Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1594: Senior Jiye, please!

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

Scorpio will be on sale before Christmas.

Lid children's shoes also provide the latest ince system to Scorpio.

"Sony is going to break my brain this time." Senxia said with emotion.

Then he left it alone.

Waiting for change, see Sony act first.

As for Senxia's words... he went to see Ji Ye.

"You know I'm collaborating with Gang Damu on the character design."


"You entrust me to fill in the content for your website and contact the artist."


"You know it will be iket soon?"


"Then you are still looking for the news story illustration I gave you now?"

Ji Ye put down the paintbrush and looked at Morinka who was sitting in front of him.

This is Jiye's studio.

Morika was sitting down in front of Himeba.

"But all I can think of... who can draw that kind of sensuality but not artificial, you are the only senior Ji Ye!"


Jiye stood up, walked in front of Senxia, ​​and stepped on Senxia's back.

Ji Ye is the kind of relatively small girl.

Although it's not like Lily's "loli fan", but it also belongs to that petite type.

Although the weather has turned colder, Ji Ye, who is painting indoors, is wearing only a good shirt that does not fit well, and her feet are bare.

The small feet stepped on Senxia's back.

Soft and small...

The feeling of being able to eat three bowls of rice just by looking at it.

"Ah, I almost forgot, this is a reward for you, perverted." Ji Ye let go of Senxia and sat down on the sofa.

"Uh..." Senxia has a god, "I am not a pervert, really not."

"Well, I see, since it's not a pervert, it's a super pervert." Ji Ye looked at the tea cup next to him, "Help me make a cup of black tea."


In any case, it is Senxia who is asking for Ji Ye, so she can only obediently obey.

"Your black tea, Miss."

After all, there is a maid at home, and Senxia has mastered some tea-making skills under the influence of his eyes.


Ji Ye took the black tea, raised her legs, and relaxed on the sofa gracefully.

"It tastes good," she said.

"The illustration thing..." Mori Xia asked smoothly.

"Don't you know how to paint by yourself?" Ji Ye tilted her head and looked at Senxia, ​​"I remember your skills are actually good?"

"In the past few years, there have been fewer paintings, and they have all regressed." Senxia was confused with her conscience.

"But besides me, you know a lot of suitable painters, right?"

"You laughed, in front of Ji Ye. Although I know a lot of painters, no one can match your skills!"

Morinya believes that Jiye is the most suitable.

He does know who is not a painter, but how to say, the style of these people is still a little different from what Morinya wants.

If he went to the ghost head Mo Hong to paint "The Girl Near the Moon", the world would collapse, right?

Although you can find some authors with good style when making comics, if these people do the covers, they will not be so interesting.

As for looking for the original work, the situation is not right, because the style of Morinka’s side has changed from that of the original work. Although it is generally the same, the style of the original work cannot keep up with Morinka’s after adjustment. All kinds of subtle content.

More importantly... Mori Xia can't even find the so-called original author now...

"Huh, finally ready to take a break." She sighed, and then said, "By the way, what do you want me to paint?"

"Ah here."

The manuscript is here.

Ji Ye accepted the manuscript from Senxia, ​​and then began to read it.

"Huh... Are you a real person?" Ji Ye looked at Senxia.

"Nothing like that! It's just a coincidence!" Senxia said quickly.

"Coincidence... What about the maid... No wonder you were so skilled just now..."


"But this and the story are quite interesting." Jiye said again, "The story between Ogura Asahi and Sakurakoji Luna is very interesting."

"Really, you like it." Morinatsu breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, if you pretend to be a maid to serve the young master, it seems more interesting..." Ji Ye continued to make subtle comments.

"Uh... this definitely won't work." Senxia said hurriedly.

"Yeah, of course not. I wanted to write a book that was as light a while ago, but it was cut in half after three volumes. It's rare for me to spare time... eh."

Wait... you wrote that? !

Senxia Haoxuan didn't say anything about it.

But at the critical moment, he finally swallowed the words.

Good risk, good risk.

"But I can't write that kind of stuff..." Senxia thought that Ji Ye's condition was to let herself write this kind of essay.

"I also know, you guys who spend time with girls every day are full of girls. Oh, yes, so to speak, when you make male friends, you seem to choose that. This basic condition is more subtle. Do you want to use this method to set off your position in the hearts of girls?"

"Huh?" Senxia looked dumbfounded.

Axiao and I are good friends?

But think about it carefully.

The guys Morika has been in contact with most recently are Takaya Kiriya and Kenichi Aso, and they have eaten with the separated Saruto Takayuki before, but speaking of it, they...seem really...not as good as themselves!

"It's not that I'm too scheming, it's just that the beauty is too high." Senxia couldn't help but sigh.

"Unexpectedly you are still so narcissistic."

"This is not narcissism, I'm just expounding objective facts." Morinka said.

"Well, in the eyes of some people, your appearance is indeed very good, but if you are a classical aesthetic person, you probably can't accept it."

"The governor (Schwarzenegger) is old. In two years, he may have a beer belly."

"So you really know how to quibble." Ji Ye put down the teacup and manuscript.

She picked up the remote control next to her, then turned on the TV and turned to the news station, but closed her eyes again.

It can be seen that Ji Ye was indeed a little tired before.

"By the way, how is the website set up? I have helped you contact many people." Ji Ye said.

"Hi, the page design and backend are almost done. We will post the content next month. We have already contacted cm’s official, and we have reached a preliminary cooperation agreement. Later, if the author wishes, he can also make an electronic file."

Of course, these are not critical.

The key is that Senxia obtained permission to keep the file through contact with the government.

He has been authorized here to prepare to make all the past works into electronic files for archiving.

