Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1620: Sister, sister paper match high!

After defeating Asuna, it was a cutscene.

But in this cutscene, Kirito appeared.

Moreover, Kirito was not on the protagonist's side, but... on the opposite side.

You guys and dogs!

Hideki Kobayakawa gritted his teeth angrily.

But Kirito clearly saw the anxiety of the heroine.

Knowing that this world is the real world, Asuna began to give up on herself, which is similar to the animation.

But the difference is that the group of people who should have framed Asuna did not appear.

In fact, after this world has become the real world, people are more panicked than the original, so besides Kirito and others, many other people are still in a state of panic at this moment, although some people are acting. Up, but less than in the animation.

Because after becoming the real world, people are also physically strong.

In the game, high-intensity activities are only mental injuries, but after turning into the real world, the human body will be exhausted.

The most terrifying thing is pain.

In the game, the player can conduct continuous attacks ignoring the enemy's attacks, but in the "reality", pain can instantly make people lose their combat effectiveness. In the story, Kirito here also complained about this. He said that pain is a terrible thing. For example, if someone is shot on the TV, he will instantly lose his combat effectiveness. Even if the person is strong enough, his body will There is a natural reaction, so the group of people who are still alive after being shot in a gun battle is almost impossible in reality. The spasm caused by the pain is likely to make this person instantly lose combat effectiveness, let alone because of the bullet belt. There was trauma such as bleeding or shock.

In reality, injuries are very fatal, so many people chose to hide in the original town after being injured for the first time.

Fortunately, after turning into the real world, the NPCs in this world seem to have their own intelligence, and the town of Beginning has also become a real city. It is not impossible for these people to integrate into it. In addition, many NPCs teach Because of their skills, many people now choose to become life players-in this way they can guarantee their name and survive.

Because of this, the overall feel of the game is different from the animation.

Asuna passed out into a coma just like in the story, but unlike the story, this Asuna was already injured because of fighting monsters. At this time, she lost too much blood, so she fell into a coma.

In other words, even though Asuna was in a coma like in the animation, the reason is different... Therefore, there is no way to reverse the plot.

After Asuna fell into a coma, the protagonist and Kirito brought each other back to the hotel. The person responsible for carrying Asuna was Kirito. After Alisha cast the healing magic, Asuna returned to normal.

"Tsk, tell you to show affection..."

Hideki Kobayakawa had been captured by the gentle and lovely Asuna for a long time, but Kirito was fed dog food in this place, and Hideki Kobayakawa felt that his mentality exploded.

"But it doesn't matter, at least the lovely Alisha is mine..."

The winged human gold rice shochu in a maid costume is really great.

Then Hideki Kobayakawa realized that he couldn't play anymore.

What the hell? !

Not enough energy?

Oh, right.

When the physical strength is in the test server, it is officially distributed for free. However, this is a benefit of the test server, which is not available on the official server.

In the game, you can enter the map without physical strength, but you can't team up with people with the same physical strength to enter, and you can't get benefits from the map. Because of this mode, in the game is a practice mode, allowing players to train themselves. However, the training mode will only be opened after the player has cleared the king mode, and can only enter in a map similar to the challenge mode of Asuna.

Therefore, if you have physical strength, you can still play, but there is no way to advance the story.

it's fine.

There are monthly members in the game.

The games recently released by A company are all free + monthly card charging system, including the previous fire "Unlimited Boundary Line" also this model.

Hideki Kobayakawa bought the monthly pass immediately.

After purchasing the monthly pass, he received a new physical value.

Monthly card users can get an additional settlement benefit during settlement, and there is an extra upper limit of stamina and an extra bottle of stamina.

——In the game, players can also take drugs to restore their physical strength, but according to calculations, the benefits are not high.

Hideki Kobayakawa doesn't think there is anything bad about being a monthly pass user. In his opinion, the free part of the game is equivalent to a "trial", and the paid content such as the monthly pass is considered a formal game.

There are a lot of charged content in the game. For example, various appearances are a very important design. In this game, there are really many good-looking clothes.

In addition, there is also a home system in the game.

Hideki Kobayakawa noticed this system in the Krypton Gold series.

"It's amazing... there is even a home system..."

This home system is inspired by the production team from the other side of "Starship Voyage", but the content is different from there.

In the story, Alisha lived in a hotel at the beginning, and needed to be a maid to live here.

But in the story, players are allowed to have their own rooms.

And there are many types of homes.

In the story, the player lives in the hotel room from the beginning. The room can be decorated to a certain extent, but the hotel is very small and simple, which can only create a small and delicate feeling.

But with the krypton gold system, players can change to large rooms, or build businesses in cities.

There are many places to live.

The first floor is the original town with beautiful scenery and rich medieval style.

But if the story continues, there will be other places, for example, there will even be industrialized steel cities and frozen snow country cities in the upper floors.

Hideki Kobayakawa was close to buying a house.

——This does not mean that Hideki Kobayakawa likes the original town the most, but the player can move in the story.

"Unfortunately, the territory system is not open..."

The territory system is an advanced stage of the homeland system. This system allows players to own a piece of their own land. This system is equivalent to a single copy. It is said that the gameplay is very interesting, but there are many problems on the inside, so it is not open for the time being.

"Huh? Is there a plot?!"

After buying the house, Hideki Kobayakawa didn't enter the new house directly, but a plot appeared.

In the story, Kirito learns that the protagonist buys a house, so he suggests that Alisha move to the protagonist’s house, which is safer than outside and will not affect her working in a hotel.

