Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1788: Can't tear up Gundam by hand?


Old Xu’s famous work, the hero Jiezuka Inaho is very popular.

But the problem is... A lot of the content in the early stage of this work, Senxia has already used MUV.

Of course, in addition to this work, there are more aircraft battles.

For example, the round dance of angels and dragons.

It was dubbed the work of the third season of Gundam SEED.

"But now that SEED is so popular, the traditional royal machine warfare is probably suppressed." Qianjia muttered, "So what is your idea?"

"'s complicated."

Jagged Gundam is actually not bad, but in this era, the first season has a feeling. But if you really want to say Jagged Gundam, if you want to "have an internal taste", return it to the second season. Not to mention, the plot of this second season is also magical realism, and it is also greatly on the first floor of Hanoi.

But Senxia still doesn't want to stop, so he thought about it, and it's more interesting to have something special.

Although the elements of AZ have been taken away by Senxia, ​​good works don't care about the repetition of elements.

Copy your own can this be regarded as plagiarism?

Tianhai Yiji thought secretly in his heart.

Seeing that Senxia began to think seriously, Qianjia over there was not anxious.

She stood up and gave Senxia two glasses of blueberry juice.

Senxia looked at Qianjia strangely.


"It's nothing, it's just an accident. You didn't drink Coke today."

Qianjia has always liked Fei Zhai Happy Water.

But today's Qianjia seems a bit strange.

"Pay attention to your figure a little bit, there is no problem, right?" Qianjia said, "Freshly squeezed pure juice is better than a drink."

This is really the sun coming out from the west.

But Morinka didn't care much.

He said: "But I feel like Senior Sister, you have been very moisturized recently."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Qian Jia has indeed become more and more attractive during the recent period. Even if I don’t take care of it, my skin seems to be equally supple and smooth.

"I become more beautiful, don't you like it?"

Qianjia said, poking Senxia's belly with her toes.

"Okay, okay." Senxia shook her head, then drank a drink, thinking while watching the content on TV.

The most interesting thing about AZ is that the protagonist's body function is completely behind the enemy, but he uses IQ to crush the opponent.

This is also one of the core selling points of this work.

But it is a pity that AZ, which is advancing all the way, takes a sharp turn at the end of the plot. The heroine is married to the "heavenly yellow hair" who has not played the scene for ten minutes. The hero and the second man fully interpret what is meant by licking the dog and finally have nothing.

We definitely can't come this way.

In addition to this point, the most important aspect of aircraft warfare animation is philosophical speculation.

As far as well-known aircraft warfare works are concerned, there is a process of speculation in it. War and peace, development and destruction, from Gundam to Tianyuan breakthrough, this lofty core theme all exists.

But the problem with AZ's work is that there is no such spiritual core, or the performance of this spiritual core is not perfect.

AZ is about the future era. A man discovered the remains of aliens on Mars, got the inheritance of aliens, and used his authority to win over a group of people, get rid of the colonial rule of the earth, and then set up an empire.

Then at the beginning of the story, it was the scene of the Weser Empire, which lacked resources but was powerful, invading the earth.

There is not much humanity in the whole story. After the stunning opening, the follow-up story also lacks impressive and connotative content.

The depth of thought of the Gundam series has always existed. After the Gundam series, Tomino Yoshiyuki used the plot of Gundam to wash clothes and act as a drying rack in the inverted A Gundam, which also gave the War Gun Gundam some humanistic warmth.

Later, the decline of robot animation is actually related to this-the predecessors have already finished the speculation, even if it is fried cold rice, it is difficult to resonate, and there are fewer people who like the old tune.

Don’t you see, when resonance occurs, can IQ opportunities instantly turn into boutiques...

"Need a core of thinking..."

"Thinking about it? Is it necessary?"

"Senior sister, you look at those big-hot machine warfare works, they basically have a core. The emotions of the Zenith Stars, the life and peace of Gundam are all like this. The works of humanistic spirit may not be successful. It’s easy to become something with a moral sense. But if there is no humanistic spirit, it is even harder to succeed."

