on her face. "The teacher's new novel is also very interesting, and it is still a rare science fiction novel..."

"After all, he is the second generation teacher, isn't it natural to be so good?"

"I feel that as long as it is the work of teacher Erdaime, you will definitely say okay?" Qianjia complained about Morinya's fan worship behavior.


Senxia didn't refute, but his meaning was obvious: I'm just such a person.

"That's it." Senshi Ai yawned. He was also a little tired recently. Writing the article about the girl near the moon made Senxia a little unbearable.

Unlike "A Girl Falling in Love with My Sister", "The Etiquette of a Girl Near the Moon" is written in accordance with the concept of meat.

Of course, it is not the kind that is particularly ergonomic, but the content that is full of sultry and lighter feeling.

So in order to move herself, Senxia also needs to do it seriously.

The result is...Writing is hurting!

"Speaking of which, the first version of our "Borderless Land" will also be finished." Qianjia asked again.

"Fortunately, there has been a round of internal testing." Morinya said, "The current situation is pretty good."

But after finishing talking, Mori Xia said: "But the situation is not particularly good. Although Borderlands is still a success, it can only be said to be good. What specific things can be made, I will show the players. my own."

It's like "Second Life".

"Second Life" has been popular for more than ten years. Although it hasn't made a lot of money, as a work that can run for 15 or 16 years, the game itself still has some weight.

But "Borderland" slightly reduces the freedom of some players and enhances the rpg elements and gameplay. Although there have been changes, it still needs the first batch of players to build it.

So Senxia said: "I have prepared a lot of materials here. When the game starts testing, let the first batch of ‘players’ put these content into it."

This is what Qianjia has said before, so Qianjia is also very clear.

"But it depends on the feedback."

"What kind of content have you prepared?" Qianjia asked.

"The core thing is the content of character customization." Mori Xia said, "The three aspects of character, clothing and architecture are the core, so they are all involved. Considering that we need to use rpg and other elements to guide the player at the beginning, we will use weapons. There is also a design, but our system is a weak rpg design, which is not too strong."

The combat design of "Borderland" is actually very simple, similar to "Minecraft".

At most, it can be said that the combat system like some online game mods in "Minecraft", the characteristics of combat, are obviously not as good as those of action games.

This is not surprising, because the engine design of "Starship Voyage: Borders" is originally brand new, and this engine strengthens the constructive system. In the combat system, there is obviously no way to achieve better results. Up.

There will be gains and losses, this is no way.

Of course, if the player strengthens, it can also create a lot of very special content. But the consumption of system performance will be relatively large.

"We are now designing the space city over there, and after this is done, testing will start."

Space City is the only npc city in the game, and it is also a template for players.

This space city can be used as a template for players to design their own territory, so do a good job here.

This is not to say that the work thinks it is enough to build it, but it means that they must pass the review of Senxia. Only cities that meet Senxia's aesthetics can the project pass.

"Ah, it's starting."

At this time, the press conference on TV had already begun.

Lid children's shoes are now on the stage.

He is about to release his own game console, which means that the terms signed by the Order of the Phoenix and the giant hardware will be automatically invalidated.

As for compensation, it is impossible to have compensation. The hard lawyers are more powerful than those of the Order of the Phoenix.

This is also the reason why Moriha wanted to hire a former Disney barrister with a high Oh, yes, this barrister won a lawsuit in a certain port before and successfully made the opposite party bankrupt. Congratulations, congratulations.

At this time, the lid has already begun to release products.

"Um... Scorpio?"

After seeing the name of this product, Morinha's emoticon is very subtle.

The appearance is a little different from the Xbox in Morinia's memory, and the biggest slot... it is still the name.


Speaking of it, the giant is on another world line. Xbox has a follow-up machine called Scorpio.

However, what Senxia didn't expect was that the giant would directly name the product with the name of the constellation.

Okay, now it's the lid children's shoes that preside over the overall situation.

The children of Scorpio are born from October 24th to November 22nd. It is the time of "Scorpio", problem.

This... is it a coincidence?

Then, Morinya saw the handle of this machine.

After Morinia "borrowed" the xbox handle, it is natural that the giant hard side can no longer use this.

But Lii is obviously not the kind of compromiser.

Appearing in front of the screen is a handle somewhat like an "m".

Senxia can see through at a glance. Although this handle is somewhat like a Scorpio symbol, the basic feel is not very different from that of his own.

"After all, it's here..."

He sighed.

I just don't know, what will the final outcome of this giant hard game machine of the world line be?

Senxia is still quite curious.


So sleepy, the author feels that he is drained...

The second one is meow.

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