Alisha seemed a little shy, but finally agreed.

"Um... so awesome... it feels so awesome..."

Ali Xiachan's shy look is really great!



Who is that?

Sorry, I don't know.

After you have your own house, you can naturally enter it. The new house system borrows from "Borderless Land", but more reference is actually "The Sims" launched in 2000.

However, after entering the house, Hideki Kobayakawa felt a little empty.

I always feel like something is missing.


No furniture!

Seeing Alisha standing in the empty room, Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly felt that she was not well.

How could Alisha live in such a simple room!

Um, buy furniture...

There are different kinds of furniture in the game, which can be manufactured through special furniture blocks (furniture coins). There are many ways to obtain this furniture coin. Players can do related tasks or buy them directly.

It's not just furniture. In fact, this home can be upgraded step by step through similar accumulation methods. High-level is also possible-only the relocation service has to be purchased separately.

Although it can be liver, it needs accumulation after all. But when she thought that Alisha would live in such a crude rough, Hideki Kobayakawa felt very upset.

So... he went directly to the gold.

Krypton Gold purchased a set of "Japanese New Year Furniture Set" for the game opening ceremony.

——Let Alixia sauce come to see the characteristics of our mud bomb!

Hideki Kobayakawa also felt much more comfortable after he got it here.

"Huh? The second floor is open?"

However, at this moment, he found that the system had issued an announcement saying that the dungeon had been cleared, so the route to the next level was now open.

While Hideki Kobayakawa was busy making furniture, the liver emperors were already heading towards the second floor.

"Go ahead first."

Although the degree of freedom of the game is pretty good, if you want to go to the next level, you still need to go to the main storyline to attack the boss.

The intensity of the plot BOSS is not high, but after the plot is gone, the game will have a large copy. This large copy has three modes: single challenge, small team elite and large team.

The third is the most profitable, the first is the most flexible, and the second is the most suitable for small groups.

This mode is the same as the challenge mode, which locks the character level and equipment level. It is purely an elite challenge.

Of course, if you simply want to play easily, you can also play the normal mode, but the benefits are not high.

After the plot, Hideki Kobayakawa came to the second floor.

The second floor does not have the huge cities like the first floor-every ten floors in the game provide a large city, and the others are small strongholds.

After all, even if company A keeps improving, it cannot do so many maps.

There are a lot of plots here.

It is mainly divided into three parts. One is that Alisha is very curious about this place, so she wants to explore with the protagonist.

On the other side, Kirito and Asuna were also troubled.

This is the main line, but it still uses the networked narrative structure that A company is good at.

And Hideki Kobayakawa was very happy at this time, because taking Alisha to go to the copy, I really have a feeling of going to play with his girlfriend-although in the plot, it is two sisters (Hideki Kobayakawa pinched Sister paper).

After finishing this part of the plot, it is the turn of the other side of the plot. In the plot here, the heroine Asuna has encountered a fraud group, and Kirito is helping Asuna discuss a solution, but there is no way.

After the protagonist intervened, the plot began to advance.

But at this time, several solutions appeared in the game.

The first is to run over directly, that is, to open a temporary copy, the second is to find evidence, and the third is to let Kirito pretend to be a sister to sneak into the investigation.

All three are duplicates, the first is directly PK group of people, the second and third both need to go to the outside duplication to collect materials, they are the same.

But... the plot seems to be different.

Hideki Kobayakawa's smile gradually became wicked, he chose the third one and let Kirito women sneak in.

Kirito was taken aback by this proposal, but Asuna and Alisha over there were very curious, and Alisha proposed that she could help Kirito disguise, but she needed materials.


Hahaha, Kirito, tell you to **** my wife Asuna, I want you to get embarrassed!

Although Hideki Kobayakawa also likes Alisha, he has all the choices at this time!

Then Hideki Kobayakawa collected materials and prepared to entrap Kirito.

"Hey hey, just let you... uh... it's black long straight!"

Hideki Kobayakawa actually wanted to see Kirito embarrassed.

However, after Kirito changed into women's clothing and turned into a black long straight sister paper, Hideki Kobayakawa immediately covered his heart.

Although he thinks Alisha is good, Asuna has a good personality. But don’t forget, what Hideki Kobayakawa likes the most is...Black Long straight!

And the Kirito who changed into women's clothing is a black long straight He can't see the feeling of a rough boy at all. At this time, Kirito seems to have become a real black long A straight girl.

"It''s a heartbeat feeling..."

At this moment, Hideki Kobayakawa seemed to feel it.

It turned out that it wasn't Asuna or Alisha that I liked the most...but Kiriko in front of me.

Although it is a boy, but... but this black long straight, it is really great!

But unfortunately, the story is not long. After using this character to fool these scam guys, the story ends, and the main line continues.

"Damn it, I want to see Tongzi's story!"

But not without.

Because after this part, Kirito met with his good friend Klein and went to help their team...

On the contrary, Asuna over there also said to temper herself, and invited the protagonist to join him, but Hideki Kobayakawa, who was attracted by Kiriko, felt that Asuna was tasteless at this moment...

This is a sad story.

"By the way, how will it be performed in the animation?!" Hideki Kobayakawa suddenly lit up.

After the animation, it should also come to the second floor. At that time...will there be a plot of Tongzi?

However, the new plot of the animation will take half a month to have...

At this moment Hideki Kobayakawa, living like years.


Hideki Kobayakawa likes black long straight is said before, I did not expect it to be so~


Two-in-one meow.

.. Writing Chinese Network m.

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