Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1789: Games watched and games played

Gundam SEED was in the superb hit, and even many people around Senxia became interested in it.

Although the future enthusiasm of the machine warfare series fades, Gundam is a national theme. Even in the era when the future machine warfare series has fallen, Gundam is still able to prevail.

However, the pure machine combat series has become more and more niche. Various other elements in the work have begun to increase, and fewer people are interested because of the robot itself.

Of course, there are still audiences, and the rubber guys will tell everyone that the battle of fighters has never gone far.

Morinia is not optimistic about the future development of the machine combat series.

However, this does not mean that it is not optimistic now, nor does it mean that Senxia has given up.

Feng Shui turns around.

The gadget has reached a more distant future, is this series popular again?

Aesthetics is a cycle.

Sometimes just focus on the present.

After Yukino went to study abroad, Morinya deeply realized this.

And more importantly, as a house, is fraternity wrong? !

"I don't know what's going on with Yukino."

Just after saying this, Senxia was poked in the waist by Qianjia.

"I brought you here just to bring you some inspiration."

"Ahem, I just miss Xue Nai a little, and I don't know how she is."

Senxia smiled wryly.

The two were in the car, Xiyan was driving.

Sitting in front was Lihua who was sleeping.

Now Shiyan’s work barely caught up with the progress of going to CM. It just so happened that Morinka ran out of inspiration when thinking about AZ, so Qianjia simply suggested that everyone go to a hot spring and relax.

In this case, there may be inspiration or something.

"Ha~" Lihua in front yawned again.

"Are you feeling well?" Senxia changed the subject.

"Huh? Ah, no." Lihua shook her head, "It's just that I watched the live broadcast last night and it turned out to be a bit too much."

"Live broadcast." Qianjia seemed to understand, "I heard that the traffic is pretty good now, right?"

This aspect is not managed by Qianjia, so she is not very clear.

"Yeah." Senxia said, "After the fleet collection started its formal operation, the number of people has suddenly increased in the past few days."

The number of people watching live broadcasts on the Internet these days is really quite large.

Unfortunately, the retention is not too high.

Due to bandwidth issues and processor performance issues these years, the live broadcast quality cannot be set to a high level. In this case, the viewing experience of some games is not very good.

"But the driving effect is obvious." Lihua said, "In fact, there was this trend in the past few months. Some well-watched games are very popular with the audience."

But when it comes to this, Lihua is a little strange: "But after these games are made into videos, they don't seem to be very popular. On the contrary, there are other games that were not watched during the live broadcast, and they worked well after being made into videos. Of course, anyway, for these games themselves, the effect is still very good."

"Because some games are suitable for live broadcasting, some games are suitable for recording, and some are suitable for playing by yourself. Game makers may not consider these, but as a video site, Hatsune Station definitely needs to be considered." Morinya explained.

There are many kinds of games, but when it comes to playing effects, they are really subtle.

One is the type that looks interesting but it is harder to get started; the other is the type that is interesting to watch live, but the sense of presence is lost when watching the recording; the other is that it is fun to play, but whether it is live or recorded , They all feel the same type as plain water.

The typical game is P Club. Most of P Club's games are strategy games, such as King of the Crusades, Victoria, Iron Ambition, etc. Many emergencies and players' jokes are very interesting, but you can play by yourself. There are two situations, one is a black eye, the other is a whole day. But no matter what, watching the live broadcast is actually quite boring, because the process is stinky and long. On the contrary, if you edit the content and let some interesting events be linked together to watch, you will find that these events are actually so interesting.

Another example is the game card draw, which is more interesting than typical live broadcasts.

Online rollover or something, super touch.

"Is the game classified? Well, I remembered it."

Lihua took out the notebook and began to make a simple classification according to what Morinya said.

These categories mean the strategy of video sites.

However, video sites also have their limits. Some content is actually not well done at Hatsune Station.

But Senxia is not very clear about this, so let everyone explore it for themselves.

Sometimes it's a bad thing not to hit the wall.

Qian Jia took out his handheld and started playing MUV at this time.

MUV has also been transplanted for handhelds, but the visual effects are not very good, but it is good to have such effects on handhelds.

"It's nice to have a power bank." Qianjia was very happy.

The battery life of this handheld is actually not very good.

But there is a mobile power supply in Qianjia’s bag that can’t stand.

The power bank developed by Senxia is simply an artifact in Qianjia's view.

"Of course." Senxia was quite proud.

Why will replaceable batteries be eliminated?

Not only because of the involvement, but also because of the emergence of mobile power, so that people's demand for replaceable batteries has become smaller and smaller.

Of course, this "urine bag" is indeed inconvenient sometimes, but it can't stand the end of the product's battery life.

It's not that battery life is not important, but that when you travel, there are two completely different experiences with and without a power bank.

"I'm quite curious about how you came up with this thing." Qianjia said.

"Well, according to certain feminine products."

Senxia smiled maliciously.

Qianjia didn't know why at first.

But soon she realized what Senxia was talking about.

She didn't say anything, just grabbed the flesh of Senxia's waist, just twisted it.

"Wow ah ah ah ah!!!"

Senxia wailed.

"Violence opposed!" Senxia was curled up all over by Qianjia's trouble.

"You guy has become more and more courageous It's the senior sister, your temper is getting bigger and bigger."


Lihua, who was sitting in the front row, was originally sleepy, but when she heard the flirting and scolding of the two behind, she felt as if she could not fall asleep...

Lihua turned her head and looked out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

Qianjia and Senxia over there tossed for a while, and then recovered their peace.

Qian Jia continued to pick up the handheld and started tossing, but because of the relationship in the car, she felt dizzy after playing for a while, so she had to stop again.

After a short while, the car slowly stopped. The destination is here.


The character card I wrote before was a little dizzy, and he flew the iron-blooded Gang Ma. It has been adjusted. The iron-blooded belongs to Gang Ma, not on the first floor of Hanoi.

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