"That's also true, MUV seems to have it too." Qianjia nodded.

"MUV actually has two in this respect."

"Huh, two?" Qianjia was a little surprised, but Senxia was a little discouraged.

"Ah, the first one is AI and people."

Qianjia nodded: "I know this, the second one?"

"The second one is the dark forest."

"Ah. This." Qian Jia nodded again.


Senxia was a little helpless.

In fact, the most important point of the Mori summer version of MUV is the second point.

As a result, it seems that the dark forest has not caused widespread discussion at all.

On the contrary, people are more interested in the first point.

Especially on the P station, there are even many pictures of the heroine Huang Weiyi and the BT7274, and there are even some very subtle types.

For example, in some man-machine love works, the inside of Huang Weiyi's cockpit becomes the cockpit of mechanical tentacles...

While sighing that the world is going downhill, Morika also kept all these pictures.

Ahem... for inspiration, for inspiration!

"So in this place, we also need a core." Senxia returned to the present.

"What's the core?"

After hearing Morinka's words, Qianjia here was also interested.

Senxia analyzed it step by step. Such a structured content made Qianjia also interested.

"I didn't think about it."

"You are going to die!"

Qianjia rolled her eyes and poked Senxia in the stomach with her toes.

It was as if a plate of braised pork was placed in front of you, but when it was about to start, it was stopped by the chef, saying that it hadn't been done yet, and that it had to be cooked again before eating.

It's unbearable.

"I really didn't think about it." Senxia felt helpless.

He really didn't think much.

"I thought about the selling point of the work, but I'm still thinking about it inside."

"Selling point? Tell me." Qian Jia took a sip of blueberry juice.

"Yes." Morika said, "In this story, I plan to make the protagonist's body performance completely lag behind the enemy, and then use strategy to solve the opponent."

"Oh, it's really funny, it's completely anti-routine." Qianjia nodded.

In Gundam SEED, the protagonist’s body is actually not particularly superior to the enemy at the beginning of the story, but the protagonist’s painting and other factors make the machine itself feel like a standout.

In fact, this is also a business need-consortium B wants to eat well, why is the protagonist not strong?

Morinka is doing animation here. If you don't consider selling plastic, you really don't need to be restrained.

"On the surface, it's just a counter-routine, but in fact it's still the same, it's all about'win the strong with the weak.'

"Huh?" Qianjia thought for a while, and then she understood, "Wisdom to win is to use strategy to defeat the strong. In the current animation, Kira has only one machine and the enemy is a group of troops. This is based on tactics. The weak beat the strong..."

That's really it.

"Yes." Mori Xia said, "In fact, this is the essential core of all similar wonderful dramas. What the audience sees is that the protagonist uses a series of methods to turn defeat into victory."

From the author's point of view, this is the core.

"The most important thing about the story is the plot. The most important thing about cute works is the daily life, and the others are all seasonings. In combat works such as aircraft warfare, the most important contradiction is the victory or defeat. Through a series of plans to defeat the opponent and achieve victory, this is The best method." Senxia said.

Qianjia understood Morinatsu at once: "I thought of the Gundam works in the Gaiden series before. The protagonists are usually small people, and there is no particularly powerful robot to manipulate. Therefore, our protagonist here is a mass production machine. ?"

Launched a dedicated machine for mass production.

This is pretty good.

But then Qianjia thought of MUV. Huang Weiyi inside did just that.

MUV Moonfall and subsequent works are animated, and MUV Moonfall will have new works and new movies next year.

Of course, the movie is mainly about visual feasts and aliens, so I won’t say too much about it.

"This is the most appropriate." Morinya said, "Did you let the protagonist not turn on the armor... eh, wait."

Senxia suddenly felt... as if this was all right!

"Doesn't boot armor?"

"You said, our protagonist doesn't turn on the armor, and specifically looks for the weaknesses of the armor, and then how about manual blasting?"