This archive will not be released to the public, but it will be kept as precious information of the conference.

Of course, for the average person, this kind of thing is a bit thankless. No one would spend a lot of money and energy to do this kind of thing.

But for Senxia, ​​it's different.

As a promising gentleman, Morinka's technical skills are leveraged. He is willing to help the conference keep files for free and free, and he is naturally happy there.

For Senxia, ​​this kind of thing also means... he can see all the past books!

This is the most important thing!

As for money and energy, is this still a problem for Morinia now?

Plan to pass!

Of course, Morinia also has regrets.

Because this can only get archived notebooks, but as for some limited objects, there is definitely no one here.

"Huh, that's not bad, but I don't know if the website will be popular at that time." Ji Ye is a little expectant, "If you can really convey your ideas to others, it feels really good."

"Uh...could it be..."

"Of course it is the pure and beautiful friendship between boys and boys!"


Senxia decided that silence was golden, not taking up this dangerous topic.

At this time, Ji Ye said: "In addition, I also heard that you are planning to expand external business?"


"I mean, the commission of the website."

Morinia’s website can actually be commissioned, and the author can adjust his own "service" options.

"There is such a thing. I think this website itself is also an external display platform for authors. They can post their own scatter diagrams to share on it, and they can also use this to attract others." Mori Xia said, "In addition, I originally I also wanted to give manufacturers a content to publish their needs. But later I felt that it was not suitable for website positioning, so I planned to open another website for this demand, but the basic content is common to the website."

"Is this useful?" Ji Ye asked.

"Of course it's useful. But I think the business is more likely to come from overseas." Mori Xia said, "The domestic Internet, I think it is quite subtle."

Mud Boom is a strange country.

The speed of Internet development in this place is very fast, but the update speed of Internet content is relatively lagging. When a developed Internet industry has formed in other places, the network here is relatively subtle.

Morinia can understand this.

It's as if it is difficult for a certain oriental country-style take-out to be installed in the lighthouse country. The mud bombing here also has its own national conditions.

But as an Internet creature, Senxia naturally likes to look at the Internet from the perspective of the Internet.

Since there is no other way in the country now, Morinatsu will naturally look overseas.

"Do you still want to develop overseas business?"

"Ah, it's mainly for Europe and America, but there are also people who want to develop towards a certain eastern country, but they may build a new website specifically."

Well, this website is not an 18x website, but the 18x content in this website is definitely not less.

However, considering the future experience of P standing in a certain eastern country, Morinia decided that if it is to be publicized, establishing a new "featured station" is the best choice.

"Well, that's how it is."

Ji Ye closed her eyes and seemed to be thinking, but she seemed to be resting again.

Senxia didn't explain much.

Ji Ye is not an ordinary person, she still understands this kind of knowledge.

So as soon as Morinya talks about the layout, Ji Ye can understand it.

"It seems that the future development of this website is quite promising."

"Yes, but in the future, facing the west, the new website will be temporarily separated."

If it is said that the biggest station in the mud bomb is P station, then in Europe, America and other places, it has the same status as station D.

The painters of Nihong like to post pictures at station p, while the European and American painters like to go to station d.

Although the so-called "cute lines" in Europe and the United States are scary, the latter is more powerful than the former in terms of 3D technology and the pursuit of science fiction content.

In fact, for many copycat works, if you want to be cute, you can copy them at station p, and if you want to engage in science fiction, you can go to station d to pick up pictures. This is basically the case...

"Huh, then if you want to find someone in the future, just go to the website to find it?"

"Not really! I like Ji Ye-senpai's work! I don't want anyone except Ji Ye-senpai's!"

Senxia looked at Ji Ye with scorching eyes.

However, it is a pity that Ji Ye still closes his eyes at this moment, and Senxia is a waste of emotions.

"Speaking of which, I think this "The Etiquette of a Girl Near the Moon" is pretty good." Ji Ye turned around and said.

"Yeah, that's why I found Senior Ji Ye!"

"But I originally thought you would use your sister as the protagonist." Ji Ye said again.

"I think being with Luna is the most orthodox ending. Although Risanna is good, it is not the best solution." Morinka said.

"Then why don't you collect them all? I know that many writers are hypocritical, and only choose one in the end, but you are not that kind of person, right?"

Senxia is decisive when he should be If a sister paper pounces on her, Senxia will never push it away, but will lock the door in turn...

"Because if that happens, the status of Risanna's unique sister will be lost." Morinatsu said, "So the best way is to choose Luna."

"That's it. It really deserves to be a big pervert."


When did I become a big pervert again?

Morika felt that her name today seemed to have been changed several times.

"But it does have your style, but what about my sister?"

"I'm going to follow this route in the comics." Mori Xia said, "The Rishuna route will be carried out as the route of the comics, and that part of the plot will be handed over to the second generation teacher.

"Oh? You also found the second generation."

"Well, this story is also requested by the second generation teacher himself." Mori Xia said, "The second generation teacher will completely reconstruct that part of the story, so there is no need to worry about Luna's problem."

Luna has a lot of weight, but if it is completely reconstructed, then there is basically no need to worry about this kind of problem.

On the contrary, the story of the younger sister can be song and tear.

As for the game, there are every route.

Mori Summer plans through.

"Okay, I'll do it for you, the cover, the persona, and the illustrations." Ji Ye opened his eyes and looked at Senxia.

"Ah!" Senxia's eyes lit up.

"Of course, there are conditions." Ji Ye said.


"Um... the maid costumes of Asahi Ogura and Luna seem to be very interesting."


Senxia nodded.

He stood up, then... first went and locked the door.


So sleepy so sleepy qaq

Today's two in one.

Meow meow~

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