Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1619: During the game

   met Kirito at the beginning of the story, and then heard the girl's screams.

   There is no such story in the original closed beta.

   However, it is precisely because of the plot that the game of Sword Art Online becomes more interesting than before.

   Kirito and the protagonist walked all the way along the map, and Kirito could still talk on the way.

   He will tell the protagonist that he feels a little tired, and the situation of the game is very wrong.

   Then, after entering the boss map, they met a girl who was besieged by a group of wild boars.


   After seeing this girl, Hideki Kobayakawa here was surprised.

   Because this girl has a pair of wings.

   But according to his knowledge, there is no such character in the game.

   is interesting.

   However, when the two people talked to the girl over there, the other side made strange noises, and they didn't understand it at all.

This is a sad story.

   But he heard that the voice actor of this voice is the very famous Mizuki Nana recently.

   The other party is not only an idol singer, but also very good in the voice actor world.

   This girl was wearing pure white clothes, and the clothes seemed to be exposed to a high degree, which immediately attracted Hideki Kobayakawa's attention.

   However, there seems to be blood on the other's wings.

   Kobayakawa Hideki guessed that the opponent should be injured, so he could not fly.

   Then, the battle began.

   This part of the plot is actually teaching content.

   In the process of the player's plot, in fact, the Kirito next to him also acts as a guide, guiding the player to the game.

   Not to mention, among the players who have watched the special episode just now, this is particularly convincing because Kirito is a high player.

   After learning the basic operations, the player can smoothly chop the wild boars on the opposite side, and then save the girl.

   It seems that the three people cannot communicate with the girl, but the girl suddenly uses some magic to make them understand each other's words.

After that, the two people knew that this character was named Alisha, from the outside world, because she was curious about the castle that appeared in the sky, so she flew here, but after entering this place, she found that it was huge, and when she tried to leave, Not only was it unsuccessful, but was also damaged by the outer enchantment, so he fell here.

   Because of the appearance of the opponent, Kirito therefore determined that this world may have really become a reality from the game, and Aincrad has come to a strange world.

   But because the identity of this girl is very sensitive, Kirito thinks it's best not to expose her. Although Alisha said that the wings can be retracted, Kirito believes that she may be regarded as an npc by the player, so it is not convenient to appear in the wild.

   So on Kirito's suggestion, he and the protagonist took each other to the hotel in the town of Inception.

   Well, this part is similar to the dungeon next door.

   But it’s okay, it's all in the same family anyway.

   After this plot, the heroine Alisha began to stay in the hotel, recovering from her injuries, and collecting information.

   "So it was her!"

   At this moment, Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly felt a sense of realization.

   There is no such character in the original plot. Standing in the original position of this character, it is a task board in the game that serves the same function.

   But now, this task board has been moved to the side, and the winged girl is occupying the most prominent position in the hotel.

   "Maid outfit"

   After the other party entered here, he changed into a maid outfit, which was regarded as working here.

   Seeing this, Hideki Kobayakawa almost drooled.


High season!

   Well, yes, Hideki Kobayakawa is a maid.

  His goddess, who was wearing a maid costume when she was working, directly poke Kobayakawa Hideki's heart.

   The goddess is now with Jiyou New Year's Eve.

   Heh, woman

forget about it.

  The game is much more fun than women!

   The young man threw himself into the game with grief.

   Blonde winged man Otome, and still a maid, can real women do it? ! Can men in reality do it? ! ! !

   They can't do it!

   "That's it, the initial task is to explore what happened."

   At the beginning of the story, after saving the girl, the protagonist followed Kirito into the forest again.

   Two people are to investigate external affairs.

   First of all, of course, to expel the wild boar herd.

The monsters in the story are still the same as those in the game, but in the game, the monsters will be converted into data after they die, but after they become reality, these monsters will gradually decompose. Kirito speculated that it should be caused by Ain. Grant himself was absorbed.

   Of course, this part is next to Kirito during the battle. Players can listen to it, or they can choose to ignore it and kill it all the way.

   But as a story-type player, how can this kind of story be missed?

   In fact, this part of Morinatsu refers to the light setting of Encounter in the Underground City. In this setting, the dungeon will continue to automatically generate monsters, and on Morinka's side, after being "realized", Aincrad himself also operates.

   Of course, this part of Mori Xia gave suggestions, mainly writing settings, but actually the staff.

  Well, it’s not even Kawamoto who wrote this part of the detailed settings, because he was almost exhausted after his previous attempts. Just doing animation settings will kill him. The game part is really no way.

   What's more, the game setting is of course to follow the basic rules of the game. The original people of Kawamoto are more influenced by early games such as online Genesis, so this part of Morinka’s future advanced concepts is naturally better.

   Incidentally, in another world line, Akihiko Kayaba as the boss actually has a prototype in the Internet Genesis. This prototype is a gm in the game, acting as a king in the game, and theoretically an invincible role. But after a server maintenance, this gm forgot to open Invincible, and as a result, he was burned to death at the gate of the city when he was engaged in an event speech with the player.

   followed Kirito and brushed two pictures all the way. They cleaned up all the wild boars around. They could maintain safety for a period of time. So the two took Alisha and finally came to the edge of Aincrad.

   Then, cg appeared.

   The picture followed Eliza's pupils all the way to the periphery of Aincrad, showing the appearance of the entire huge kingdom of heaven.

   This is a long shot.

   The picture continued to stretch, turning around Aincrad, and then the picture continued to pull.

   At this time, Hideki Kobayakawa discovered that this lens rotating around Aincrad was actually the eye pupil of a giant dragon.