Shredded Gundam Inaho (AZ protagonist)... It seems interesting too.


"Hands torn up the Gundam." Morinka said again, "isn't it fun?"

There is another work in Senxia's mind. This work is the work of the legendary typewriter Hippo, called "Reloading Weapons". There is no Gundam in this work, but the battle relies on a huge battle fortress. Only such battle fortresses can fight each other, but the male protagonist can find their weaknesses and then kill them.


"Although it sounds interesting, even if it is on fire, it will definitely be applauded." Qianjia shook her head at this time. "A robot like Gundam is actually an extension of the body itself, Morinka, this is romantic. La! In front of romance, rationality is stepped aside!"


Senxia himself realized the problem.

Only Magical Girl can fight Gundam. Kamen Rider is the only one who can fight against mobile suits.

An ordinary person appears and fights the machine with his body, which may make the work popular.

But... it's just a fire.

Because it is not romantic enough.

Why must we wander around with the earth?

It's simple, because it's cool!

It is a man who is about to drive up to.

Wear a belt if you don't open the Gundam.

"It's impossible to really turn the protagonist into a masked superman to fight Gundam..."

This idea is quite interesting.

But it's just creativity.

"Sure enough, it's still a mass production machine?" Qianjia asked.

"Or we just let the protagonist just open the battleship." Morinya said, "Commanding Gundam battle is also good..."

"Isn't this Lelouch?"


Mori summer embarrassing has a god.

Well, the road was killed by myself.

In fact, there are already a lot of related mecha works Morinatsu here.

However, the so-called "robot animation" can last for less than ten years.

After that, the entire series will enter a relatively sluggish stage.

If you don't take advantage of this golden age to release two more interesting works, Senxia will not be reconciled.

Senxia fell into entanglement.

He took out his notebook and began to look at his previous brain holes or some thoughts left before.

The corners of Senxia's concentrated work here, Qianjia's mouth curled up.

She did not continue to provide Senxia with new suggestions, nor did she continue to ask Senxia's thoughts, but watched quietly.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked.

"Nothing~" Qianjia smiled.

"Definitely." Senxia raised her brows.

"It's okay." Qianjia waved her hand. "It's just that you are finally cheering up when you see Morinya, a little bit happy."

Because of Yukino's going to study abroad, Moriha has always looked like a salted fish until just now.

However, after having a good chat with Qianjia, Morinha now has a lot of energy.

Senxia was shocked.

But after seeing Qianjia's smile, he suddenly realized.

Since Qianjia chatted with herself before, she has been guiding herself to cheer up.

"Thanks, senpai." Senxia patted her cheek and finally cheered up.

"Well, that's fine, Xue Nai is in the lighthouse country, and I don't want to see a decadent brother~"

"Yeah, I still have a dream to realize! How can I fail here!"

Morika started to mobilize her brain to think.

Seeing Morinia like this, Qianjia also showed a sincere smile.


"Let's go out and stroll, think about it next time, how about?"


Gundam is not a late night show, so it's actually not very late now.

It's just that Senxia's sudden request made Qianjia a little embarrassed.

"That—you see—if it’s just ordinary production, of course there is no problem. But aren’t we going to do something valuable and interesting?"

The magic change must also follow the basic The magic change is not random change...

The most widely circulated works of AZ are "Orange Triple IQ" and "Nuclear Blast Divine Comedy".

Although the plot is interesting, but because of the last minute drop of the chain, the whole film becomes stinking.

It can be said that how exciting the story is, and how stinky the audience is when they are fed to Yoneda.

If it's just to change the ending, of course it's simple. Morinka also believes that this work can be refreshing.

But more words are more subtle.

Because Senxia wanted to embed a kernel inside, and then adjust the part of the story.

Just fine-tuning or something, it is no longer what Morinia is pursuing now. He wants to sublimate the theme while making up for regrets.

And the result is that Morinia feels that she is a little bit of a joke now...

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