   This giant dragon is circling around Aincrad, and behind the giant dragon, there is a huge floating whale tossing in the sea of ​​clouds.

   The final picture continued to stretch until it reached the end of the sea of ​​clouds, and then reappeared in Alisha's pupils.

   Alisha turned her head and cg ended.

   "Wait a minute, what was that just now!"

very handsome!

   Those giant beasts are so handsome!

   Hideki Kobayakawa was stunned by those huge cloud creatures just now.

   But it is a pity that the plot of this paragraph is not long, a little bit of content, and then there is no.

   But I have to say that this part is really shocking.

   "It's just showing off skills, this is what Musashino likes to do most."

The   cg part was made by Musashino.

   To be precise, it was made by a new club established by a company and Musashino.

   And Musashino's urinary sex, just like to show off skills.

   And, because they have never lost money by showing off their skills, they can now be said to be getting more and more waves. All kinds of new technologies are always blinding people.

  It is foreseeable that as long as they have not lost money, they probably won't stop experimenting with such dazzling skills and new technologies.

   The technology used in this part of 3D technology is really very powerful. Although it is a glimpse, the quality itself is also top-notch in Hollywood. In Hollywood, there are few companies that can do such 3D creatures.

   3d creatures are the most difficult to do, much more difficult than machinery or construction, and the effect is also difficult to do well.

   The topology of biological effects is very difficult, and the algorithms of complex organisms can not be described as "difficult", but "disgusting".

   Let's put it this way, even in a certain eastern country more than ten years later, if you want to do simulated biological special effects, you can't do it. Many people who do special effects would rather count water bodies than creatures.

   However, in this cg, the technology here can be said to completely surpass the previous Monster Hunter.

  Of course, so is the funding.

   There is no doubt that this money-burning operation is worthwhile.

  Because of this short cg, it completely shows the shocking feeling of that kind of behemoth.

   This part is not just about showing off skills. On the other hand, this kind of operation is also to open the gap between the game and the animation, so that players realize that although the game is of the same origin as the animation, the story itself is not the same.

   There is no Kayaba Akihiko in the story for the time being, but because of this, the players are also confused.

   At this time, Kirito also said that he was going to level up.

   At this time, the player has the option to ask the opponent if they want to form a team together. Hideki Kobayakawa chose this option.

   But Kirito would say that he likes fighting alone, and then wave his sleeves without leaving a cloud.

  啧, you didn’t say that to Asuna in the animation!

   Of course, he can understand.

   Because after Kirito learned that this world has become the real world, his whole person's state has also undergone some changes, as if he has become more nerdy.

   The self on the Internet and the self in reality are naturally different, so this is easy to understand.

   And the map on the first layer of the game will be fully open at this time.

   Although the game is a copy structure, but the structure is still learning World of Warcraft to mix and match.

   Therefore, after the player has finished the plot of the original town, there are several directions to choose from.

   These choices are completely free, and players can choose by themselves.

   But in the story, the game production team has designed a guiding small plot for every place.

   For example, if you want to continue to explore the forest, you can enter the forest. The tasks here are mainly woodcutters and hunters. The other party will say that the abnormal changes in the wild boar herd make the situation wrong.

   And if you want to go to the lake, there is another map. The reason is that some players discovered that there were murloc monsters on the lake where there were no monsters.

   The levels of these maps are similar, but the special items and rewards of each place are different. Therefore, if you want to understand the script, it is best to take these plots to one side.

  Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go through this part of the plot, so after exploring these places, the main line of the plot will be summarized in the game's maze area leading to the boss.

  The labyrinth area is a special area, because the boss is here.

   When the player level reaches lv10, Kirito will appear in the tavern. He will tell the protagonist that he has discovered the maze area and invite the protagonist to explore together.

   "Where is Asuna?! Where did you hide Asuna!"

   But here, Hideki Kobayakawa looked left and right, only to find that Asuna didn't seem to appear.

Meow meow meow? !

   Kirito, do you dare to bring Asuna out? !

   "Oh, by the way, Kirito and Asuna met in the labyrinth area, right?"

   If you say that, you can see Asuna later? !

Hey Hey Hey

   After laughing for a while, Hideki Kobayakawa couldn't laugh Because Asuna did appear, then Hideki Kobayakawa was killed by Asuna.

   Yes, Asuna was the gatekeeper of the labyrinth area when the story appeared.

   tried twice in a row, he found that Asuna’s swordsmanship was actually very strong

   After paying a blood, Hideki Kobayakawa, who has been rushing for the level, decided to upgrade his weapons and armor.

   Of course, he can also set the difficulty of the dungeon to normal or easy, so that he can pass the level.

   But, what is the difference between playing low difficulty and salted fish? !

In the early days, Asuna was quite powerful as an enemy, but after all, it was not the final boss, so the intensity was not particularly excessive. Although she paid a blood, she changed into a blue outfit, and after a little bit of care, she solved the opponent. .

   "Huh? New difficulty?"

   After eliminating Asuna, the game opened a new difficulty level, players can continue to challenge Asuna, and it is a higher difficulty Asuna.

   "Under the challenge mode, the player's level will be locked at lv10, and all item levels will drop"

   It seemed like a pure challenge.

   This is pretty good.

   Challenge mode has a good burst rate, but it seems to be more technical, and it should be used for idle players.

After    killed Asuna, the cutscene appeared again.

   And this time, Kirito was killed.

Meow meow meow? !

   Didn't you say that I was fighting Asuna? !

  Kirito, don’t you come to help when you fight, you come to grab your wife after the fight? !

Happy holiday

sad story

   Two-in-one meow~

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